Past Predictions [ Page 2 ] 2-02 on..

2-3-02 am Service

For truly the whole world shall know of my glory. They shall see my mighty hand at work. No matter where they look, no matter where they live, they shall see my hand at work and they shall know, oh yes, they shall know in their heart that the time is very late. That there is a shortness of time, even though those that walk in a religious circle will say, oh, there is lots of time, that is not so, sayeth your Father. For many are saying their own things and going their own way promoting their own ministries, but I say, look into my word, know my word, know what my word has to say. For as you walk in my word and walk in my promises you will walk in the light and truly you shall walk in the victory that I have for you. In the hour that stands before you that you are walking in, even right now, this moment, sayeth your Father God, shall be the glory hour, the greatest hour that the world has ever seen. Miracles, signs and wonders shall be your calling card for I shall move mightily on your behalf as you stand on my word and move on my promises. As you speak forth the things that I have said I, your Father God, shall confirm it with signs and miracles and wonders for all to see and know and understand. That they may turn to me while there is yet light, for soon the day cometh when no man, no man shall enter into the gate, for the gate shall be shut. But it is not so now, sayeth your Father God, for the door is open and my call goeth out even into the highways and the byways and I am calling in those that shall come in. Therefore, walk close by my side, know my word, know the things that I have said, for truly, truly my children, listen, listen, for you are in that last day.

For it is time for my children to rise up, yes, to rise up like never before, to take their rightful position that I, Almighty God, have given unto them. It is time for them to put the devil under their feet once and for all. Oh yes, it is time to be that overcomer, to be the victorious one that walks in constant victory. For as you walk in my word you walk in the victory. For as you tell the devil my word and speak forth my word he quickly leaves and flees. Oh yes, my children, it is that hour and it is that time of glorious things for my people and my children. It is time to shout the shout of victory, for truly you are marching into the promise land. Oh yes, and all those blessings that I have for you my children are yours. If you would but take a hold of them, if you would but grasp them, if you would but walk in them they are there for you, yes, they are there for you. No longer be defeated, no longer be discouraged, but I say unto you, oh, burn my word upon your heart. Oh, for it is my word that shall bring you through these days in great victory. As you speak forth my word I move mightily on your behalf. Watch your mouth, as I have said, and speak forth only my word that I can quickly move on your behalf and bring forth great victory. Oh, for my children it is that hour and it is that time to walk very closely to me, oh, so close as you have never walked before. It is the hour to be holy as I am holy; it is the hour to change from those things that easily distract you from doing my work one hundred percent. It is time to press in with all your might, oh yes, it is time my children, oh, for great things are in store for those who press in. Great things are in store for those who walk in my word. Great things are in store for those who listen and harken unto my voice and do what I tell them to do. For it is the hour of great blessing, it is the hour of mighty things that I shall do on the behalf of my people. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, rise up and take your rightful positions and walk as the heirs that I have said that you are. Walk as the overcomers that I have said that you are, for truly it is that hour, it is that time, therefore I say unto you, rise up.

Be like the very skillful hunter that goeth forth to get those things that he has need of. For he takes with him the very ammunition that he needs. Be not like the foolish one that goes with nothing and comes back with nothing.

2-03-02 pm Service

For I am not slack concerning my people, for my eyes see, yea, my eyes see and I know their hearts, I know their thoughts, I know their love. I move mightily on their behalf, yes, oh so mightily, far greater on their behalf than others. For they have not walked in the fullness of where they could walk, but I see those that do and I bless them, oh yes, I bless them coming in, I bless them going out. Every day I load them down with blessings, if they would only look to the right or to the left they could grab a hold of all the blessings that I have for them. Therefore, I say unto them this night, look round about you during the day; look round about you during the afternoon and into the evening. For I am surrounding you with blessings just for you, blessings to bless you here and blessings to bless you there. I am going to give to you things that will bless your heart, that will show you my love for you, because I love you and I desire to bless you for your faithfulness to cause you to walk even closer.

For even as Rachel cried out for her children, so am I crying out to my children. For many of them are walking in the barrenness of an empty dry land. Their ears are only in tune with that of the anti-christ. Their ears are only in tune to that of the false prophet. They listen and they say, oh, oh, oh, I know, but yet, they listen knowing not that seeds are sowed in their heart. The deception is being laid, a foundation, and they will stumble upon and fall upon it in the days to come, sayeth your Father God. It is my desire that all my children walk in the fullness of my word, that they walk according to my word, that they know my word. That they understand my word, not the craftiness, nor the cunningness of those that try to lay a trap to deceive. For they lay out many things that tickle ears and sound good, but check it out with my word. Check it out with my word, look and see what have I recorded there, what has been said. For truly this is the last hour, the clock has already started a count down and you are walking in a time that the world has never seen before. And many things that they shall attempt to do shall not work. It will not work. And when the pestilence comes in, and they shall come in, and when the calamities come in, and they shall come in, and when the sicknesses come in, and they shall come in, and man is unable to help, they will have but only one way to turn but will they turn? Oh, I say, walk close to me, for all these things shall not come nigh your dwelling, neither shall you walk in those areas, but you shall walk in the victory that I have for you. And you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomers and you shall walk in my prosperity, in my health, in my protection and in my care. And I will watch over you far greater than any burglar alarm could ever watch over you and I will provide for you far greater than a billionaire could provide for you. For you will have the things that you will have need of, you will have the things that I have need of, that you can go forth and do the work that I have set before you. So let not your hearts be troubled concerning the things that are coming, nor the things that you see, but know, know in your heart that my warning has gone out to them. And I will continue to warn them, I will continue to tug on their hearts up until the time the door closes on them. Therefore, hear the things that I say that you will not walk as they walk but that you will walk according to my word. Let your ears be open, let your ears be open for I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. Look not at the circumstances round about you, look not at the things that man may try to do to you, for he cannot I say. So stop being concerned over those things and get about your Father’s business because there is much work yet to do.

Be not fearful to tell others around you of the signs that are taking place in the world that lead to my soon coming. Be not fearful but open your mouths and share with those the truth, the truth of my word, that they may be set free and that they may come into my kingdom. Be not fearful, but I say unto you, open forth your mouth and speak forth my word unto them. For I am softening many, many hearts in this day and this hour. And as they see those things which I, Almighty God, have spoken to you about, as I have said that they shall come to pass, many see and notice these things and have many questions. Be not afraid to answer their questions, for it is already recorded in my word and I have said that I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. And I shall be with you every moment. Oh, I say unto you my children, give unto them me, for that is what they are looking for that is what they desire. For many are empty and void and I can fill that void. Be my hands and my feet; reach out to those around you. Be not fearful to open up your mouth and speak forth my word. Go forth in great boldness, for truly I have, oh, a great work, a great work that needs to be done in these days, oh yes, such a great work. For I desire to bring many in here but how are they going to come unless you tell them? Open forth your mouth and speak forth my word as I have said, for truly I am fulfilling my word unto you. I am fulfilling it right before your very eyes, therefore I say unto you, speak forth my word unto them that they may watch it come to pass. That they may see it fulfilled before their very eyes. For truly I am moving in a mighty way, yes, I am moving in a mighty way and my promises that I have given unto you shall all be fulfilled. Therefore, walk; walk in the assurance of knowing that I, Almighty God, am watching over my word to perform it. I am moving mightily on your behalf, even though many times the circumstances would say something different, know that I am moving and I am taking care of you and you shall walk in these days victorious.

Set your spirit in line with my word; set it like a compass. Do not go to the right do not go to the left but keep the compass right on target. For as you keep it on target, I shall fulfill my word to you.

2-3-02 At the altar after the pm service

For truly, if you would but look, each month is very special. For when you look back at the month that you had a year ago, you will notice that I will do twice as much this month and so on through the other months, for that is my word, that is my promise. Daily, daily, I say, that I will load you down with benefits. And because I am God, I am always increasing those things that I give unto you when you are faithful, when you walk according to my word, when you walk according to my promise. That is why in your own lives you will see a month that seems to be so great, and you begin to put your faith, hook it to that month without realizing, believing for things in that month. Any month can be that way, sayeth your Father God. For you are living in a time of rewards such as the world has not seen me give to my people before. For the things that I did to Abraham would be small in comparison to the things that I desire to do for my people today. Not to make them filthy rich or to build their own empires or kingdoms, that they might give into my work that my work will be complete, that they might reach out and do the things that I ask for them to do. For there is much work to be done in this day, in this time and this hour. There is many, many, many that need to be in a safe place, and therefore, I bless safe places and I multiply them and increase them. And as they come into my kingdom, they will have a mother, they will have a father, they will have the loved ones that care for them and provide for them. It is the same with you my children. I love to be your total provider, your total care keeper. I desire to supply and meet and bless you, to cause your house to be so filled with my presence, that it will be a joy just sitting in your own house, even as it is a joy to come and walk on this land, sayeth your Father, or sitting in my house here, where my Spirit has freedom to move. Where my Spirit is not bottled up or restricted or put under the guidance of man but allowed to flow freely, that I can bring forth the things that I desire to bring forth, that I can warn you, that I can tell you of the things that are ahead. That I can protect you, that I can care for you. That healing can flow through your body every time you sit down in one of these seats, every time that you enter the door, that you can leave here totally and completely healed from the top of your head to the tips of the soles of your feet. That you can learn to walk in the divine health that I have for you. For all my provisions are divine, they are mine and I give them unto you, for you are heirs to my throne, you are joint heirs with Jesus. You are walking in the ways that I want you to walk, you are striving to do the things that I have told you to do and you have been faithful. And your rewards are coming so fast that they will be like a steamroller and they will roll right over you and you will wake up one morning wondering how did this all take place so fast. For even as you look back now, just one year, and you listen to some of those that were touched one year ago, they cannot believe that it has only been one year, it seems like it has been two or three years because so many things have taken place. So shall it be also in your life, that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. That you will not be dependent upon man but that you will be dependent totally upon me. That you won’t look to the right or the left but you will keep your eyes focused on me, that you will keep your eyes focused on the things that I have told you. Oh, the disasters will come, the earthquakes will come, the floods will come, the straight winds will come, the hurricanes will come, the tornadoes will come, the hail will come, the drought, the famine, the electrical shortage, it will all come, even as I have said. But let that not bother your heart, for those are things my word says must take place in this time that you are living in. Do not be concerned about them, they are not for you, they are not for my people and those that listen will not be caught in any of those traps. Even on the 9/11 if they had all listened, all my people, none of them, none of them would have lost their lives. For I forewarned them. I told them to get out, but at times my people do not always listen to me because so many lied to them. So many tickled their ears, so many tell them that things are just wonderful, that nothing is wrong, nothing is going to happen, nothing is going to take place, and yet, my word does not say that. For if you would look in my word you would not see that. If you look in my word you will not see the Arab Nations like they are saying turning to me. Where in my word does it declare that? For have not I said they are a rebel, that they are a wild ass, that they tear up everything, that they destroy everything? Oh, some will come into the safety of the fold, but not all. Even as Israel itself will not come in, not until they see the nail prints in my Son’s hand and the sword print in His side; they will not come in. Be not fooled by what they tell you. Is not that what my word says? Ezekiel 38 and 39 has not taken place but it will. So when they tell you that has already taken place, that is not so. European Common Market is just forming to all of its fullness, along with its political, along with its religious, along with its financial system. China is not your friend, nor is she mine. Be not fooled by these things, look in my word, know my word. For the anti-christ and the false prophet will tell you lies, saying this all shall become better, that they are our friends, that they will do this, that the one world government is the best thing that you ever had. Am I not the head of the world? Do I not have my kingdom? Do I need another kingdom with an earthly ruler that is not even going to walk according to my word? Know my word, know my word. Be not fooled by these things that they say. Weigh it out. Have not I given unto you a brain, have not I given you wisdom and knowledge? Weigh these things out, take a look at them, compare them to my word, compare them to what is written in that word. You know why they are doing a new bible? Same as they have done many of them before in the past, to take out things, to water it down, to make a common reading book, that everybody can get to heaven, that there are many ways leading there. But that is not what my word says. Know my word, walk according to my word, for you are living in very perilous times. Times far more evil than man even knows. Oh, I say unto you, be wise; listen to what I say. And when I say don’t go here, don’t go there, don’t go. It is for your good, for your safety, it is for your protection. It is not that I am trying to restrict you, for I desire you to be as free as I am free. For there is no condemnation to those that love me. But listen, for I tell you these things to spare you of the heartaches, the pains, the suffering, the sicknesses and even death. Walk according to my word. Hear the things that I say, hear the things that I say, for the Spirit is speaking to the church, the church throughout the whole universe, I am speaking. And they need to hear what I am saying and they need to listen to the things that I say and they need to set things in order according to my word. Then they shall be the overcomers. Then they shall be victorious. Then they shall walk in all the victory that I have for them and they will not need fear one single thing, for they will know, they will know, they will know, they will know that surely I, their God, shall take them through. So listen, listen I say.


Keep your eyes on what is taking place in the world. Check my word through my prophets and quick label those who are not speaking in agreement as false prophets and stop listening to what they have to say or be caught in the trap that they are laying. Do not expect a long drawn out winter. Be in my house when the doors are open for services. Listen carefully as I speak concerning what is ahead, you will find it taking place very fast. I am changing this area into an area where many shall come and it shall blossom in many areas. Growing corn in upstate N.Y. will be wisdom. There shall be a buyer and the price shall be good but not for food or feed. I shall do great and mighty things at the Prophetic Camp Meeting this year, far greater than last year. You do not need to fear the sickness that shall now come, if you are in the safety of my covering. There shall be floods, earthquakes, drought, famine, tornadoes, straight winds, electrical storms that shall light up the sky like few have ever seen. All these shall take place before the Prophetic Camp Meeting. Many signs shall be there for all to see and know the end is very near. The false prophet will make some big moves the last of this month and through March and the church body will hear of them. Be not fooled but know I have already told you. Many wars shall be on the forefront. Terrorism shall stand big and calamities shall be seen by all. The Health Department shall take a big role in the supplying of shots which shall come under the covering of the mark later and only by the mark will you receive them. Jobs will continue to vanish and many shall move to the northeast, your area, because of my provision for you. I shall speak concerning many things that shall take place in the months ahead. Get into my word and know it. Do not become part of the world church that accepts all religions as one or working together as one. For I do not nor can I become one with the false or the impure. Know my voice and know my true prophets. Be careful of the false. If you know not my word you will get caught in the false. But if you know my word you will not get caught in the false. I am not going to bring into America a move from outside through some man or woman. It shall come from within America and from the North Country just as my word has said. Know my word. The big arms buildup shall affect the whole world and cause many problems that man does not really desire to see. The money paying for all these things is the straw that will break the camel’s back. The stock market is a shaky business with many falls before the big fall. Know where your stocks are. Be ready for the heat of the spring, summer and fall. I need you pulling together as one. Keep your eyes on me and my word. Remember the dates that I have given you, remember what I have said will take place. I love you and I will take you safely through this time. So walk with me and not according to your own counsel or that of man.

2-6-02 Wed pm Service

Know my word, know my word, know the things that the prophets have said in my word, understand those things. For many things are being said, many things are being said that they say have already been fulfilled and taking place by prophecies that were not prophecies, that went forth and there was only an error of truth in them. For I ask you, sayeth the Lord, has Ezekiel thirty eight and thirty nine been fulfilled? If so, please tell me, for I, the Almighty, knoweth not when. But I know when it shall take place. Look to my word, know my word, study my word, study the things I have said in my word, listen, listen to the voices of the true prophets in these days. For they speak forth the things that will come to pass and are coming to pass. And you can look and you can clearly see and understand the difference. Be not fooled, be not deceived, for the anti-christ desires to deceive all, he desires to trick all, he desires to fool all. And man says and the people listen and yet they look not to my word, they judge it not according to my word, nor do they judge it according to the things that are prewritten in my word. For it is my word that stands the test throughout eternity, not the things that man has said, but my word. For if they are my words, then they shall agree with the things that I have already recorded in my book. They shall not go to the left one little dot. They shall not go to the right one little dot. For if there is one dot added, sayeth your Father God, it is not my word. There is deception there, there is a trap there and the anti-christ desires for people to listen to him, follow him, walk after him, walk after his wisdom, walk after his counsel. Be not fooled, know the season, know the time that you are living in. Know what my word has to say about that season and what my word has to say about that time. Know what things have been fulfilled and what things have not been fulfilled that you can look at the words that are spoken and know if it is true or know if it is error. For I say unto you, look, look closely, for much deception is going forth in this day. For the more power and the more money they have the greater the lies, not that I do not bless my people, I do. But when man gets blessed, quite often, he builds his own empire, and in order to keep the structures of that empire alive, he has to say things that will cause people to listen to him and follow after him and give into his work. I don’t need your money, I have required of you only that which rightfully belongs to me, and yet, you give unto me gifts and I shower down blessings upon you. I keep it not for myself, but I shower down blessing upon you. I bless you coming in and I bless you going out, I do not hoard it up, neither do I build my kingdom, for my kingdom is already established and my word shall be fulfilled and all the things that I have said shall come to pass. Oh, I say unto you, know my word, know my word, know my word, because the deception, the trickery that is going on in this hour and this time, sayeth your Father God, is so great that many, even the elect, are being deceived, know my word, know my word.

2-10-02 am Service

Oh, what a great day it is, what a great time in my history, in my book, for the things that are recorded there are being totally fulfilled. For as you look you see them round about you, you hear them as you walk the streets, you hear the things that I, your Father God, have spoken and the things that I have said coming to pass. It is a great day, sayeth your Father, a great time for my church, a time for my church to be exalted into a higher realm than they have walked in before. A time of miracles, a time of wonders, a time of great deliverance, a time of shaking, for truly the enemy is shaking the world and man is saying that it is the Father and his judgement. No, I say unto you, it is not my judgement, for my judgement shall not fall upon this earth until my church is gone, but in that day they are take out, then they shall know judgement. For judgement shall surely come, but I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Press into the things that I am doing. Run with me, don’t walk, run with me. For it is a time to run, sayeth your Father God, it is a time to shout, it is a time to dance, it is a time to fill your hearts with a joy that I have for you. For all around you, all around you, you can see the things that I am doing. Yea, the angels are speedily going forth to carry out my word, to complete my word on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for truly as you lift up your voices unto me I, your Father God, shall do greater things yet.

For it is no longer time for you to stand on the side and be a watcher, but I say unto you, it is time for you to jump in, to get in the flow of my spirit. It is time for you to mature, as I desire for you to mature in me and in my word. It is a time, my children, to learn those things I have said, oh, for you to be. No longer stand on the wayside and watch as others go by, but I say unto you, get in with the stream and flow with me, flow in my word, flow in my ways. For truly as you jump in, the river is fine, yes, the river is fine and great and mighty are those things which I am doing. No longer be a looker, but I say to you, jump in and receive all that I have for you. For truly if you remain on the sidelines you shall be left behind in great measure. And it will be hard for you to even catch up at this point in time. But if you get in now, you shall be able to flow as I am flowing. Therefore, I say unto you, do not wait; do not wait but get in and flow with me and my thing. For truly I am moving by my spirit across the whole land, miracles, signs and wonders am I doing in my true churches. Therefore, I say unto you my children, rise up as never before, know my word, know me like I have said. For truly it is a terrible time for those in the world, but not for you, for I have given unto you my word. I have given unto you my promises but you must walk in them my children, you must walk in them. Oh, I say unto you, oh, jump in, for the river is fine.

Let your ears be swift to hear. Let your heart be swift to receive the things that are spoken. Let your feet be swift to run, run, run with all your might. For truly there are great things, great things taking place all around about you. Be not left out, but begin to run, run, run like you have never run before and begin to enter in like you have never entered in before. Lag not behind, but put your whole heart into it, sayeth your Father, for truly the reward is awesome.

2-01-02 pm Service

For it is time for the world to wake up. It is time for those dead churches to wake up and realize, yes, that I am coming soon. If you would but look around you at the things that are taking place in the world, you would see my prophetic word fulfilled. Yes, many come and read and they see it take place, even the very next week, and those who are doubters and say to themselves, I do not believe this, yet now they are wondering, because it is taking place before their very eyes. And they are thinking unto themselves, is my doctrine wrong, have I been taught wrong? Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and what my word says. For if you would look in my word you would see that everything is lining up according to my word. And I have said that I shall not do anything until I first revival it unto my prophets and so shall it be this day. Know that truly I, Almighty God, oh, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, yes, I am coming soon. It is time that you wake up, it is time that you wake up, it is time that you wake up and that you come into the safety of my fold. That you come into the safety of my true church that you can walk, oh, in the victorious way that I have made for you. Oh, I say unto you, open your ears, open your eyes, oh and know the time that you are living in. Be not deceived, as many are being deceived in this day, but I say unto you, know my word. Know that truly I am coming soon.

Arm yourself with your most powerful confession, your most powerful witness; stand in the covering of the blood. For you shall be my army that I shall use in these last days, sayeth your Father God. You shall be the overcomers and nothing that the enemy shall send at you shall prosper in any way. It shall not take form against you, for you shall speak forth the words and I, your Father God, shall move mightily on your behalf. Yea, I shall war for you. Fear not the battle, it is not yours it is mine, sayeth your Father God and I am well able to fight my battles. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, listen to the things that I am saying, take note of the things that I say and walk accordingly. Fear not the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, for I am far greater than these that shall come. For it is time for them to come, sayeth your Father God, it is that season, but fear them not, but take your proper place as heirs to my throne. Mount up with your most powerful confession, let your words be my words, let your strength be my strength, let your anointing be my anointing, go forth, go forth I say. Allow me to wage the war for you, allow me to move through you in a mighty way. For it is the last day, it is the last hour, yea and you shall see great things taking place, not only in the heavenlies, but upon the face of the earth. And man cannot overlook the fact any longer, for they shall know, they shall know and they must make a choice, but you have already made that choice, sayeth your Father. Therefore, walk in it, walk in it, for you are my children, you are heirs to my throne. And I shall go before you and I shall make a way where there is no way. And I shall cause all things to come into your being and bless you coming in and bless you going out. Your hands shall be so anointed, yea, that even the dead shall be raised. Oh, I say unto you, creative miracles shall take place, and the world shall know, yes, they shall know that you are mine, that I am the Lord God Almighty, that there is none other but me. For I, your Father God, shall move on your behalf.

Yes, I will bring even the enemy to your very door, says God. For I have called you and I have chosen you to demonstrate my power to him. And through you I will show who I am, says the Lord. And they will become awed at who you are and what you are able to do and the power that you are able to move in because I have anointed you and I have chosen you. And I shall shake them, yes, I shall shake them even in their very boots and they shall begin to understand, but still cannot act, and I will bring forth that power that will destroy the works of the devil, says the Lord. And I shall use you to do it, for it is my will that you be a part of what is happening in this time of times, says God. And you have had courage, you have had faith, you have trusted in me and I shall use that faith and trust to shake even the very being of this world, says God. And soon they shall know that you are mine, many will not understand it, many will question it, many will say who is this and what is this, but I say to you, that deep down they will know that you are mine.

For in this day and in this hour that you walk in, my anointing and my power upon you shall be so great you will be like a giant and you will squash the ants beneath your feet.

Picture yourself as the most powerful the strongest person on the face of the whole universe. Picture yourself as one with all wisdom, with all knowledge. Picture yourself as one containing all authority, all anointing, for truly that is who you are in me. Look not down on yourself but look at what I have made you to be, look at what I have created you to be, look at what I have empowered you to be. For you walk in my wisdom, you walk in my knowledge, you walk in my strength, you walk in my power, you walk in my anointing, you walk in my ability. For what I do you can do also because I reside within you and I empower you and my clothing is upon you. You are vested in my clothing, you are covered in my blood, therefore, fear not the evil one nor the things that he is doing, for who is he, who is he? Fear him not, but rise up I say, rise up, become all that I have made you to be.

2-1-02 At the altar after the pm service

Let not your hearts be troubled concerning the things that shall come to pass nor take no thought for tomorrow, do not allow that to concern you. For if you look at my word and study it carefully, the people of that day did not know Peter, they did not know John, they did not know Paul, not until after they had been there, then they knew who they were. It was not some known ministry but it was my servants, empowered by me, sent by me, obedient to me, open to whatever I decided to do. Even Philip the evangelist, they did not know him until he came. So shall it be in this day that you are walking in. Many may not know you until you are there, but through you, you shall demonstrate my power, my authority, my ability. And then they shall know you and know the God that you represent. And they shall call upon me and I shall save them, I shall deliver them, I shall heal them, I shall set them free. And even though you may go to another place, and they know you not, I will do the same, I will do the same. And through their own eyes they shall see the manifestation of my power, my ability, my might, my strength, there will be no question in their mind who I am. They will know that it is I moving through you and they will know that you are mine, and therefore, they will inquire of you, that you inquire of me and I shall bring them into the kingdom. So be not fearful. Whether it be kings, whether it be queens, whether it be some president, some dictator, some ambassador, allow that not to trouble you heart. For you shall be my ambassadors, you shall be my mouthpiece and I shall confirm it with signs and wonders following just as I did in the Book of Acts. And they shall see it and they shall know it, and at times they will say, even as they said in the Book of Acts, who are these men, who are these women and somebody will say, they have been with Jesus. For truly you shall tell them of the things that I am doing. It shall be an awesome work in these last days. For in the days before, they looked quite often to the name of man, they looked to the ministry of man and they did not really come to seek out me or find me. But being they do not know you, I can move through you in a mighty way and they will know me. Truly, be not fearful. Realize that I shall supply every need that you have. I shall open every door that needs to be opened. I shall protect you, I shall care for you, I shall watch over you and the enemy will not dare confront you physically. Oh, he will in the spirit realm, but fear that not, for you have already overcome him, you are already the overcomer. For in these last days the most powerful tools that you will have, will be my word, your confession and the blood. And you shall overcome the enemy, you shall overcome every obstacle, you shall overcome every trap, every pit, everything that he tries to set before you, you shall confound him. He will not know how you know what he is doing, and yet, you will be like a greased pig, he will not be able to get his hands on you. For I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. I, your Father God, shall provide, empower, strengthen, I shall do all that I have said and I shall do it. So look not at the calamities that come upon the earth or upon the people that know me not. Be my beacon, be my light that they may see you and come into the safety, for you are a safety net to them. You are a place of safety that they can find, and by finding you, they will find me, for I shall be with you, I shall be moving through you, and truly, greater things shall you do.

Listen, my children, listen and hear, know what I am saying, know my word, know what I have said. For people all over are clearly seeing my prophetic words come to pass before their eyes. It is not like the words of the false that do very little and miss more than comes to pass. Listen, for some of you are not listening nor looking and seeing my word come to pass. You are not moving with me and you are getting way behind. Soon you will not see what I am doing at all and the enemy will have you in his trap and it is very, very hard to get out of that trap once you are in. The only way out is by coming to one of my word churches and have those spirits broken from off of you. You cannot do it by yourself. Did you hear me? You cannot do it by yourself nor by the help of others. I have said, you must come to my house and have my servants cast the spirit out. You have stepped into a different hour than man has walked in before. There are many who have entered the false and their church also, therefore, there is no power there. I do not mix with the false; my word is pure and cannot mix with anything else. Therefore, you have to come where I am or you will not receive what I have for you. Don’t make excuses and tell me how hard this is, do what I am saying or you will not receive what I have. For the day of playing church has already come to pass. You are either in my church or you are out. If you are out, then repentance has to come first. That means you have to come out of the world, come out of the false and never go back again. Then change directions and start doing what I am saying. Am I your God? Am I Lord of your life? If so, my word says, you will do what I have said. Is this not what my word says? Then do it. Stop making excuses and do as I have said. For if you do not what I have said, then you are not mine and will not, did you hear me, will not enter Heaven but you will go to hell. Now hear my word and do it. I am raising up my end-time army and they will obey me and follow what I tell them to do. And they shall not build their own kingdoms. They will speak my word and they shall build my kingdom. Know what I am saying, for you are in this hour now, and to not do as I say, is death. Wake up and hear.

For truly, I say unto you, the anointing that you have felt and seen here tonight is only a deposit, says the Lord. For an even greater anointing is ahead for you and even greater services are ahead for you because I have planned it and I have ordained it. I am moving you now closer and closer to that part which is warmer than you have ever thought you would be before. It is going to be hot; it is going to be the place that you are going to be able to accomplish the things that I have called you to do. And I will bring you to that place, I am bringing you to that place even now and you have felt even the smallest portion of it here tonight. And I bring you now into a greater anointing; an anointing beyond even what you thought you could receive. For I am God and I have an anointing that is so strong that even, even, even the strongest, the strongest, the strongest evil thing would be of no consequence compared to it. And I shall release it and you shall feel it and you shall see it and it shall be done, says God.

2-4-02 Wed pm Service

Fear not the things that the enemy may try to do, for he is nothing, but keep your eyes upon the things that I am doing, for did I not tell you these things? I reveal the things to you before they take place that they will not shake you, that they will not trouble you, that you can walk according to my word, that you can walk according to my promise, that you can be all that I said that you can be. That you can walk in that life of victory like you have never known before. That you can be a light reaching out into the world to help and strengthen and bring in those that know me not. To help to strengthen and bring in those that have backslidden, to turn those around that are going the wrong way. Yes, people will take note of you, yes, they will inquire and they will come like a thief in the night, but fear not these things, for I have it well under control. But walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, put on your full armor daily. Do not go about without your armor on. Make sure your life is prayed up; make sure your confessions are in my word. Stand tall, stand strong, you will walk in my victory. I will bring you through this time victoriously; you have no need to fear. So cast aside all the fear; take my hand, hold it tight, for I love you.

2-8-02 am Service

Let your ears be attentive, let them listen carefully to the things that I say this day. Ponder upon them, meditate upon them, do not just hear them and go your way thinking that you understand and know. For you are living in a very evil day, you’re living in a day when things change quickly suddenly without notice. Therefore, you need to know, you need to know, you need to know in your heart my word. You need to know the things that I say unto you, you need to have a clear understanding of them that you may walk in the fullness of all the promises that I have for you. For I desire that you walk in the blessings, I desire that you walk as the heirs of the throne. I desire that you walk as my children, free from the obstacles, free from the pressures, free from all the calamities that shall come, in total provision, in total care walking with me. But you cannot do so, sayeth your Father, unless you listen, unless you pay attention, unless you do the things that I say. Therefore, it is expedient for you to listen, it is expedient that you know and understand. Therefore, listen I say unto you, listen and hear what the spirit is saying unto the church, for truly you are in those end days.

For I am all that you have need of, I am more than enough. For many are looking for peace and they find it not because they come not to me. For I have given unto you a peace, an everlasting peace, that passes all understanding. For when you walk in my ways and when you walk in my word my peace fills your heart and you know and you are assured that those things, which I have said, shall surely come to pass. For when I have said I am the head, oh yes, and not the tail, and I have told you the same thing and I have said that you are the overcomer and I have said that I am everything that you have need of. When you put your trust in me and when you walk with me, I say, I shall fulfill my word unto you. I shall be the father as I have said in my word. I shall surround you with my love, I shall surround you with my peace, I shall surround you with my provisions, I shall surround you with my joy. Oh, but it is you that must place your trust in me, it is you that must walk with me. For how can two walk together except they be in agreement? If you do not agree with me and my word how can you walk with me? For you cannot, for I and my word are one. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my ways; walk in my word, for it is my word that shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. For many say, oh but I know your word, and I say unto you, no you do not. For when troubles come and when trials come where do you stand? You do not stand upon my word, and therefore, you are defeated. Be not likened unto those who are foolish and know not my word, and when the storms come, their house quickly falls. Be likened unto the wise man who is stayed upon my word and who stands when those storms come. For I have said, yes, there shall be storms in the world but they shall not hinder you nor shall they even come nigh your dwelling. But you must be walking and living in my word, you must know, yes, you must know my word that you can call upon me at any time and know that I am there to answer. For truly I am doing mighty things, and yes, I am requiring even more so of my people. That they walk with me with all of their might, with all their soul, with all of their strength, with everything that they have, that they walk and flow as one with me. For I have said that there is a great division between the true and the false, and truly my children, you shall see that. For no longer will those who have one foot in the church and one foot in the world be called mine. Only those who walk fully and completely, one hundred percent with me shall be mine, even as my word says. For I say that I spew out the warm, the lukewarm, and those who are not walking fully and completely with me are lukewarm and I spit them out. Be not likened unto those who know not my word but be likened unto the wise man who follows after and knows who his God is.

2-8-02 pm Service

Blessed are your ears, for you shall hear the things that I have to say. Blessed are you, for I have seen you, yea, I have watched you, sayeth your Father God. I have known you from before the foundations of this earth, yea, and I know your heart, I know your desires, therefore, I have great and mighty things for you, yea, this night. For I, your Father God, shall speak to you, yes, one on one I shall speak to you in ways that shall enlighten your heart, that will cause you to rise up to new levels, that will cause you to walk in a deeper way. It will cause you to know me more intimately than you know me now. So, I say unto you, oh, you are blessed, you’re blessed, you are blessed, you are very fortunate, for you have choose to serve me with all your heart. You have made the choice to run with me, to walk with me. You have put me first in your life, therefore, I will put you first in my life and my blessings shall overtake you so suddenly now that you shall stand in amazement at the things that I shall do. So be not discouraged any longer, be not wondering any longer, but when you ask, I shall answer.

For I see your faithfulness and I have seen your dedication, but does not my word say, that I reward those who diligently seek me? Does it not say that I reward those who are faithful? You are blessed to be in my presence, you are blessed to be in my house, for you receive those things which I have to impart to you for this very time and this very hour. For you are a blessed people, think it not strange that I have chosen you for this day and for this hour. For I have been equipping you from the very beginning. Yes, I have brought you into a greater realm than most people have ever been into. For I have been preparing you for these end-times. I have been preparing you for my mighty last move. Yes, I have been preparing you in ways you know not or in ways you have ever see. But know that as you are in my presence, and as you are under my anointing, oh, I Almighty am doing a work, a great work within you that is preparing you for the days ahead. For I have seen you as faithful and so shall my blessings be upon you, for I reward those who diligently seek me, I reward those who are faithful. Oh,I say unto you my children, I have great things in store for you. Continue to press in like never before, for truly, oh, the prize is so worth the running. Do not slack off nor back off but run even more so with your might. For I say unto you, gold is just around the corner.

The world, man, circumstances can blow out a candle. The world, man, circumstances cannot blow out a light that is powered by gas neither can the enemy put your light out.

Oh, that my whole family were so hungry they would come and visit with me, that they would sup with me and talk with me. That they would fellowship with me, that I could impart to them my wisdom, my knowledge, my strength, my power, my ability. For I can only give that, sayeth your Father God, when there is a hunger, when there is a desire, when there is a zeal. As my family comes and sits at my feet and inquires of me, seeks my face and follows after the things that I have for them, then I can give that to them. But those that are a far off cannot receive the things that I have for them, for they are too far off to reach, sayeth your Father God, and yet, they know not where they are at. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press in, press in like never before, for you shall see, yes, even starting this night, sayeth your Father God, the increases, the increases, the greater anointing, the greater power, the greater ability, the greater wisdom. And you shall walk in a new realm that you have not walked in before and your understanding shall be more clear than it ever has been. And you will no longer look in my word and call somebody, and say, do you understand what this means? For in your heart you will know, for the Holy Ghost shall be your teacher, yea, and he shall enlighten you and show you things that are to come. He shall give unto you revelation knowledge and it shall flow to you in abundance, oh, it shall flow to you in abundance. That you increase even the knowledge of your brain, that it is able to hold even more than it holds now, sayeth your Father God. And you shall be like a walking dictionary, an encyclopedia when it comes to the spiritual things, sayeth your Father God. But when they ask, your mouth shall open and my words shall proceed out of that mouth and it shall proceed with my anointing, with my ability. And the things that it is sent forth to do shall instantly take place. You shall not wait days, no not weeks, not months but you shall see things take place as quick as you speak them into being. Regardless what it is, sayeth your Father God, for as you say to the blind see, they shall see. If you say to the lame walk, they shall walk. If you say to the cancer die wither up and be gone it shall be, sayeth your Father God. For I am gifting you with gifts that you have never received before, even though they are yours. Oh, I say unto you, draw closer to me, cuddle up, cuddle up, enter into what I have for you. Listen, prepare yourself, you will be glad, sayeth your Father God, that you visited, for the dessert is here for you this night, sayeth your Father.

2-8-02 At the altar after the pm service

Even as man cannot see wind with their natural eye, they can only see the result that the wind produces. So is it with spiritual things. Even though man cannot see the spiritual reality because of their blindness, they shall see the things that I am doing. And because they see the things that I am doing, they shall seek me and when they call upon my name they shall find me. And then they shall see with their spiritual eyes the things that truly I am doing. And not just the physical manifestation of the things that are taking place but they will know in their heart and their heart shall come alive and their spiritman shall receive that new birth and it shall come alive also and they shall run quickly with my word. Therefore, the things that come forth from this place, sayeth your Father God, bring life to the blind, they bring life to those that are dead in sin and trespasses. They see with their natural eyes the things that I am doing. They desire in their heart to know me, and as they know me, then they see with their eyes in the spirit realm truly the things that I am doing. And this shall increase; it shall quadruple over what you have already seen. And you shall be amazed at the work that shall be done. For it is true, many doors shall close overseas as many nations begin to assemble themselves under the party that they shall go with, whether it be the Babylonian Empire or Russia itself or even China. For they shall assemble themselves under the one that they shall go with. But so shall it be with my people, for there are many out there that have not come in yet. The highways and the byways are loaded but it is harvest time and that harvest will come in, that harvest will not be lost. For my laborers will go forth and bring in that harvest, and through the miracles, through the signs, through the wonders, people will notice the difference between the church and the false church. For I have told you that you have entered into a new realm where people are now clearly seeing the difference between the true church and then the false church. Many look that are lukewarm, and say, I can’t believe that they are doing this. WOW, I can’t believe that this is going on. Well they should believe because I have told them and they have heard the things that I have said, but they have not seen the difference, but now they are seeing the difference. And they are recognizing that there is a vast, a vast, a vast difference between the two as far as the east is from the west. Oh, they may say some of the things that you say and they may speak some of the things that you speak but they cannot produce what you are producing. And the world shall look, and as the calamities come upon the face of the earth, and they will come, for the things that you have seen in the last five years are small in comparison to what you are seeing now. And they are small in comparison to what you shall see from this day forth. For mighty things are taking place on the earth, they are taking place in the heavens; they are taking place in spiritual realms. There is the good; there is the bad. You need not to fear the bad for it cannot hurt you in any way, shape, matter or form. But those that are caught up in that shall see my light, and it shall be stronger than any beacon that ever went out into the ocean to bring the ships in safely. The light that you shall show forth out of your midst will be so great, that in the darkest corner of the world, that light shall penetrate and they shall see the light. And they shall know the difference between the false and the true. And many now will begin to come in quickly into the true. Many will even separate themselves from the false, but many because of pride, many because of the fame, many because of the tickling of the flesh will remain in it and be lost. But, I say unto you, find the live coals, fan the live coals, don’t fan the dead ones, for they are dead. Learn that lesson, don’t spin your tires and burn up your time trying to do what cannot be done. Rather, follow me, listen to me, hear the things that I am saying to you. Recognize the difference between the two, for they will be so clear and so obvious you will not be able to miss them. You are now living in a time when you will hear of calamities like you have never heard of before. You will hear them speaking things that shall come to pass that shall trouble the whole earth, for it is that time. You will hear of famine like you have never heard of before, even here in your own country. You will hear of the drought even more so than you have heard so far, for the drought, the drought has only just begun and it shall increase. And temperatures shall skyrocket and cause even the weather bureau to be amazed at how can this be. How come? Why is there a shift in the weather patterns? But it is that time, sayeth your Father God. And you shall hear of the hail that is oh so big, oh so big. Not just now and then but it will seem like that every time a tornado comes through, every time an electrical storm comes through, the hail that you will hear about will be big, it will not be small, but they will speak of it how big it is and the damage that it has done. The earthquakes shall cause more problems and more damage now. The hurricanes shall be far greater and more shall come ashore. And even though man calls out and prays against them, it will do no good, for it is that time. For they need to flee those areas, but yet, they do not listen. They need to flee those areas, but yet, they will not hear my voice. Oh, many things, many things shall take place. And those that hear me, those that respond shall move into the safe areas, they shall move into the places that I can provide for them and take care of them. I can provide for them even in the worse of all places but I have put forth my word and I have told them to separate themselves from those places, and therefore, they must separate themselves. And it is the time, yes, not that I will cease doing miracles, but many now are going to have to come into my house to receive their miracles, for it is that time also, sayeth your Father God. For if they are unable to come, I will move mightily upon them, but those that can come, will now have to come. They will have to come into my house, under my anointing and I shall meet them and I shall touch them. There is a reason for that, that others can see where truly I am moving. That others will know where my houses are because that is the place that the miracles, the signs, the wonders are taking place. It is not just a place of rolling on the floor or shaking or laughing until you can’t laugh anymore and going home as you came. No, it is a time of great change when they come to my house, for they shall come face to face with me. And no man comes face to face with me and remains the same, for there is a change, there is a change and you shall see that change. And even though the finances seem to dry up in the world, yet my people shall have the finances that they need, for they shall be well taken care of. That will be another sign, that as the world looks upon them, they will sit back in amazement and wonder how can this be? Oh, I say unto you, fear not the things that shall come, but put your trust and your confidence in me. For I have said, over and over and over to you that you shall go through this time victoriously, you shall go through this time as the overcomer and I shall make known unto you the things that come before they come. And you shall begin to see, yes, even next month; you shall begin to see the false prophet making his bold moves. Many shall see that, and even some Christians will say, who made him head of the church? Truly, it was not I. And you shall see the anti-christ as he begins to make his quest for his power, look, he is on the scene, look, for you know, know it for sure. Many things shall now come to pass and I shall make you aware of them before they take place, that you will know, that you will understand, that you will walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. So let your heart be filled with courage and listen to my voice, meditate upon what I say and know it, know it.

You have entered into the introduction time spoken of by my prophets Joel and Amos, yes, along with Micah speaking of the short span of months just before the first three and a half years before the seventh trumpet sounds. An acceleration of all things spoken of before that time comes to past. Out of this place I shall send my servants quickly into areas to establish houses for those nations. The ears of my true servants shall now hear clearly my words unto them about this place and the end-time work that shall now come to pass. There shall be a great shaking throughout the world, leaders shall sit down or be put down in areas and evil men shall take their places. The USSR shall show her strength and power and the world shall shutter. China shall also show her power and the nations shall shudder. Israel shall take back her land and not give up one inch of that which I have given to her. The false prophet shall make his move this month to come to be the head apostle of the church with false signs following. And many shall run after him and join themselves unto them. Those with the false move from Australia shall establish a false worship so evil it is an abomination unto me. The very presence of satan in music shall come forth out of it and many shall run after it. Oh, the abomination that shall come from this. For I have forewarned you of the separation between the true and the false, now you shall see it in their worship, the worldliness in song and dance. That abomination shall fill my nose with their sickness and cause me to spew them from my mouth, for they are the lukewarm I have spoken of. The weather shall now change and summer will bring with it much trouble. The drought, the lack of food, shortages and the storms, oh, that they would but repent and call upon my name and I would deliver them. It shall not only be here, but I say, throughout the world. The sons of Ishmael shall now be seen as spoken of to Abraham by the Lord. Oh, America, America why have you turned your hearts to the gods of this world? Why do you refuse to repent and return to me? Your hour is now marked. I hear the ground as it cries out, where is the water? Why does the sun burn me? I hear the voices of children crying in the streets saying, how could this be? Wake up and hear the voice of the spirit as it cries out to the church. Wake up and come into the safety of the fold. For a terrible dark cloud has covered the earth, sickness, pain, suffering, bloodshed, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, fire, famine, pestilences, heartaches and sorrow, the anti-christ rising to power and fame. Oh, what a day that has now come.

2- -02 Wed pm Service

For as the rain cometh down on the dry and barren ground, so does my spirit now come upon the face of the earth, upon the lives of the people, upon those that know me not, to cause them to turn from their ways and come unto me. For they are looking, yes, they are looking and they are searching and I, their Father God, shall be here, yes, I shall. And they shall find me, for they shall see the light, they shall see the miracles, they shall see the signs, they shall see the wonders and they will come unto me and I will bless them and I will cause them to prosper. I will give unto them wisdom, I will give unto them knowledge and they will quickly run with you. So look ahead, look ahead; do not look back, for now is the hour that you must keep your eyes upon the goal, upon the things that I have said. You must press toward that mark, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I shall bring them to pass and you shall walk in all the blessings. And you need not lag behind, but you can run, oh, you can run, you can enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I will not withhold from you one single thing, sayeth your Father God. For it is that hour and it is that time, therefore, run with me, run with me.

Be not ignorant but know what I have said concerning the days ahead. For I have spoken unto you and given many clear things unto you that you would know, as I have spoken unto you before, how I would warn you of those things to come. Be not ignorant but know those things that shall come to pass. For I have said that you shall see the true division between the true and the false church, and you shall see that, if you but look. For you shall see it in the music, there will be a distinct difference between that which glorifies me and that which glorifies me not. For there shall be a big difference, and if you look, you will be able to see and distinguish between the two. For the false church is rising fastly, oh, but yes, my true church is rising even faster. Oh, what a glorious day it is that you live in, my children. Fear ye not the things that shall come, but I say unto you, walk in the abundance of my blessings. Walk in the abundance of my peace, for I have given you all that you have need of, if you will just but walk with me. Just walk with me, and know the things which I have said shall come to pass, and you shall walk in the abundance of my blessings.

2-24-02 am Service

For even as the weather confounds the scholars, so does my word to those that know me not, to those that do not allow the Holy Spirit to be their teacher and their guide. They do not meditate upon it, and think upon it, who listen to every voice that speaks out and does not filter out the things that are not of me. Who keep their minds like a trash bin open to all the garbage that comes along. But, I say unto you, for those who listen and hear, they can clearly see my word coming to pass, they can clearly see all the signs that point toward the end-times. They know in their heart, above and beyond any doubt, that they are in the last hour and the very last day. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully to the things that I say, ponder them, meditate upon them, think upon them. Not upon the things that are in the news, but the news is there only to confirm what I have already spoken unto you. Therefore, listen, listen, listen to my word, hear the things that I am saying. Watch and behold and you shall see it coming to pass, watch and you shall know that truly this is the last day and this is my word. And, therefore, find the other truths that I am sharing unto you, for they are vital, they are vital to life, they are vital to victory, they will cause you to be the overcomer, they will cause you to walk in the victory that I have for you. Train your ears; train you spiritman to pick up the things that I have said. Know my voice listen not nor follow after another voice, but know my voice, know my voice and walk, walk with me.

Be not curious of the ways of the evil one. I say unto you, many who claim to know my voice know it not. I say to you, where in my word does it say to look to the stars for answers? I say to you this day, you need to look no further than me, my children. And yet, many who claim to know me continue to do those things of this world and not my way. I say, woe unto those, for they are at the hand of destruction. I say, many have entered into a time where they have become curious about the evil one and he has lured them away, they have fallen into his trap. I say, be not like them, be not likened to them but know my ways, know my word, walk in my ways and not those ways of this world. For you are not of this world, you are of my world, I have chosen you to go forth and do the things that I instruct you to do. I say to you, put aside anything that does not come from me or my word. Do not fall into that trap, as many others have. I say, in this next year, you will see many, yes, many churches will fall apart. I say, many ministries, whether TV or radio ministries, shall diminish. I have said that I would dry up the wealth of the heathen and I will do so. I say to you, watch for these things, be careful not to fall into those snares and those traps, for you are mine. And I claim this day that I shall walk, yes, I shall walk before you, I shall prepare that way, so walk with me, walk with me my children and do the things that I instruct you to do.

Know that I am God and those things which I have said shall come to pass, truly shall come to pass. For even as quick as the prophetic word is being fulfilled, so are my promises unto you being fulfilled. Look not unto the circumstances around you but keep your eyes upon me. Keep your eyes upon that finish line and run with all your might. For truly I am moving like never before on your behalf. Oh, my children, great and mighty is the day which you are living in and, oh yes, my spirit is being poured out without measure across the whole world. Come unto me, allow me to be your all in all. Allow me, oh, to lead and guide you in the way that you can walk. For truly in these days, my children, you need to know my voice like never before. For that in a moment’s time, I can speak unto you to do this or to do that, that you may walk in perfect safety and protection. It is of utmost importance that you know my voice, that you hear it clearly and another’s voice you do not follow. For my sheep hear and know my voice, they walk according to my ways and according to my word. They are not easily deceived or lead astray. It is those who know not my word who are deceived. It is those who know not my word that follow after the things that tickle their ears and follow after the false manifestations. For if they were mine, they would not even go in that direction to begin with. For they know not me, they know me not nor who I am. Be not likened unto those who are ignorant and know not my word, and therefore, fall in the traps of the evil one. But be those who know my word and who follow after me and my ways. For truly there is great reward in following after me. There are great blessings for those who know my voice and do those things which I tell them to do. So look not unto the circumstances around you or look not to the things of the world but look unto me. For I am Almighty God and I am doing those things which I have said, and truly my children, the day in which you are living in are days of great magnitude, for my people shall be blessed like none others.

2-24-02 pm Service

Know for surety that I love you too. For it is that love that causes me to come, that you could have life. It is that love that causes me to walk before you, to show you the way, to tell you the things that shall come to pass, that you can walk in the victory that I have for you. For I love you, oh, how I love you, I desire that you are blessed in every area of your life. That you are blessed coming in and blessed going out, that you are the overcomer, that you are victorious. Oh, I say unto you, walk close to me, fear not the evil days that are ahead, for they do not belong to my house nor to my people nor shall they upset my house or my people. For my people shall be the overcomers and they shall trample under their feet the enemy and they shall walk in the victory that I have given unto them. And they shall reap a great harvest in these last days, oh, so great that there is none that are preparing to build that big, sayeth your Father God. No matter where they are, if they are mine, if they are mine, then they shall see their barns bursting at the seams. And they will know not where to put them all, but they will know that truly it is the end days, that the harvest is coming in, that the time is short. Miracles, signs and wonders shall be seen in my house, my word shall go forth in my house. I shall speak to my people, they shall not walk in darkness, but they shall walk in the light and they shall know every step of the way. And the enemy shall walk in confusion and he will not dare come against them, for I have raised up a standard against him that they may walk in that victory that I have for them. Oh, I say unto you, rejoice in your heart knowing, knowing this, that you are heirs to my throne and joint heirs with me. That I shall return for you and you shall be caught away to meet me in the sky. So fear not, fear not the things that shall come, for they are not for you but I, your Father God, shall take you through safety.

Be likened unto the ant that is continually at work, who is not a sluggard, but continuously working toward a goal. Be likened unto them and keep your eyes upon the goal which I have set before you, for there is much work that is needed to be done in the days ahead. Oh, for the harvest that is ripe, for the laborers that I have need of to go unto the harvest and gather them in. Oh, I say unto you, as you give unto them my love, it shall melt their hearts and they shall come unto me and know who I truly am. For it is that day and it is that hour I have spoken unto you about in my word. And truly, I am softening the hearts of those around you. Therefore, be not bashful, but I say unto you, be bold and speak out unto them my word. Give unto them my love and you shall see as their heart is quickly turned to me. For many are looking and they are seeing the changes in the signs around them, and yes, they are wondering what this is all about. I say unto you, be not fearful to speak of me and my word and those things, which I have said, that shall come to pass. For they are taking place, yes, they are taking place into every single day. I say unto you, give them me, for truly they are in need and it is that hour when many shall be gathered into my kingdom. Oh, yes, it is that time, it is that time, oh, so I say unto you my children, be my hands and my feet, be my mouthpiece that I have called you to be to speak forth my words unto those around you, to give unto them my love. For it is that hour and it is that time and I have need of you, yes, I have need of you. Therefore, keep you eyes upon the goal that I have given unto you. Yes, keep your eyes upon that goal and press forward to those things, which I have said unto you, shall take place. Press in unto those visions that I have given unto you, for truly I have need of you.

For there is a call that goes out of this house tonight, says the Lord, a call not unlike the whippoorwill as it calls and it comes to me as a sweetness and a loving thing, says God. And it goes out into all the world, to touch this world, the hearts that exist in my house, says the Lord. And I will bless these hearts, as I bless the world, in the calling of my kingdom, says God. For I wish and I desire to bring my love forth once more, says God, my love that will cause the nations to be cleansed. My love that will cause every individual to take note of who I am. My love that will form and shape the very essence of my kingdom. For I wish to reveal myself unto all the world, as I have done in this house tonight, this house of love, this house of caring, this house of kindness, says God. And it has come up before me as an honor unto you this night and it shall be put forth. I am putting it forth even now by the trumpet of the angels unto all the world, that which you feel this very moment, that which you have felt this very moment is now touching people all over this world. And I will bring them to my heart, into my presence, into my house wherever this house is available, my house is available in so many places. Oh, in some places they think they are in my house, but they are not. But, I say unto you, that I have houses that love me all over this world. And I reach out to those tonight and I will bring in the harvest even beginning now, sayeth God.

For as the lightening flashes and the thunder sounds and all see the lightening and all hear the thunder, so shall it be with my promises now, sayeth your Father God. For they shall come as quick as the lightening and they shall sound like the thunder.

2-24-02 At the altar after the pm service

I take one word, like a coal off the altar, and place it upon the lips of my servant and he speaks it forth to you, love, my love. For in the days that are ahead, you will need to comprehend and understand my love. You will need to flow in my love. For the world shall be in darkness and many, many, many, multitudes, uncountable multitudes will come and my love shall flow through you. My love shall touch your lips. My love shall fill your words and souls will be birthed into the Kingdom of God, miracles shall take place. For know you not that faith worketh by love, and by my love, the whole world shall know that you are my disciples? Overwhelming love, victorious love. For the world is hurting, the world is in torment; the world is in confusion. The leaders know not which way to turn or what to say, for all they try is but foolishness. But my people shall have my word, they shall have my love, they shall have my wisdom. And they shall open their mouth and they shall speak forth the things that shall come to pass. And the world shall see that, say WOW, how do they know what is coming? And they will come, and that love, that love that passes all understanding, that love that compelled my Son to go to the cross, that love that I had before the foundations of the earth, it shall touch them. For it is love that covers the multitude of sin and it shall change them and turn them about and they shall come nigh unto me. And this night I have given unto you that love. For the anointing did touch you and the anointing did flow in power, and it penetrated even the hearts of stone sitting in here this night, sayeth your Father God. It penetrated them and caused them to crumble. They may not know it yet, but as they rise in the morning, the whole world will take on a different look and they will find my compassion and my love. And they will find themselves reaching out to others like never before. They will find that to criticize is not of me, to gossip is not of me, to backbite is not of me, to point their fingers at others is not of me, for I have said, love your enemy. Do good to those who despitefully use you, that is love. Not that you enjoy what they are doing but it is my love. For it was that love that caused my Son to say, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do, and that same love shall flow through you in a power that you have never known before. And that love will cause your faith to rise to a new level that you have never walked in before, and not only that, you shall see more power, a greater anointing, a greater ability, a greater wisdom, a greater depth. For you will look at things different, you will look at them as I look at them. You will not look at the surface problems but you will see the heart problem. You will see the heart crying out, even when the world only sees wickedness, hatred, murder, you will see the heart and you will be able to speak my word into that heart, that will cause the tears to run down their face, will cause the heart to melt. Will cause them to fall upon their knees and cry out to me. And you will see the old-fashion repentance that the world once saw, and a total change, as they rise from the altar, from the place that they are kneeling at and begin to go forth to do my work, to tell others of that love that they received. And others shall see it, they shall stand amazed at the change that instantly took place in the lives of those they thought they knew, but no longer know, because they are not the old man anymore, they received the new birth and my love has filled their hearts. Oh, I say unto you, I have prepared you this night for the work that now shall come in.

For yea, says the Lord; the clog in the pipeline has been removed. The flow that has been stopped is now flowing again, says God. The pipeline that I spoke of before, before the Pentecostal and the Baptist and other churches alike, says the Lord. The pipeline that is available to all and it is there to be tapped into. The pipeline that is so large, no man can reach around the breadth of it, says God. And through the line now flows a great anointing, an anointing that you have only experienced a little of here tonight. And it will flow and it will flow and it will flow and it will flow and it will grow and it will grow and it will grow. It will touch, not only you in this church, but others in the area. It will flow out to other counties and other states and other nations, says God. And those who are willing will tap into it. Can you imagine what it took to clog this huge pipeline that is mine, says the Lord? Can you imagine the sin and degradation that stopped its flow? It is gone now. Do not put it back. Do not replace it, says God. Do not do the things that put it there before, but flow now in the Spirit. Flow now in the anointing. Do not reject it anymore, I speak to you who have rejected it, and I say unto you, STOP. Now, flow, flow, flow, for there is no move of my Spirit that you cannot have. There is no move of my Spirit that you cannot enter into, if you will just humble yourselves and receive it, says God.

You are in the day when many false prophets will try to be my voice-piece, and yet, they are not. You can tell them by the things they say and how they always lift themselves up and not me. They know everything, so they say, and yet, tell you nothing. My true prophets shall be my mouthpieces and they shall tell you what is ahead and what shall take place. If they say they know something, they will tell you it, or they are not my prophets. They shall not put a price tag on their ministries nor ask for money. As I took care of my prophets in the Bible, so shall I do in these days. Those who have to ask for offerings to keep their ministry going, or to do more for me, are not of me. I provide for my servants and they do not need to beg. I am going to continue to give to my body a true picture of what my prophets are like and who they are. My prophets will not be in this new music move, this rap prophetic word, just as they were not in the move out of Canada or Florida. They are my servants and they follow me and not man or the anti-christ. They know my voice and follow after me and speak my words. Now hear this, floods shall come even though there was less snow in many areas. The world shall see clearly the greatest drought they have ever seen. All will notice the rise in temperatures all over the world. You will continue to hear of large hailstorms, electrical shortages, smog far greater than normal in California. Earthquakes in many areas, tipping the scales of five and better. Killer tornadoes with extra strong winds. Tidal waves far greater then man expects. A great melting and breaking off of icebergs, causing the ocean levels to rise. The beginning of the loss of coastal shores to the new water levels. More new sicknesses, pestilences, electrical storms, forest fires, avalanches, food shortages, more loss of jobs and the new chip that shall become the mark of the beast. More countries becoming upset with the way America uses the terms, terrorists and their push for nuclear control. Oh, the foolishness of man, listening to man and his counsel, the blasphemous new form of worship from overseas with the rap prophetic words and devil worship. I have told my church to come out of the false and to come into the safety of my fold, where the prophetic word flows and the Spirit has total freedom to move, where I speak to my body in every service. For the days are getting shorter and shorter, soon the door shall close and you shall be sealed with the damned. Wake up and come out and submit under my lordship. Listen carefully to what I have said. The days have entered into a countdown. Be in my house when the doors are open. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together. Keep your eyes on the false prophet as he makes his move in March to be the head apostle of the church. Remember, I have already told you, you shall now see people begin to move from the coastland and hot states to places more livable. Jobs will move north where the water is and there shall be great areas without water. Watch the UN and keep your eyes on Israel as she takes her land back. You will see it, for I, the Lord Almighty God, have spoken it and it shall come to pass.

      1. Wed pm service

For there is a flame that has gone out, a flame that would resemble an arrow, an arrow shooting through the sky like lightening, and yet, it is going forth to touch my people. To touch them in a way they have not been touched before, to cause them to go to a higher plateau in me, to equip them for the time that they are now living in. My word is more powerful than any two-edged sword going forth to divide even the false from the true. That even the unlearned and the unwise can look and see and know and understand which is of me, which is of the Father, which is really the miraculous, which is what only I, your Father God, can do. So be excited in your hearts, for as you look round about you, you see all the things I have told you coming to pass, you shall also see the things I have also told you that shall yet come. And you shall walk in the fullness of those things, be not deceived nor allow the enemy to lie to you. Yes, at times you have missed the mark and have not received the things that I have said for you. But you could have had them, but your mouth got you in trouble or your actions were not that of mine. Therefore, listen carefully and walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, be studious, know my word, know my word, walk, walk in the counsel of that word. For truly that word shall not go out and return void, it will do those things that it has been sent forth to do. It may not do it in your life, but it will do it in the lives that believe those that walk according to my word, those that walk according to the path I have set before them. Therefore, be one of them, sayeth your Father God, be not the foolish ones that say, I am doing it, yet are doing it not. Be not one of the foolish ones that say, yes, I hear the Lord, then go about to do your own thing. But take a look at yourself in the mirror, sayeth your Father, know what manner of man you are. Make the corrections that need to be made and walk, walk with me, for I love you and I desire to take you through this time victoriously. I desire to make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, I desire to make you the overcomer that truly you already are. I desire to bless you coming in and going out, I desire to give unto you all the riches that I have.

3-3-02 am service

For the overcomers shall be those that walk with me, those that hear my voice and respond to the things that I say. Those who keep their eyes upon my word and upon my promises, those who look not back, nor round about them at the circumstances, nor at the walls or the obstacles of the mountains that seem to be before them, for they stand solidly on my word. They stand solidly on my promises, and because I have said so, they say all things I can do. And they march forward to do the things that I have called them to do. They are the overcomers. Those that just listen and do nothing are not the overcomers. Those that say, oh I know that, and do nothing, they are not the overcomers. Therefore, be an overcomer, be one that shall walk with me, be one that shall receive the promises that I have for you. Be one that goes forth to get their inheritance and lives richly in the inheritance that is for this time and for this hour. Be an overcomer.

Know that as you walk with me you shall walk in the fullness of the blessings. Know that as you walk with me you shall walk in the fullness of the provisions that I have for you. Be not fearful of those things that shall come in the coming days. But, I say unto you, know who your trust is in, whether it is in me or whether it is in the things of this world. For there shall come a day when total trust will need to be in me. Therefore, I say unto you my children, do not wait for that day to come but start now. Start now walking in my word. Start putting your full and total trust in me. Knowing that if you do not have food on your table, I, Almighty God, shall provide food for you to eat. For that is the kind of trust I am talking about. Total and complete trust, relying on me and my word, knowing that those things that I have said I shall do, truly I shall do. For I have given unto you many promises, I have given unto you many things and I am watching over my word to perform it. I say unto you my children, rejoice within your heart knowing that I, Almighty God, am here and I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, fear ye not, but walk in the assurance of my word. Walk in the assurance of knowing that truly I shall take you threw as I have said. Oh, my children, you are living in a glorious hour, a glorious hour for those who walk in me, oh yes, but not so for those in the world. For as you can fastly see, the things around you taking place, as you fastly see the darkness that is covering the world, so shall you see my mighty hand upon you. For my light is going forth even more so than the darkness and great and mighty are those things which I am doing. For my spirit is moving without measure around the world and I am giving unto my people wisdom and knowledge like never before. That they can walk in that safety, that they can walk in my blessings, that they can walk in the abundance of all that I said that is theirs. Know my voice like never before, that I may speak to you at any moment and you my hear and listen and do what is needful for that time. For truly it is important that you hear and know my voice. For I am here my children, just as I have said that I am here. But you must know me and my voice to stay underneath my protection. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word and know me like never before. For if you know my word, you know me, for I am one with my word.

For as the wind cometh quickly, out of you know not where, and you see it in the trees and you feel it upon your face and you see it upon the things that are loose, as it shakes it, so shall my spirit be.

3-3-02 pm service

Be like those that stand on their feet and cheer as they see their team winning, for truly you are winners, you have won. So look not at the cares of the world neither allow the pressures of the world to overcome you. For the enemy would desire that you would be pressured down, that he could load upon you many, many, many burdens. That you would not be able to rise up and do those things that I, your Father God, have for you to do. But, I say unto you, shake them off your back, for they are like feathers, they are nothing. For he has no power, he has no might, he has no ability whatsoever, so give him no room, give him no ability, give him no might, but rather yet, walk upon him even as those that crush the grapes would stomp upon the grapes, you do likewise. Put him under your feet, for as you put him under your feet, then you can rise up into the position that I have given unto you. You can take your place as heirs to the throne; you can walk in the fullness of my power, the fullness of my might, the fullness of my ability. You can be what I have said that you are. Rise up, I say, rise up and walk in the fullness of the stature that I have given unto you, for it is yours, it is not going to be yours, it is yours. Yours to walk in now, sayeth your Father God, yours to use now that you may be even as I am. That you can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. You can claim those back that the enemy had in a trap. You can rebuke the sickness and it has to go. You can demand that the blind eye open and it must open. Walk in my authority, walk in my ability, be my mouthpiece, be my hands, be my feet, allow my power to flow through you like never before. Allow my ability to flow through you like never before. Allow my wisdom and my knowledge to be at your fingertips any time that you need them. Oh, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, for truly the days that you are walking in now requires great wisdom, requires knowledge, requires my strength but you have it. Therefore, fear not the things that are ahead, nor the pressures round about you, but shake them off like I said, for they are but feathers upon you, shake them off and run with me.

Know the love that I have given unto you. My love for you, my children, is everlasting, there is no end to it. And I have made provisions that you can walk as the overcomer, as the heir to the throne, as I have said. But many do not take their rightful position, and therefore, walk defeated and not the victor that I say they are. Know my word like never before, for I have given unto you promises, I have given unto you the keys in which you can stand upon in the coming days, that it doesn’t matter what is going on around you, I shall protect you and I shall provide. For know that I am Almighty God and that my word shall be fulfilled. For I am doing mighty things on your behalf even right now this very moment. Even though many see it not with their natural eye, if they would but look with their spiritual eye, they would see all that I, Almighty God, am doing. Oh, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to steal that which I have given unto you. But, I say unto you, take it back seven times over as my word says. For when you find a thief, and you know who he is, you can get back that which he has stolen from you. Therefore, stand upon my word; take back those things which he has stolen from you. For truly I watch over my word to perform it, and yes, I desire that you walk in the fullness of the blessings of my word. I desire that you walk truly as my heir, that you walk in the abundance of all that is yours. For many realize not the power or authority that I have given unto them, and therefore, they walk not in the fullness of the blessings and the victory that I have for them. Oh, I say unto you my children, know my word like never before. Speak forth my word in any situation and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill it. Oh, for truly my children, great are those things that I have in store for you. Continue to walk with me like never before, continue to press in even more so, oh, for great; great are those things that you shall receive.

Can you count the stars of the sky? Can you count the sand on the seashore? Neither can you count the blessings that I have for you. So begin to receive them, begin to take them for your own, for they are many.

3-3-02 At the altar after the pm service

The major peace treaty that you are looking to be signed, that shall be broken in the middle of the week, will not be signed in the year two thousand and two. Much talk may go no about it, but the treaty that you must keep your eyes upon, is not for this year. So keep your eyes upon the goal that I have given to you, the time that I have given to you, let your eyes be on that, be not deceived nor fooled, even though many may say this or many may say that, do not be fooled. There shall be much flooding, not only overseas, but here in the next couple months, and you shall see great flooding. It shall be amazing, being that the snow levels are not what you consider that they should be to cause the flooding, and yet, the flooding will be there. The warming effect will cause tornadoes to come much earlier with great hail because of the coldness in the higher atmosphere. You shall begin to feel the effects of the electrical shortages throughout the mid-west and down into the south. It will not effect you here, but you will still feel the effect, the drought, shortage of food. Many things that shall take place are only signs of the end-time. And you are in that short space of time just before the first three and a half-year start. So keep your eyes upon my word, study my word, take another look at my word, that I may show you things in there, that you shall see. For I have told you many things that you shall see in the days that are ahead and it shall come to pass. This area here shall be blessed greatly, so do not fear, but you shall be amazed at the plans that I already have under way to provide for you here, sayeth your Father God, not only with the water supply that is here, but with provisions, with people. For I have said that they will come and they shall come. Watch for the United Nations to form a new charter, that as you read it, you will shudder and realize that they are taking their major role, I have told you this. Keep your eyes upon the false prophet, for he shall make some big waves this month, and even next month, trying to seat himself as the head apostle of the whole church, remember I have told you this. So be not shocked when you know for sure who I am talking about, but know my word is true. Know these things, read the things that I have told you and given unto you already, watch them. For you shall see them coming to pass on the right hand and on the left hand, they shall take place all round about you. You shall hear it in the news, read it in the paper, others shall confirm it to you, that you will know that these things are taking place. Walk in the wisdom that I have given to you, walk in the power, walk in the might, walk in the ability that is yours. For it is through you that the world is going to see my glory, they are going to see my power, they are going to see my miracles, they are going to see my signs and wonders. It is through my body that I am going to move to bring in this harvest, and that harvest shall come in and not one shall be lost, they shall be brought in safely to the fold. There will be great rejoicing, your barns will burst at the seams, and you will have to build, only to build again, for I have told you this. And there will be no problem with money, because the wealth of the heathen has been laid up for you, and it is time for it to come in. Therefore, walk according to my word and walk according to my promise. Know the things that I have said, know them, that you do not miss what I have for you. For there has been opportunities before some, and they have not claimed those opportunities with all of their faith, or they would have them. But I will give them other opportunities, sayeth your Father God, for it is the hour of my great blessings to be poured out. And you will be blessed coming in and you will be blessed going out, you will be the head and not the tail, you will be above and not beneath. And you shall prosper, even though those round about you do not prosper. So, therefore, keep your eyes upon me; do not fear the things that shall come. Remember you are going through this time victoriously. There shall be new viruses, far greater than the last one that was just seen and felt in this area, but it will not come nigh your dwellings. If it tries to come, run it off, it is not yours, sayeth your Father God, for I have put a hedge round about you and I am protecting you and caring for you. But there will be many, many new viruses, many pestilence, but fear none of those things, for they are not for you. Even as they were not for the children of Israel, they shall not be for you. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise and keep your eyes on me and I will take you through this time victoriously.

Know what I have said concerning the false and that of the false music that is now coming on the scene. Know what I have said concerning this. Know what I have said concerning those in the false church. For their time is quickly running out and the door is fastly closing. Therefore, I call out unto them and I say, come out, come ye out and walk in my true holiness. Set yourself in my true church, for truly you may know the true anointing or you may know the trueness of my spirit. For those things, which are of the world are of the flesh, there is a true difference between that of the spirit and that of the flesh. I have given you many examples in my word but many know not my word, and therefore, follow after the fleshly manifestations, instead of my spirit. Be not foolish, be not foolish, nor fall in the traps of the evil one. For my word says, the very elect shall be deceived. But why are they deceived? Because they truly know not my word, they are blinded and they see not the ways of the evil one. Be not likened unto those, but be likened unto those who know my word and know what I have said concerning the time and the days that you are living in. For if one would but clearly look, they would see the signs of all those things which I have said shall come to pass. For as my prophetic word goes forth, even the next week, the next day, many things are broadcasted on the news of those things which I have said, had already taken place. You have seen this, my children, you have seen it. It is time to walk in holiness like never before. It is time to walk and to live in my spirit. It is time that you hear my voice, for my children know my voice and another’s they do not follow. Oh, I say unto you, know those things that I have said shall come to pass. For you shall see a great increase in violence across the world. Oh, for yes, the world is becoming even sicker every single day. But fear ye not, for my protection is around about you. Therefore, I say unto you, put my angels to work every day, for I have given you that power and authority. For even as I said, sicknesses, pestilence, diseases, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the hurricanes, the greatness in the increase of the heat, the great drought that shall be seen, the great flooding that shall take place, the melting of the icebergs, the avalanches that shall take place, they are not for my people. And my people need not to go through these things. If they listen to my voice, and if they follow after me, they shall walk in the safety, they shall walk in the peace, they shall walk in the assurance, for I, Almighty God, have spoken and I shall do those things which I have said. Therefore, I say, walk even closer, closer with me. For truly these things shall take place in the world, but like I have said, they need not come nigh your dwelling. For if you are of me, I shall watch over and protect you. But those who are mine are not in the world, they do not the things of the world, they do not the things of the flesh, they follow not after the false, but they follow after only my word. Oh, I say unto you, it is time that my church wakes up like never before, that they wake up and realize the hour and the day they are living in. For many are blind to this fact, for many say, oh, we have twenty, we have thirty years left. Oh, but I say unto you, that is not so. For you are walking in error. Know, therefore, my word and know the day and the hour that you are living in. Be not one of those virgins whose oil has run out. And you say, but Lord, I have done all these things in thy name, and I will say, depart from me, for I have never known you. Be not one of those, but be those who walk in my word, who live in my word and who are aware of the day and the hour that you are living in.

3-6-02 Wed pm Service

For you are overcomers, so be not fearful when the enemy comes against you in great attacks, for he is afraid, he is very fearful. For he knows the time, he knows the hour and he knows what a threat you are to him. Therefore, he tries to discourage you, to defeat you, to cause you problems trying to turn you back, that you will not press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Be not fooled by this, don’t be fooled, it is not that you missed it, it is not that you have a door open, but it is because he hates you because he hates me. And if he steals from you, claim my word and promise, take back seven times over what he has taken. It is yours, you claim it. Don’t allow him to get away with the things that he is trying to do, take your legal rights as heir to my throne, joint heirs with me. And together we shall combat and we shall destroy his works, that you may walk in the victory that I have for you. There shall be many, many attacks such as this in the days that are ahead, but know that you are more than overcomers. Know that you have already overcome the evil one, that you are already the victor. For if you know these things in your heart, if they are established there, that if you are not looking to the right or to the left, that you are not acting in fear or responding back in fear, you shall come through victoriously and he will be defeated again and again and again. And you shall be exalted again and again and again. And I shall raise you to higher levels continually, that you walk even closer with me than you walk now. So be not fearful, do not allow the attacks of the enemy to trouble your heart, but let joy fill your heart. Laugh at his stupidity, for he is the one that is a clown and you need to laugh at him. For he makes a lot of noise, he blows in the wind, but there is nothing there, for you are the overcomers.

3-10-02 am Service

Beware of those who speak their words unto you, cast your cares into the wind, I say to you this day my children, I have not told you to do that, you leave the door open to the enemy. I say to you, cast your cares upon me, for I shall never leave you nor forsake you. No where have I said that I would be there sometime, but I have told you that I will always be there. Be quick to do the things that I instruct you to do, speak unto those people that I have pointed you in their direction. I say, keep your spiritual ears and eyes open unto the things that I say to you and show you. I say, it is very important, it is important that my words come from your heart out of your mouth. I tell you this day that your Campmeeting will have many who will come that I am sending, the unlovely, but use your discernment on your speakers. For I say to you, many shall try to come that are not of me. Allow them not to come, allow them not to speak, they are sent here to receive but not to give. I say to you, keep your ears and eyes open unto me this day my children, for much, much instruction shall come your way. Fear not those things of this world, you are not of this world, you have entered into a covenant with me, and I, your Father God, have plans for you. Follow the road that I lead you down, do not look to your right nor your left, do not look behind you, do not look at yesterday, but keep your eyes focused on me, for I shall lead you in the direction that you need to go.

Fear not the battles, for the battles shall come, but those who are grounded in my word shall go through that time victoriously. It shall not be a time of just sleeping, for if you try to just sleep or just coast, then the enemy shall defeat you. But, I say unto you, put on your full armor, know my word, know my promises to you. For if you were to say to me, what hour is it? I would say, for my church it is like Christmas morning. For all that I have for you is now there. But those of you that are poor do not have the Christmas that those that are rich have. Therefore, I say unto you, get rich in my word; get rich in my promises. Know my word, know my promises, be not poor in your spirit, but get rich in my word that you may walk according to my word. Then the blessings shall overtake you, they shall come in on the left and on the right, they shall come in from behind and from before and you shall be surrounded by my blessings. And yet, you will be in a battle, so think not that the battles will not come. For it is that time, sayeth your Father God, but walk in my provision, walk in my promise and you shall walk through that time victoriously.

Know ye not of my love for you? Know ye not that I desire you walk in the victory of my word and the victory of my ways? For many walk in the error of man, for they say God has done this and God has done that, and it is not I, Almighty God, that has done that unto my people or put a certain sickness upon them or caused certain things to take place, but it is the evil one and they must recognize that and they must put him under their feet. For I give unto all men good things, I give nothing unto men which is bad or harmful, but I give only that which is good. Oh, I say unto you my children, know the enemy and his devices, put him under your feet and walk in the victory that I have given unto you. No longer walk downtrodden or defeated or discouraged, for it is the enemy who causes you to be that way, it is not I Almighty God. For I give unto you life and that more abundantly. I give unto you my peace, I give unto you my love, I give unto you my joy. Do not allow the enemy to get you down nor to cause you to walk in defeat. But, I say unto you, it is time that you rise up once and for all, that you put him under your feet and you walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Oh, for truly I have need of my people in these days. For it is you that I shall use, it is you that I shall speak through to touch those around you. Allow not the enemy to cause you to be downtrodden or discouraged, but allow my love and my joy and my peace to fill your heart to overflowing. For it is I, Almighty God, who does great and mighty things in this day and in this hour. It is I who performs the miracles, it is I who sets free, it is I who delivers. Oh, I say unto you, rise up and walk, walk in the abundance of my blessings, walk in the abundance of my provision. For it is here for you now, yes, it is here for you now. For I am the God of the now, and walk, oh, I say unto you, walk, walk in the now, for truly it is yours.

A good captain never loses his direction. For he keeps his eyes upon the compass and he follows the course set before him. Therefore, I say unto you, set your eyes upon my word and upon my course, follow that and you will be a good captain.

Be quick to obey the things that I say unto you. For I have told you, many are called, few are chosen, I have chosen each and every one of you. You each have a job to do. Pay close heed to the things I speak to you personally and be quick to obey, for every job is important.

3-10-02 pm Service

For as swift and fast as the lightening is, so shall my spirit be as it moves upon you. For as it fills your being to overflowing, for you are in that time, sayeth your Father God, a time that you shall see that latter rain as it is poured out upon you and upon your flesh, not only the world, but upon you, causing you to rise up into a higher level. That you may walk in the fullness of my joy, that my peace and my comfort may strengthen you, that it may comfort you, that it may cause you to bubble over with the joy that only I, your Father God, can give unto you. For it is extremely important that you walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For in the world there are great troubles, great tribulations, there is disaster on every side, but you need to walk in my comfort, in my strength, in my peace, in my joy, that you can see the end and know the reward. That you become not discouraged, that you faint not, that you give up not, that you continue to press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, knowing that there is a reward, not only here on earth, but also in heaven. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press in even more so. Even though the times of the world are troublesome, even though you can see the shaking that is going on, let your eyes be fixed upon me and upon my word and upon my plan and know, know, know in your heart, that you go through this victoriously. Therefore, walk with the joy that I have given unto you, walk with the peace that I have given unto you, walk with the comfort that is yours. For truly I, your Father God, shall fulfill my word to you.

As the wind blows with great fierceness and great power, so shall my Spirit blow across the whole land. Oh, for it shall blow into even the smallest areas and great revival shall take place. For as my Spirit moves upon my people, it shall be likened unto nothing that man has ever seen before. For great and mighty are those things that I shall do, for as I have said, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place and the greatness of the time that my people shall have as they sup with me. Oh, for many shall lay before me for days in my presence, drinking in of those things that I have for them. Oh, my children, I am pouring out my spirit without measure across the whole world, and you shall see it, even as I have spoken unto you. You shall taste of those times; you shall see my glory as I have said. And they shall come from near and far just to be in my presence, just to be underneath the glory cloud. For those things, which I have spoken unto you my children, shall come to pass. Oh, therefore, do not doubt in your heart, but I say unto you, press in with all of your might, press in with all your strength, oh, press in with all that you have. For truly great things are in store for you. Therefore, I say unto you, press into all that I have for you.

3-10-02 At the altar after the pm service

Harken and hear and listen to the things that I have to say to you this night. Listen carefully, ponder upon them, meditate upon them, for they shall be wisdom unto you, they shall be knowledge unto you and unto all those who read them. For three is the number of the Trinity and seven is the number of perfection. Three times seven is twenty one, and in just twenty one days, sayeth your Father God, you shall step through a new door, the whole body that is walking with me shall step through a new door. They shall step into a new realm, for I desire to bless you with blessings such as you have never seen. I desire to exalt you to a higher position, that my wisdom, that my knowledge, that my strength, that my ability flows through you in a mighty way. This is not for the world. This is not for those in the false. This is not for those in the cults. This is not for the average church member. This is for those that walk with me, those that listen, those that follow. For I shall make an example of those to the others, that they will see my handy-work upon them. That they will see my glory upon them, that they will see my ability flowing through them, that they will see the miracles, the signs and the wonders at their disposal, it will seem, for when they ask I will do it. Oh, I say unto you, a great, great hour is about to open; an hour that you have waited for, and during that hour, the revival that shall go forth shall be horrendous. For I shall move and pour out my Spirit and you shall see the former and the latter rain mixed together, even with the spring rain. And the Spirit shall be poured out in such a measure, that it will flood the areas and the hearts of those that are walking with me. And through that, there shall come a change in the Body of Christ, where it is separating itself from the false church, even as day separates itself from night, even as the sun separates itself from the moon, there shall be that vast difference between the two. And when the world looks, they will know that, I did not say when the church looks. For when I use the word, church, that is the whole church body, regardless of the denomination, and not all see what you see, not all hear what you hear, not all know what I have shared with you. For really, they are not mine, they goeth their way thinking they are mine, proclaiming to be mine, and yet, they are afar off and know it not. But as this separation takes place, that I have been talking to you about, even those shall see the difference. And those who are willing to humble themselves, those who are willing to lay down what they have and turn it loose, shall come into the safety of my fold. And you shall see this, yes, you shall see this, for it will continue right on up until the time that I take the church out. It will be a great, great hour for my body, but not for the world. For even though it is not my hour of wrath, many, many calamities shall take place, as I have already told you. You are even seeing the increase in death in the areas where there were hardly any deaths before. You are hearing more from the areas that are in a drought, than ever before, and yet, there will be floods this year. Oh, I say unto you, know the things that I have told you, know them. Listen to the things that I am yet going to tell you, that you can understand. For not only do I plead with you but I plead with the false church and I plead with the world to come into the safety before the door is shut. For I love them, even as I love you, but they know not my love, for they will not receive the love that I have for them, for they desire to do it their way and not my way. Know this, you cannot do it your way. Walk in my way, listen to my voice, know my voice, know the things that I have said, listen carefully, listen carefully.

Awake to righteousness and sin not, for many have not the knowledge of God. My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected my knowledge, I will also reject you. For it shall now come to pass that my house shall be established in the highest heighth of spiritualness and it shall be exalted above all others. The nations shall come unto the Father’s house and inquire of me and I will answer them. And you, oh tower, that watches over my flock, my stronghold, shall give the people my rhema word and all their needs shall be met. Miracles, healing, deliverance and protection, the lame shall walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, Aids shall be no more, cancer flee and even the dead raised in my house for all manner of man to see with their own eyes. My remnant has been found faithful in all their ways and I shall establish them from this day forth, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. I will cut off all witchcraft, sorcery, false religion and those who follow after the false. For all are of the evil one, the devil, and they are his army. Now hear me, ye with ears, listen carefully to what I have to say to those walking in the false, witchcraft, sorcerers, backbiters, those whose ministries are named after themselves, and not me, and those of the cults. Ishmael’s sons and daughters, collect your thoughts, yes, unbend yourselves in submission and see if there is no sense of shame and no conscientiousness of sin left in you, oh, shameless generation. The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind. Therefore, consider, before God’s decree brings forth the curse upon you, before the time to repent is gone. Like the drifting chaff before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you. Seek the Lord, inquire for him, inquire of him and require him, as the far more necessity of your life, all you humble of the land. Woe to the inhabitance of the seacoast from the first of April of two thousand and two, I will no longer allow the false to be protected. Therefore, turn you to the stronghold of the Lord where security and prosperity shall abound and be delivered from the snare of the enemy. For the wealth of the heathen shall now come into my hands and I will give it unto those who will do my will. And my kingdom shall be blessed and so shall my people be. It is time now and I will bring all of my children home to the Father’s house and I shall deliver them out of Egypt, the world. And I will be their God forever and ever. From that date in time I shall open the fountain for my people and all the enemy has ever stolen shall be restored seven times over. And they shall finish the work of the kingdom for all to clearly see. Woe to the false prophets who speak lies to my people. Woe to the false prophet, who desires to be the head apostle of my church, and yet, serves the evil one, the devil. Woe to those who follow him and fall into the pit. Awake, oh sword, and come against those who are false and lead my people astray from me and my word. Awake angels of war and fight those who are against me even though they say they are mine. Hear this decree, for on the first day of April, two thousand and two, I shall openly divide my church from the false, and my angels and their swords shall be against those who war against me, from that hour forth. Hear my children, it is the time of the latter rain, therefore, ask of me the latter rain, and I will give both the former and the latter and the spring rain that your houses shall be full. I shall defend you, I shall protect you and yours shall be the walk of the overcomer. You shall be safe on all sides, as long as you walk with me. Hear me, walk with me.

      1. Wed pm Service

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me, let your eyes be steadfast upon the work that I am doing. That you may see it with your eyes that you may understand it in your heart, that you may comprehend the things that are going on. Be not unwise like the world, that thinks that they have lots of time, that thinks that I am not returning for a long time. Be not unwise but look at the signs that are being fulfilled round about you. Look at the signs that are being fulfilled overseas, even in Israel and the places that I have told you to watch. Keep your eyes upon my word and upon my promises, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said. Meditate upon them, do not listen to the voices that tell you it is not so. For they shall be caught in the snare and the trap of the enemy, for when the door slams shut, that is where they shall be. For they have not listened, they have not paid heed to the things that I have said. They have not walked according to my word and my promise, be not unwise but hear, hear and know and understand and walk according to my word.

Those who know my word shall not be caught in the traps and the snares of the enemy. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before. Many have head knowledge and they have no heart knowledge. And it is the word that needs to be in their heart, that they may call upon me at any time and I may answer them. It is the day and the hour to know where you stand and how to stand in my word. For their shall be many things that shall take place round about you, but they do not need to come nigh your dwelling but you will need to stand upon me and my word. For it is that very hour and it is that day that I have spoken unto you about, my children, and great and mighty are those things that I shall do on behalf of my children, but they must also need to know my word. They also must need to walk in my ways. For when they are out of my ways they step out of my protection, and therefore, I cannot protect them like I desire. Beware of places you go to, make sure that they are not in the false. For the false has infiltrated many areas and people are blind to this very fact. Oh, I say unto you know my word and you shall know the difference between the truth and the false. For those who walk by my word, are the ones who walk in the truth. For those who walk in the false, they walk in error of my word. Be not liken unto them, but know what my word says and walk in the power and authority that I have already given unto you.

      1. am Service

Walk in the fullness of my word, yes, walk in the fullness of those things that I, Almighty God, have in store for you, as you walk with me. Oh, I say unto you my children, the more of my word you have in yourself, the less flesh that operates. Therefore, know my word, that you may continually walk in my spirit, that you may continually give out my things, and not the things of the world. For truly the time and the day and the hour that you are living in, my word is a very essential key that shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. Walk ye, therefore, in the unity of my word, walk in the unity among one another, that you may support one another and lift each other up. For truly it is my time and it is my hour and I shall do great and mighty things. For I am even moving on your behalf right now, this very moment, even though many see it or know it not. For truly I am moving and my spirit is moving without measure. For truly I am making a greater bond between my people like never before. And the closeness that we shall have, for my children shall walk in holiness like never before and they shall be holy as I am holy. And their mouths shall speak forth only my words, they shall speak forth blessings, they shall speak forth only those things which are of me. For it is that hour and the time that I have spoken unto you about, yes, for my people, my people shall be gathered unto me, so shall it take place. For I have given unto you my word my children, and I say unto you, stand upon my word. Stand fast upon those things that I have given unto you, the promises that are yours. Do not let go of them, but I say unto you, oh, hold on to them and walk with me and watch as I, Almighty God, shall fulfill them before your very eyes. For I say unto you, you shall see great things take place, even in your midst, within the next two years and mighty are those things that I shall do. For many shall stand back in amazement of all that I shall do. For if I told you all that shall take place in the next two years, you world be overwhelmed, and say, wow, how can that all take place. But it shall because I, Almighty God, have set forth my plan in motion and it shall take place. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice within your hearts this day, know that I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf and I am fulfilling my word unto you. And there is not one dot; there is not one tittle that shall be left unfulfilled, for I, Almighty God, have spoken it. And I am watching over my word and I shall perform it.

      1. pm Service

For there is no hour, no hour such as the hour that you are now walking in. For this is my greatest hour, sayeth your Father God. This is the greatest hour of my church. It shall be a powerful time, with miracles, signs and wonders and the Holy Ghost shall move in a mighty way throughout all the land. For my servants shall speak forth my word and it shall go out, yea, and it shall quickly come back with the answer that they speak. There shall not be the long periods of delay any longer, sayeth your Father God; neither shall you see the areas of defeat that you saw in the past. For it is a new hour, sayeth your Father, a new hour, an hour when your ears will be so open that you will hear my voice as I speak to you, as I talk to you. As I counsel with you, as I call upon you to move with me, to do the things that I desire that you do. It is a powerful hour, an hour when the enemy shall be put under your feet, when you shall trample upon his head, that you will smash his work, that you will raise hell with him, tearing up his kingdom, like a bulldozer you shall level it. And the harvest shall be gathered in and great fear shall come upon people that walk not with me. They fear you; they fear the power and the anointing that you have. And they shall see my glory, they shall see in the highest degree. And then I shall take you out of here, as I have said before. So fear not; fear not the changes that are already taking place nor the changes that shall rapidly take place now. Do not be surprised or amazed at the quickness of how things turn from day to night, or how they change overnight. For it is that time, it is that hour, for I have foretold you these things in the past, that you be prepared and ready for the things that are to come. Now make yourself ready, sayeth your Father God, for truly this shall be your finest hour.

Know my word, for there is nothing greater than the spoken word of Almighty God. Does not my word say, that it is quicker and more powerful than any two-edged sword? For many do not really know what that scripture means, nor the power that my word has. For there is nothing and no one that can stand against my word, for my word brings great victory, yes, it brings great victory. For the enemy flees when he hears my children speaking forth my words. Oh, I say unto you, know my word and speak forth my word. For in these days ahead, it is my word that shall bring you through every situation. It is my word that shall cause you to walk in the abundance of my blessings. It is my word that shall guard your heart with peace. It is my word that shall fill you with my love. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, that you may stand in these days. That you may stand as the giants, as the overcomers that I have said that you are. For I have given unto you all of my promises, yes, and they are yours, that all you have to do is take them and walk with them. For my word has been given unto you that you may walk in the abundance of all that I have for you. That you may walk as the victors, as the overcomer that I have said that you are. For I have said that you are the head and not the tail, and as you walk in my word, you shall walk as the head and not the tail. You shall walk above and not beneath. There is nothing that shall stand in your way, for I, Almighty God, shall walk side by side with you. And mighty are those things that I shall do on behalf of you. When others ask you, tell them about my word and the power of my word, that they may be set free and walk as you walk. Oh, my children, it is a great hour, it is a great hour for you, yes, a great hour, the greatest that man has ever seen. Therefore, walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have for you. Allow not the fear of the world to grip your heart. For you are not of the world, but you are of me. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the assurance that I, Almighty God, shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice; know my word that you may walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have for you.

For as the rain cometh down and bringeth forth life, so shall your word be, as it goes out of your mouth, as it goes forth to do that which I have told you to do. It also shall produce life.

3-17-02 At the altar after the pm service

According to my word, the time of restoration shall start very quickly now. For as you read in the Minor Prophets, this time of restoration is for my church, for my body. When I shall restore to you, all that the enemy has stolen from you, all that he has stole from me. It is a time of great harvest, a time when the barns shall be filled to overflowing, busting at the seams. It will be a time of great signs and wonders. It will also be a time when the enemy displays signs and wonders, but they will be cultic, they will be like those of the cult, they will not be like mine. For I do not manifest my power just for people to see my power. For when I manifest my power, it is for a purpose. It is either to heal, to deliver or to remove an obstacle that is in the way. I do not just flex my muscles that the world can see that I am strong, I do not have to do that. All they need to do is look at the moon, to look at the sun, to look at the stars. All they need to do is look all round about them and they can clearly see what I have done. But I will move in this hour and this time mightily on the behalf of my church. And as my church begins to move in the fullness of the things that I have for them, their wisdom, their knowledge, their understanding shall be much clearer than it is now. And they will know things so much better, and as they look into my word, they will have a greater understanding of what I have said. They will see it; it will come down to their level of understanding, where they can grasp a hold of it. This is a great hour for my church, not so for the world, but for my church. And as you watch and look around, you will clearly see the anti-christ, for he is making his moves and they are very clear. You will see the moves that the United Nations are making to form that pact that will become the European Common Market. If you will look, you will begin to see the many things that I have told you shall take place. For many say, at this moment, how can there be floods? Oh, you will see the floods, they will be here, maybe not in your area, but they will be here. Earthquakes, far greater and more destructive than in times past. Avalanches, straight winds, tidal waves, all these are just part of the signs pointing towards the end-time, they are not, I repeat, they are not for my people. And even if your house were in the direct path of the greatest hurricane ever seen, it would not affect you. So fear not these elements that shall come, for I am far greater than these elements. These elements are not of me and I will not allow them to come upon you or upon my people. But do not be foolish and go forth to prove this. But walk in my love, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge. And know that many sicknesses shall come that will baffle the minds of the doctors and the scientists and they will not understand where they are coming from, or how come they are so powerful, or what is causing this. But fear not these things, for they cannot come nigh your dwelling neither. For no sickness, disease, nor pestilence shall enter your dwelling, for you shall be protected by me. For I have sealed my people with my seal, I have told you that. I have clearly sealed those that will go through this time with me victoriously. I have not sealed all that call themselves saints, for all that call themselves saints, are not necessarily saints, they are not walking with me. But if they will turn and come out of the false, I will do the same for them. For I am not a respecter of persons, for what I have done for one, I will do for another, for I treat all my children alike. Some have moved into the place where they can receive more, but that is because of their walk with me. All of my spiritual gifts belong to you. You are the one that takes a hold of them and walks with them, walks in them. You are the one that allows them to function through your life, that is your privilege; I will not force them upon you. But do not fear the things that you shall hear. Beware of the peace treaty when it is signed. It will not be yet, but there will be much talk about it. It is too soon for it to be signed, but the signing is coming before very long. Realize, recognize and know that is the one recorded in my Book, and when you know that, you will know that you are entering into those first three and a half years, that I shall take you through safely. And even during that time there shall be revival and I shall bring people into my church and I shall deliver them and set them free. At the same time, the anti-christ, the false prophet and the beast shall be forming their church, and as you look at it, it will make you want to vomit, for you will see all the things that are not of me, that they are claiming are now of me. For times have changed and we are walking in a new time, a new era, therefore, things have changed, and yet, my word says I do not change, neither does my word change. So do not be fooled by that. Even though names that you respect and honor will walk in the false, walk with me, walk with me, for they know not what they do. Walk with me. Fear not the changes that have to come now, for it is that time, it is that hour. Warn the people not to believe the teaching on a second chance. There is only one chance and that is to come safely into the fold before the door closes. After the door closes, it will be no different than it was in the day of Noah, the door will remain closed. They need to come into the safety of the fold and walk with me. And I will care for them, I will provide for them and I will protect them. And I will be their Father and they shall be my children, and nothing, nothing, nothing the enemy can do can touch them. For he will fear them, for he will know, that if he deals with them, he will have to deal with me. And they will call upon my power and I will move quickly on their behalf. Walk with me, walk with me.

For the word of the Lord is all power, when spoken from a heart that believes what it says. My people need to know my word, get it in their heart so they believe it above everything else. And then speak it out of their mouth with power that causes it to bring back the answer that it is sent forth to bring. Many disastrous things are going to take place and man cannot stop them from coming, because they are written in the Book, that they will come. But my children, who speak my word from the heart and doubt not, shall change things in their lives to be that of total victory and not defeat. In the heat of the drought they can call forth water to drink. In famine they shall call forth food. In the time of great sickness, plagues, pestilence, and want of death, my people shall call out health, miracles, peace and life and it shall be so. In the days of war, killings, riots, crime, hatred, violence, my people shall call out peace, safety, rest and it shall be so. But not so for those who do not have my word in their hearts and believe it as the only way and speak it out of their mouth. These shall be the most dangerous days ever seen or ever lived in. Wake up world, for the end-time is here. Listen not to the false prophets who speak well, and say it shall be a great time, as the false prophets did during the bible days. For disaster came and the people were taken captive of the enemy and were not set free. Be not like the foolish people in Noah’s days, who say the miracle in the making, hear the warnings, and yet, die in the flood. Be not like the foolish ones who die in the wilderness, because they could not believe, nor put the world and worldliness out of their lives and died in the wilderness, never getting into the promised land. Wake up and come out of the false and into the safety of my fold and be provided for and protected and come with me to my house and live with me forever. Wake up and see the handwriting on the wall, for it is all around you. Can you not see the false prophet, the mark of the beast, the anti-christ on the scene? These things are visible to the man or woman with spiritual eyes and soon to all my body. Oh, that my people would know my word and live the life that I have for them. I plead with them and plead with them and they chase after the false, and yet, the words of their prophets are not coming to pass. Wake up before it is too late and the door is closed. For in that day, you can knock and knock and knock, and the door will not be opened unto you. Do not believe the lies of a second chance, after the church is taken out of here. Believe my word and set your house in order and go when I take my church out of here. Hear my words, for they are recorded in my Book as a witness against those who do not do as I have said.

3-20-02 Wed pm service

For my love reaches from one end of the earth to the other. I am always reaching out to touch those, to show them my love, that they may see and understand and know that I love them, that I am not against them, but I am for them. I desire for them to walk with me, to be my children, that I can provide for them and take care of them, that I can shower blessing upon blessing upon blessing upon them. That I can go before them and make a way where there is no way. Where they can see the truthfulness of my word, where they know in their heart they can stand upon my promises, knowing that they shall not go out and return void, but they will do those things they are sent forth to do. I desire for them to see my love. Show them my love; let my love flow through you that they may see me.

3-24-02 am Service

As you lay aside those things of this earth, those worldly things that hold you back, and press into me, my children, press into me, know my word, as my heart. As my word dwells within your heart you shall see, you shall see the mighty blessings that I shall bestow upon you. Yes, I say unto you, when you walk with me, you walk in my provisions, my children, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I would withhold from you. I say to you this day, walk closely with me, keep my word in your heart, let my word come from your mouth, show people round about you love. I say to you, many, many, many shall come in the very near future and the doors will be bursting open to this place. I say, lose not faith, but stand strong on the words I have said unto you. Stand on those promises, for I shall fulfill each and every one of them.

For you stand before an open door, and very quickly now, you shall pass through that door and step into that realm that I have been talking to you about. For that day, that hour is approaching quickly, sayeth your Father God, yea, and you shall move into a higher, higher, higher plane. You shall walk in more fullness of my power, more fullness of my glory, for I, your Father God, shall move mightily, yea, I shall move mightily as I have said. And you shall see those things as they quickly transpire before your eyes, as they come to pass. It shall confound the fools, it shall shut the mouths of the mockers and it shall proclaim glory to my name. For I, your Father God, have proclaimed it. It is not like the false of the old, but it shall be my glory, sayeth your Father God. It shall be my hour; it shall be my time, a great time, a great time. For I have already foretold you of this time, I have told you of this hour, yes, I have told you, sayeth your Father God. And it is approaching so very quickly, so set your hearts, get your hearts ready for the things that I, your Father God, have for you. For you shall walk in a newness of power, yes, you shall see miracles, signs and wonders. They shall follow you wherever you go and they shall cling unto you. And they shall come, oh, they shall come, they shall come.

My word is a sure foundation, for it does not waiver, nor does it change. Therefore, I say unto you, live, walk and speak my word. Oh, for as you walk in my word, as you live in my word, as you speak forth my word, there shall be victories on every side. For whatever the devil throws against you, it shall not harm or punch you, but it shall just blow by like a nice summer breeze. And it shall have no affect upon you at all. Oh, I say unto you my children, it is time that you rise up like never before. That you truly know my word as I have spoken unto you to know my word. That it is in your heart, that you may speak it at any time, that I may, oh, that I may answer and that I may act upon your behalf. Oh, it is that hour my children, it is that time that I have spoken unto you about. Oh, for great things shall take place in the world, great things shall take place a round about you. But, I say unto you, as you are in me and as you are in my word, they shall blow right on by you and they shall not harm, nor shall they hurt you. For just as even the wise man built his house upon the rock, so build you your house upon my rock, upon my word, and you shall stand when the storms come. Oh, for the winds shall blow and your foundation shall not be moved at all. But you shall walk in the victory that I have already given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you my children, know my word, know my word, have it in your heart, that as you speak it forth, I, Almighty God, am able to move on your behalf. For it is my hour and it is my time and I shall do great and mighty things on behalf of those who are mine. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me; walk with me, oh, be the overcomer that I have said that you are. Walk as the victor that I have said that you are. For truly my children, I have given unto you my word. I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not, fear not, but walk with me.

3-24-02 pm Service

Prepare your heart to receive the things that I have for you. Open your ears unto me, block out the cares of the world, let your mind be set upon me. That you may concentrate and listen to the things that I have to say, for they are expedient unto you, listen carefully.

Oh, what a time we have, when my children come to worship me with all their might. To worship me with all they have, with their whole being. Oh, the time, oh, the joy, oh, the peace that they enter into, as they enter into my presence. Oh, the glory cloud that descends upon them. Oh, yes, it is that time and it is that hour that I have spoken unto you about my children. Where my house is filled with my praises, where my house is filled with my glory, as you come into my presence, so does my glory fall upon you. For it shall continue to get greater and greater and greater, for I have spoken unto you, and I have said, you have entered into a new era. You have entered into a new time and I am pouring out my spirit even more so than before. And you shall see it even in your midst in a greater measure. For those days that I have spoken unto you about, for they have much significance and you shall see a great difference, as I have spoken unto you and said, how there shall be a division between the true and the false. For my true spirit shall rise up like never before, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place. Oh, yes, and my glory cloud shall descend like never before. For, yes, it is that hour and it is that time where my children shall worship me with their whole heart, if they will just allow me to do a mighty work in their life. For as they come to my house, they will have come to meet with me. And they shall not go away disappointed but they shall go away filled up to overflowing. It is that hour and it is that time and you have entered into a new era just as I have said and mighty things I have done. Even as I have said unto you to call, oh, to call in and pray that the latter rain come. As you do so my children, so shall the rain descend upon you. And it shall flood even as the floods that are taking place in the world. It shall flood in and no one shall be able to stop it. For even when a flood comes, it consumes everything in its pathway, so shall it be when my spirit, the spirit of my, oh, flood of my spirit comes upon you. You shall not be able to hold the waters back, for they shall continue to flow and flow and flow. For it is that time and it is that hour, therefore I say unto you, expect change, expect great things to take place, expect my spirit to move without measure. For I say unto you my children, that changes take place and mighty are those things that I shall do.

For the weakest of my children that walk with me, that walk with me, are more powerful than the strongest of the enemy's foes. Therefore, walk with me; walk with me, that you may know that strength, that you may know that power, that you may be that overcomer.

Gird up your mantles, even as the prophets of old, prepare yourself to run. For truly it shall be a swift time, sayeth your Father God, for the things that shall come to pass shall now come swiftly, they shall come very quickly, they shall surprise and amaze you. And you shall look and you shall shake your head, but I say unto you, gird up, yes, gird up those mantles. Prepare yourself to run, prepare yourself to do the things that I have said. Lay aside your own cares, lay aside your own agendas and begin to put your mind in gear, to flow with me, to move with me, to do the things that I, your Father God, shall say. For truly this is that hour and this is that time, yes, and you are ready to enter into that doorway. So make yourself ready now, sayeth your Father God, for the countdown has started.

3-24-02 At the altar after the pm service

The dawning of a new day stands just before you in just a short time. For as you walk through it, without realizing that you are walking through it, you shall enter into that realm that I have spoken to you about. And the resurrection power shall begin to fill your being, preparing you for the miracles, signs and wonders that shall come. And you shall walk in a greater anointing than you have walked before, with keener knowledge and wisdom, for you will be tapping into the main source of all that I have. For I desire that you become everything that I said you could be. And, I, your Father God, shall move mightily on your behalf and I shall cause you to walk in this realm, and as my word comes to you, it will come even more clearly than you are receiving it now. And even though you think that you’re receiving it clear now, it shall be even clearer. For you shall become the mouthpiece for the world, that they can hear what is taking place. That when they come to ask you questions, not pertaining to their own lives, but questions pertaining to the things that are taking place, I will give that to them without measure and in clarity that they can understand, that they can comprehend. That it becomes a workable plan for them, that they can work it, as I desire for them to work it. And again, I say to you, fear not the elements of this world, the things that shall take place, the heat, the storms, the calamities, the earthquakes, the pestilence, fear not any of these things, but stay under the covering. For if you are under the covering, even as the Israelites were under the covering, nothing shall touch you, you will be perfect. So just stay under my covering; don’t get out from under it. That does not mean that you cannot work, that you cannot go places, no, just stay under my covering. Let my blood continually be upon you and cover you. Stay in the safety of the fold. Listen carefully to the things that I warn you about, that you do not deliberately put yourself in the way of harm. For it you put yourself in the way of harm, then I cannot move on your behalf. So listen to the things that I say, ponder them, meditate upon them, remember them, for they are not to be forgotten. For when you forget them, then you leave the door open. The enemy does not know whether you forgot them or not, but he will watch the way that you walk, the way that you talk. And he learns much about you by those things, so walk according to my word, talk according to my word, set a guard at your mouth, watch the things that you say. Move with me as I move, allow my Spirit to flow as freely as I desire for it to flow. When I give you words for someone, be not fearful to give those words, but make sure that they are from me, not just out of your own head. For in the day that you are living in now, when you open your mouth and give them words, and they are not my words, they will not come to pass. And you shall become an open mockery to them and they will label you as a witch, a sorcerer, a warlock. Speak only my words; know my words, say my words. For you are living in a time when my people must hear my words and I will speak to you very clearly. That is why I have said, over and over, that it is important that you hear my voice and know my voice, that you understand my voice, that you walk according to me. Then you walk in all the benefits that I have for you. For many, many, many disasters shall come, even this year. You will see more calamities, greater fires, greater droughts, greater shortages of electrical power, higher prices on gas. And as countries make foolish mistakes, because they do not listen to me, and begin to clamp down on terrorism in different countries, it shall dry up their own source of oil and they will have to lean upon the oil that they have. All of this is foolishness, for if they would listen to me, I could tell them what to do, I could lead them, I could guide them, I could protect them. But they go about their own way, because they feel that they have the wisdom and knowledge to do it. And yet, they only cause disaster to come upon themselves. For they know not the things that they do, nor do they know the enemy, nor do they know what he does, they only feel that they are far superior, that they can do it, and this brings disaster upon them. Therefore, I say, be not like them, but lean upon me, allow me to show you, allow me to tell you, allow me to give to you the wisdom and knowledge that you need, that you can walk according to my plan and my purpose. For many of the things that come will affect many people but will not affect you. Even your jobs will be intact until it is time for you not to be working there. For others will lose theirs, but yours will be intact. Your water supply shall be here, if not in your house, you can come to the land, for my water shall be here for you, for I have purposed that, I have planned that. And you will not be affected, as some are affected. Even when the heat comes and the electrical power is off, I shall send a breeze through your house, through your dwelling place, that you sit in comfort, that you sit there without feeling the heat that the world is feeling. I will keep you safe, I will protect you, I will cover your house with my blood, I will put my mark upon it, and when the angels go about to do their work, whether they be good or bad, they will not come nigh your dwelling. The good ones shall protect it. So fear not the things that must come, for they must come, but rather yet rejoice, knowing that, that day is quickly approaching, that the harvest field is white for harvest and you shall see the bulk of that harvest. For I will keep it out of the false church, but if it goes into the false church, it will come back to you. Those already in it and those desiring to walk with it and those desiring to go with it, they will go with it. But not those in the highways and the byways that shall come in, in this hour and this time, for I shall bring them into the safety of my fold. Then after they are in the safety of my fold, they have their own choice, of course, but because of what they see, because of what they feel, because of what I am doing, they shall stay. For there will be no place like my house. There will be no protection, like the protection that I shall give. There will be no joy, like the joy that I shall fill you with. And fear will not come nigh your dwelling. So if you think the enemy is going to bring fear, do not be concerned with that, for I have not given you the spirit of fear, but I have given you a sound mind and you will function in that sound mind, for I will watch over you and protect you. Oh, I say, it is a great hour, a great hour. But listen to the plans that I have for you as a body, the plans that I have for the church, the plans that I have for the world. Know them and make your decision to walk in them.

Now hear oh servants of the most high God. Listen and prepare your hearts for the services in July, that I, your Father, have called and established. Become as one for this time and purpose, as I will use this time for my glory and I shall speak forth my word concerning the months ahead. I will meet with you at this time and the land shall become holy ground and the anointing shall be awesome and the worship shall reach into my throne. Prepare yourself for this time and totally set it aside for me and for the work I shall do. Look not at the speakers but keep your eyes on me. Prepare your hearts and lay aside your plans, your dreams, your wants and give this time unto me as never before. Hear me and do not make excuses, or I will not hear you when you cry unto me. You are living in the last days and my prophets are speaking my words for my people and you need to hear the voice of the Father. And bring others with you into my house, into my anointing and see what I shall do. For it shall not be in the mouth of the speaker, or the might of his voice, but it shall be my voice, my strength, my power, my ability and my visitation to this area, like has not been seen, no, never in this state or on the east coast before. I will bless those who come and they shall receive what I have for them. I will meet with you under my covering and all those who come shall see the hand of God as it moves. Oh, what greatness, therefore, I tell you now that you make yourself ready. That you can plan and labor together for this one great cause, as you do, I will prepare the hearts of those who come. This is the end-time and my people need to know the false prophet, the anti-christ and the beast. They need to know what is ahead and what shall come to pass. They need to hear what is said, and not secondhand, but from my mouth, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. For those who hear firsthand shall be covered with a special covering and anointing whereas they can minister to others. Fast concerning this time, this visitation, this special event, that I, Almighty God, have established. Man did not set these days, nor did man send out the invitation. It was I, Almighty God, and it is ringing out loud and clear for all to see and hear. Make no mistake, I have put this forth unto you and your eyes have seen or your ears have heard what I have said. Turn not away from what I have said, for the enemy seeks those who turn away to seal with his sealing. Hear me and listen to my word and be quick to do as I say and you shall walk in the victory that I have for you and you shall reap the rewards I have set for this time, this hour, this week, sayeth your Father Almighty God. Listen and hear and do, as it shall be an hour of great blessings and rewards, a time when I personally sit before my people and call them to meet with me there. Listen, I have set and established this time from before the foundations of this earth and it is that time, yes, it is that time. Just as I have spoken in times past by the prophets of old, so am I speaking now by my prophets. They are not words meant to tickle the ears of the hearer, but to warn man of the things to come. To get them into the safety of the fold before the time is too late, even as it was in the days of Noah. As I have said in my word, I shall take my church out at the last or seventh trumpet. And man cannot stop it, nor can the power of the enemy turn it back. If you are not ready for that hour, it is because your treasures are of this world and not heaven. This is not the end, but the beginning, eternity stands before you. One of heaven and with me and one of hell with the devil and his angels. Do you not see the signs all around you? Are your eyes not on Israel and the things that are coming to pass? Have you not heard of the great peace plan by Ishmael’s son? Do you not hear the false prophet as he boosts of his might and power and how he is the head apostle of the church who is also a son of Ishmael? Know ye not my word? That is why you need to hear what I have for you and to prepare yourself for the days ahead. For surely they are here. Take not these words lightly or tuck them away somewhere to forget them. But establish them in your heart and make yourself ready for this time, so you can come and receive from me. Bind up the warfare now and continue to release my power upon these services and these days. This is my invitation to you my body.

      1. Wed pm service

Be not fearful of the devil, nor the attacks that are coming against you. For they are nothing new, sayeth your Father, but you are the victors, you are the overcomers. Stand on my word; stand on my promise, for truly I shall turn them back. Yea, not only will I turn them back, sayeth your Father, but I will restore back unto you again, yes, and I will do according to my word. Therefore, fear not these things, for they are but a smoke screen of the devil trying to cause you to get your eyes off the things that I am about to do. Do not allow this, sayeth your Father, but press into the fullness of the things that I have. Set your eyes upon me, put the goal before you and press toward the mark, and know and know and know and know that they are only attacks, that they are all lies of the enemy. For my word is true and I watch over my word to fulfill that.

3-31-02 am service

Be not fearful of the things that shall come to pass from this day forth. For you have thought you have seen some things in the past, sayeth your Father, but it is only the beginning of those times, times written in my book, times that you have read about. For it is the end-times, sayeth your Father God, and surely these things must come to pass. But I say unto you, fear not, for they are not for my household, neither are they for my people. For they shall walk in victory and I shall go before them and I shall bless them coming in and bless them going out. They shall be the head and not the tail; they shall be above and not beneath, for my word has declared so. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, walk according to the things that are recorded therein. Believe not the lies of the enemy, believe not those that say, not so, read my word. For truly it is written there, it is recorded there and all heaven has bore witness of the things that I have said and they shall come to pass. For not one thing shall go out and return void, but it shall accomplish and go forth and do the things that I have sent it forth to do. And all heaven has bore witness of the things I have said and they shall come to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, walk close to me, listen to my voice, hear my voice, know the things that I, your Father God, have said. Understand the things that I have said and walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For truly this is the greatest hour my church has ever seen and they shall be a victorious church without spot or wrinkle. And they shall conquer and win and they bring in the harvest and then I shall come for them. So lift up your heads and shout, for truly you are in that hour.

For you have entered into that new era and that new time that I have spoken unto you about. Where many changes shall take place for the world and for the church. Oh, but I say unto you my children, the great things that shall take place on behalf of my people, the blessings shall overtake them. They shall flood in, like a mighty river floods in, sweeping, oh, taking in all in its path. So shall my blessings be upon you in these days. It shall flood, flood in upon you and you will not have room to contain all that shall flood in. Oh, it is a time of great blessing, it is a time of a greater anointing, it is a time where my spirit shall move like never before without measure. For truly it is that new season you have entered into, that new time that I have spoken unto you about. And, oh, the mighty things that I shall do on behalf of you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare yourself for those things that I have in store for you. Oh, my children, be like the wise who store up the word within their heart and they follow not the ways of the world but follow only my ways. For truly I, your King, am soon coming. Therefore, I say, be likened unto the wise virgins who have their oil glass filled and ready. Do not be like those who are foolish and have run out of oil and are not ready for the day and the hour when I come. Be not like them, but I say unto you, keep your oil filled up, keep your oil filled up that it is filled to overflowing. Oh, my children, now is the hour, now is the time, walk with me like never before. Know my word and know my voice and walk ye in the blessings that are yours.

Do not become comfortable in the worldly ways of man. I say unto you, be comfortable in my ways, in my word. My word should be first nature to you as breathing. I say to you, much darkness shall cover the earth, but I shall be a light unto my people. My people shall walk forth in great, great victory. I say to you, they shall be filled with my joy, they will be filled with my wisdom, they will be filled with my prosperity, for I go forth before them. I say unto you, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, I will not do for my children. I say to you, speak forth my words; speak forth my word boldly. For I say to you, it is a new time and things will come to pass much quicker than they have in the past. Be careful; be careful not to fall into the snares of the evil one, because he will fight even harder in these last days. But I say to you, those who follow me, those who are open to me one hundred percent, shall have victory. They shall march the march of victory. I say to you, get into my word, know my word, keep my word in your heart, let my words come forth from your mouth and walk in my love, my children. Walk in my love and you shall walk in great, great victory.

Be not like the foolish to whom the death said, if only you had heard like I heard, then you would be walking in the victory that I now walk in.

3-31-02 pm service

Oh, the joy, the utter joy of serving me. For as you serve me with all your heart, I pour my blessings upon you daily. I go before you and make a way where there is no way. I strengthen you, yea, I lift you up on high and I place you into positions of authority. I place you in the places that you can walk in the fullness of the power, the anointing, the joy that I have given unto you, that your heart may be filled with my joy. That you look not at the cares of the world or the troubles that come upon the earth, but that your eyes are upon me and upon my throne and upon your heavenly home, knowing that you have rewards there, that you shall walk with me throughout eternity. That I have great things, great things, great things in store for you. Things that you cannot even comprehend yet, but you shall walk, yes, you shall bathe, oh, you shall enjoy the presence that you shall receive. You shall enjoy walking in my presence and being in my presence and understanding, even as I understand. So set your eyes upon me; let them be set there. Do not let the cares of pressures of the world trouble you. For they are not for you my children, I have told you that over and over and over again. Let them not distract you, but rather yet, walk, walk, walk in the blessings that I have for you.

Be keenly aware of those things that are taking place round about you. Not only in the natural realm, but in the spiritual realm. For mighty things are taking place. For if one would but look with their eyes, they would see all that I have said come to pass. And they shall see it even more so in these coming days ahead. For it is not to bring fear unto my children, but it is to bring great joy into their hearts, knowing that I, their King, shall return to take them home with me. For it shall be a glorious hour and a glorious day. So, therefore, walk not in fear, but I say unto you, walk in the assurance of my word, knowing that I have said that I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. For many say they know my word, many say they hear my word, but yet, they do not listen nor do they follow after my word. For if they truly heard my word, they would take action and they would move upon my word and not against my word. Therefore, I say unto you my children, check yourself, to make sure that you are walking in my word. That when the storms come, that you can stand, that you may not fall but that you stand and walk as the victor I have said that you are. For many things shall come in the world, as I have said, drought, famine, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, pestilence’s, sickness, disease, heat, it shall all come. For the changing has taken place, and if one would but look, they would see as my word is being fulfilled day after day, after day. Do not be the foolish man who buries his head in the sand and knows not what is taking place round about him. But know my word, know what my word says concerning these days ahead, and know that you, my children, can walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Therefore, be not fearful, but I say, walk in the abundance of my blessings that are already yours. Walk in the power and the authority that I have given unto you as sons, as daughters, as heirs to the throne. Be the overcomer as I have said you are and walk in that power and authority that I have given unto you. For, oh, great and mighty are those things that I have in store for you.

So come now, my loved ones, come into the place of love, the place of holiness that I have prepared for you. Stand not on the outside looking to the right and to the left for the physical door, but come in by my spirit, sayeth the Lord. Come into the place that I have prepared for you. Do not peer into the windows, for that is not the way to receive my anointing, but come in through the spirit that I have given you, through the love that I have given you. For you know, you know deeply within your heart that you have been chosen. Stand no longer on the outside, but enter in, enter into the joy that I have for you. Enter into love and the caring that I have for you. Enter into the safety of the loving place, sayeth the Lord.

For the treasures that you lay away in heaven, should be more precious in your eyes, than all the treasures upon the face of the earth. For if your eyes are set on your treasures, that is where you shall be also.

3-31-02 At the altar after the pm service

For the greatness of the things that I have in store for you, they are far greater than even your mind can imagine. For there is much work to be done, and yet, the time is short, and yet, there is ample time to do it all. There will be no hindrances as in the times past, that it seems like you wait and you wait and you wait, because my people are not faithful and do not give like I have spoken to their hearts. It will not be like that. For it is that hour when the wealth of the heathen shall come in to you. It will flood in with no gimmicks, it will just flood in, and it will be there when you need it and it will be there in abundance. Because I have many things, yes, many things for you to do but listen careful to all the things that I say. Make sure that you are hearing from me; make sure that you know the things that I want you to do. Because in the next few months you shall see the radical changes that shall take place, not only in the weather, but in many other areas, and you will begin to see and understand and know exactly the time and the hour that it is. Therefore, walk very close to me, let my love flow through you and touch the others. Because many have refused the call and it is a time for those in the highways and the byways to come in, the unlovable, the ones that nobody has wanted, but I have always wanted. For I love all of my children and I would that they all would come into the safety of the fold, but not all will. Cause many have selfish motives, selfish desires, their pride gets in the way, the prestige gets in the way and they will not humble themselves before me and do the things that I desire. But I have found you faithful in that area. You have humbled yourself before me. You have proved yourself, sayeth your Father. I am well pleased with you. Everyone that is here, I am pleased with, sayeth your Father. So walk very close to me, because you will be amazed at the things that I am going to do through you. And truly you will laugh at times when you hear people in the background say, where did they come from? How did they do this? And yet, these are the ones that are supposed to be able to do it. And you will hear clearly from me, when they can’t even hear, because they have not trained themselves to hear what the Spirit has to say. They have been listening to the wrong spirits and they do not know my voice. But many shall turn from their ways and come back into the safety of the fold. And many even shall submit themselves under you, which shall amaze you and shock you, because you will feel like you should be submitting under them, but not so, sayeth your Father. For it is that hour and that time of great change, not only in the world, not only in the calamities and the disasters, but there is a change taking place, as I have spoken unto you. A division from the truth and the false, as far as the east is from the west. And Satan will not be able to counterfeit the many things that I shall do and he will not be able to manifest my love, for he has no love, he has only hatred. But I say unto you, walk closer to me than you ever have before. Lay many of your own plans and agendas on a shelf and ask me what I desire for you to do and then begin to walk with that, begin to run with that. Don’t spin your tires like you were stuck in some snowbank; don’t spin your tires. But put on your Holy Ghost chains and go with me. For it will be a fast work, it will be a speedy work, it will be a glorious work, and truly, my church shall be that church without spot or wrinkle. For I am going to do everything that I have said I am going to do and you will see it and you will walk in it and you will be blessed. And I shall tell you very clearly, as I have said before, of what shall take place in the days that are ahead. Listen, listen carefully.

Hear my voice and know what hour this is. It is the hour just before the first three and a half years of the seven years. Do not fear the Islamic revolution, nor the Russian warhead, for I plan to break their power, for they have blasphemed my name and made little of my son Jesus and have established their own god and deliverer. Fear not the false prophet or the anti-christ nor his army. Fear not the anarchy and the terrorism and the monetary collapse. Fear not the earthquakes, shortages, famines or natural disasters. Fear not the old and new plagues, nor the rise in crime and the bloodshed. Fear not these things, as they are not for my house. Do not fear these days, for they must come to pass. And when the first three and a half years start, it shall become worse for the world but not for my house. Watch the peace pact that they shall sign. This shall not be done until two thousand and three is already here. It will be broken in two thousand and seven and that shall end the first three and a half years. Those in the false have until the end of two thousand two to come into the safety of the fold or sealed with the devil and his angels. Summer shall produce hot, hot dry weather increasing the droughts and causing many problems. The warmth of the ocean shall also cause great problems, both here and with great icebergs, causing the ocean level to rise even higher than expected. There shall be new sicknesses with little help for those who need help. People will have to move from the hotter areas, and they will. Know this, this is but the beginning of what is about to happen. But also know that this is not for my people, those who know my voice and listen to me. Do not go overseas without checking with me. Be in my house whenever the door is open and put me first, not come to do your business or cut it short to do your business. Know my word and live according to my word. I shall tell you more each and every week. Now hear what I have said; ponder what I have said.

4-3-02 Wed pm service

Let not the cares of this world overtake you. But realize that truly, I am the Lord thy God, I am your provider, believe my word, believe me. For many times you do not believe me with all of your heart. Many areas you do not believe me to be able to do and take care of, and therefore, you walk in doubt without realizing it. Let your heart be set upon my word and upon the things that I say in my word. Renew your minds in the areas that have not been renewed yet, that you may walk with me, that you may walk very closely, that you may understand and comprehend and know the things that I have said, that I can bless you. For I desire to bless you coming in and going out. I desire to give good things unto you. Walk with me; walk with me, that I can bless you.

For I shall never leave you nor shall I forsake you, for I shall go with you until the very end. I have given unto you my word and I have said I shall be your father. Therefore, fear ye not but walk in the blessings of those things that I have in store for you. Walk in the abundance of all that I have given unto you. For many of my children, they go and they have lack and want, because they walk not in the abundance that I have given unto them. Be not likened unto them, but rise up and know your rightful authority, rise up and know that position that I have given unto you and walk in the abundance of the blessings that I, Almighty God your Father, have already given unto you. Fear ye not the day that you are living in, fear ye not the things that shall come to pass, fear ye not those things that shall take place round about you in the world. For you are not of the world but you are of me, and therefore, you walk in my safety and my protection. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not but know that I, your Father God, have my hand upon you and I am watching over you. Therefore, walk in the abundance of my word; walk in the abundance of my blessings. For truly I have great things in store for you.

4-7-02 am service

For the wisdom and knowledge of man, is like the wind blowing through the trees. For it doeth very little, except shake the leaves. My wisdom, my knowledge will give you insight into the things that I, your Father God, am doing. It will point you to areas in your life that you need to strengthen, in order to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. It will be a light upon the path that you walk. That you move from one area of prosperity to another area of prosperity, that I can bless you coming in and bless you going out, that I can make you the head and not the tail, that you will be above and not beneath. That you will be an example to those round about you, that when they look upon you, they will see my blessings upon you and truly know that there is a God. For I am not a God that bringeth forth destruction, I bringeth forth love. Destruction cometh from the enemy, comes upon those who are not walking with me, that are out of fellowship with me. They are in an area that I cannot protect them, but for my people, I am there. I am there that you might be victorious, that you might walk in the fullness of my promises, that you might see and comprehend and understand the things that are ahead. That you are not in the darkness, that you are not fooled, that you walk in that victory. That your life is a blessed life coming in and going out. For I will watch over you and I will protect you, I will provide for you and I will give unto you strength. I will give unto you everything that life has need of. Therefore, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge, lean not to the wisdom or the knowledge of man, but lean to me.

Oh, the love that I have for you my children, there is nothing that I would not do for you. For I have given unto you all of the keys, all of the promises for you to walk in total victory and for you to walk in the abundance of the power and authority I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and walk in my word. For as you know my word, you know more of my ways, and as you walk in my ways, you walk in the victory that is already yours. For as you know my word, wisdom and knowledge of me, Almighty God, is given unto you. Oh, for how I desire that you walk in the abundance of the inheritance that I have given unto you. For truly I am Almighty God and there is nothing that I would not do for you. For I love you with an everlasting love, I gave you my only son, that you may live life and have it more abundantly. Therefore, walk in the abundance of my word; walk in the abundance of those things that I have already given unto you. Be not fearful of the day nor the hour that you are living in, but know that I, Almighty God, the God who took the children through the days of old, I shall take you through and you shall walk in the promise land. Even as my children Joshua and Caleb received the promises and received the fruits of the land, so shall you my children walk in victory, even as they did. Know that I shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. Know that I am the Almighty God, and that there is nothing that I will withhold from you, my children. For I love you and I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings.

When you enter a highway with no signs, with no directions, with no goal posted, how do you know where you are going? How do you know if you are going the right way? How do you know where you will end up? Be not foolish, but enter into my word, for in there you shall find the directions for the pathway of life.

4-7-02 pm service

Let your heart and your mind be stayed upon my word, it is imperative for you to know my word. If you think you are having struggles now, sayeth your Father God, they shall be even far greater, far greater in the very months that are ahead, not years, but months. Get my word into your heart, know my word, stand on my promises, stand on the assurance that I have given unto you. For truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers. I have gone before you and made a way where there was no way. I have opened doors that were closed. I have moved you into the realm that you are now moving in and functioning in, until I take my church out. I have sealed you with my seal, therefore, you can walk in the victories that I have for you, but you must get my word in your heart. For if you are continually being defeated on the right or the left, oh, I say unto you, the enemy shall have a field day that you shall not want in the days that are ahead. Listen carefully, put my word in your heart, put my word in your heart, know my word, know my word, not just in your head, not just coming out of your mouth, but know it in your heart. Stand on my word, stand on my promise, for truly I can take you through this time victoriously, I can do all that I have said that I will do, much, much more. And, oh, the glorious time it shall be for those that know and walk according to my word. The joy, the pleasure, the peace that shall be there for those that have my word in their heart, who stand on my word, who are totally sold out to me, leaving no room for the enemy to move. Therefore, walk according to my word; draw in closer to me, much, much closer. Draw in so close that your heart beats with my heart, that your mind functions with my mind, that you know, that you know, that you know.

Know that I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf. Expect great things to take place in the coming months, expect me to do great and mighty things, even on your behalf. For I am doing great things right now, even though many see it not or know it not. But if you would but look into the spiritual realm you would see all that I am doing. Fear not the things that shall take place around about you, for I have said, you, you are not of the world, that you are mine. Therefore, I say unto you, act like my children, for my children know my word, my children hear my voice, my children walk according to my ways. They follow not the ways of man, nor their own ways or their own thoughts, but they walk in my perfect will, they walk in my love. Be my children and walk as my children. For those, my children, they walk holy, as I am holy. For they walk in my attributes, and yes, they walk in the power and authority that I have given unto them. Therefore, be ye therefore my children and act and walk as my children should walk. For great and mighty are those things that are in store for those who walk with me. For those who know my word, for those who know the day and the hour that they are living in. For they shall not be caught off guard but they shall walk in the perfect peace, they shall walk in the perfect abundance of my blessings. For they shall walk in my word and they shall walk in my ways. Know that I am doing mighty things on your behalf. Oh, I say unto you, greater things than you even are aware of. Oh, I say, press into me even more so, even more so, my children, that you know me even in a deeper realm, in a deeper way. For that is my desire that you draw closer to me, that you know me for who I am. For many say they know me, and yet, walk in defeat. For if they truly knew me and my word, they would walk in the victory, they would walk as the overcomer as I have said they are. Be my children, walk as my children, for great are those things I have in store for you. Know that I have, oh yes, know that I have done great things on your behalf and am continuing to move. And I am fulfilling every promise I have given unto you; there is not one that shall be left undone. For I am watching over my word to perform it. Therefore, I say unto you, stand ye fast, stand ye fast on the promises that I have given unto you. Stand fast on my word and watch as I fulfill those things right before your very eyes. For I am your Father God and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire that you walk in the fullness of all that is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer unto me, know me like never before and walk in my ways, walk in my wisdom, walk in my prefect will. Know my perfect will, for therein are great blessings. Walk with me, for truly the reward is great.

For as the water covers the earth in a great downpour, so shall my word cover the earth. And those that have not heard shall swim quickly in.

4-7-02 At the altar after the pm service

Many people have made men their idols, and when they gather themselves together in the huge churches where the man has been made an idol, they will follow him and not my word. For his word becomes that of a god, not of me. And the people listen and follow and do the things that he says, even though my word is in their house, even though they say they study my word, and yet, they do not. For even as the revival that you saw in Canada, they begin to make the animals lord, and yet in Genesis, I gave man dominion over the animals. They also had the shakes, but the shakes become even more so in the revival of Florida, and yet in my word, when the young boy began to shake and threw himself on the ground, my son Jesus cast the evil spirit out of him. Man does not always believe my word, they believe what man will tell them, and yet, they have my word. This is one of the major reasons why it is so hard for me to touch them and reach them. Even though I love them, even though I speak to them, even though I talk to them deep in their heart, they are content in their beautiful surroundings and the words that tickle their ears and they follow after their idol. The blind leading the blind and they will fall in a ditch. I desire that every man, woman and child come safely into the Kingdom of God and be spared the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, but they will not listen. They will not study my word; they will not do as my word says. They will follow after their denominations, they will follow after their idols, they will follow after the things that tickle their ears. And spirits get a hold of them and control them, for there is much laying on of hands and people are imparting the things that they have unto them and they receive these bad spirits. And then it becomes even harder, unless they will listen to what I say, unless they open their own ears, which they can do, and hear my voice and think it is not just some man speaking. Check it out in my word. I have said that over and over and over, check it out in my word. Have you not seen more calamities already this year, than you did last year? Is not the death toll beginning to climb already this year and you are just starting into the year? Terrorism is not over. Through man’s wisdom and knowledge, they haven’t even blown out a match. They go in their foolish ways and spend all their money and achieve little, if not nothing, because they will not listen to me. And then they talk about turning their backs upon Israel. Oh, how foolish man is. Do they not know that my first covenant stands with them, that I am the one that fights for them? My children have another covenant and they are the true Israel today, they are the true Jew today. For there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is but one family of God and many of them have come into the safety of the fold, yet some are still under the protection of the old covenant, and I will fulfill my word to them. But they shall go through a terrible time before that word is fulfilled to them, because of the choice they have made, not my choice. For I said I would gather them together like a hen gathers all of her chicks and keep them in safety, but they refuse, they would not accept the Messiah, they look for another. The world has their eyes now on the false prophet, who is establishing himself as the head apostle. The world is now casting their eyes upon the anti-christ and his peace treaty and his wisdom and his knowledge. There is no peace, war on every hand. Even in America, the peace has been robbed, in a sense, from many people. Those that never locked their doors, now lock their doors. Many are afraid to go to malls or go out on the streets or go here or go there, because of the terrorism. Oh, how foolish man is. For I have a plan for them, I have a way out, his name is Jesus. And if they will follow me and follow my book and walk according to the word that is written therein, they shall be the overcomers, they shall be victorious and they shall go out of here before I pour out my wrath upon this earth. For there is coming that time when I will pour out my wrath upon this earth, for there is none left, other than those of the first covenant. Those that are here are those that have rejected and refused and become one with the anti-christ, who is Lucifer, the devil, whose judgement day is coming. Hear my words and know my words, study my word, study my word. Don’t say I don’t have your word, for if you desire my word, I will speak to one of my servants and they will send you my word. But know my word, know my word. Listen not to all the promises that man gives unto you. Look at my promises, look at the conditions of my promises, look at the things that my word says, that you walk according to that word and not according to some man, not according to some denomination, not according to some move that man conjures up and calls it mine. For if it were mine, there would be no false in it. For I would drive the false out, even as I have done before here in America, in the early revivals, when the bars closed, when the houses of prostitution closed, when the gambling joints closed, when the husbands returned to their wives and the adultery ceased. That is what took place in the revivals. People were saved, people were filled with the Holy Ghost, demons were cast out, but they did not lay around and shake and bark and growl and howl, for that was not of me. Look at my word, it is time to wake up. Wake up, I say, wake up. The clock is striking the midnight hour. Wake up, wake up, take a look at the end-time signs that are taking place. And know that very swiftly now, the first trumpet shall sound with all of its fullness. Not just a toot on the horn, not just a testing or tuning up for the great orchestra that shall play in the last days, but it shall sound loud and clear and the second shall quickly sound after it and the third shall quickly sound after it. Read my word; know the things that shall take place in the short span of three and a half years. Know the things that shall take place before that time and know the things that shall take place in the last three and a half years. Do not be deceived by what man says. Read my word, study my word, inquire of the Holy Ghost, who is your teacher and your guide, and he will lead you into all truth and teach you all things concerning me and my Son and the coming of your Lord. Be wise, for it is time to put away the childish games. It is time to put away your own desires and your own feelings. It is time to do it my way. For I plead with you, sayeth your Father, I plead with you as any earthly father would plead with their child, as a child stands on a cliff ready to jump off and destroy himself. Read my word, know my word. Come into the safety of the fold. Realize the countdown has started. Do not be fooled, even if you have to move from that place that you so love, it is far better to move and save your soul and to save your family, than to lose all following man or man’s ways. Wake up, wake up, listen, listen to the things that I have to say to you. Know, know my word, know my word.

This is the hour that my true church shall come together in unity. This shall be the year when my campmeetings, the special services, youth camps and such shall be places that you shall not want to miss or have others miss, because of what I am going to do. I am going to meet with the youngest to the oldest in a very special way. I am going to bring in those from the highways and byways and touch them and they will run swiftly with all I have for them. I shall pour out my wisdom and knowledge unto my people like never before. Great miracles shall take place, even in the youth camps, and they shall wait before me at the altar weeping and calling out to me and I will answer them. I shall fill them with my Spirit and empower them for the work and the hour that is ahead. This shall be done only in my churches, my youth camps and my campmeetings. The false shall not have this, only fleshly manifestations that produce more wickedness and problems. Pastors, evangelists, apostles, teachers and prophets will have to come to my services in order to receive what I have. This is not man’s call, but it is mine, and it shall be so. I will move in the gifts of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, prophecy, faith, healing and miracles like never before. I will openly deal with the false spirits, casting them out, setting my people free, in my services. I will rebuke openly those who will not get their lives in order and I will correct my church but all in love. I will deal very hard with the enemy, or spirits of the enemy, and people who walk after the ways of the enemy, who come against me and my church, or try to flow in fake gifts or the flesh. I will bless my people in every service, and the more services you’re in, that are called of me, the more you shall grow. Do not go to the false or be part of any move they try to start up. Keep yourself separated from the enemy and the world. Stop playing church and come to serve me with all your heart. When you come to church, come to hear what I have to say through whom I speak through, and do not put them down or sit outside my services daydreaming, talking or doing your own thing. When worship services start, you enter in with all your being. If you play an instrument, then play the instrument unto me. I have those who I have assigned to lead worship, follow them and do not try to lead or help as a worship team member, unless you are. Enter in as my congregation and worship together and as one. From this night forth set your house in order, set your life in order and study my word. Pray and worship me at home, at work, at play. Teach your children to worship me, pray in the spirit every day. Move out of the cold dead church into the red hot church where my spirit moves and I speak through my prophets in every service. Give room to the moving of the Holy Spirit and spend time after the services waiting upon me. You have already seen, and shall see many, many, many more changes in the world, weather calamities, sickness, drought, floods and tornadoes. Now you shall see this even greater. You shall see the heat as it comes, therefore, you need to be in my house receiving the words for the week or month ahead. You need to know, so you can be where I desire for you to be, so you are safe. Did you hear that? Listen and it shall be a time of great victory for you. Don’t listen and you will find great sorrow and suffering. I love you and desire you to walk in victory.

4-10-02 Wednesday pm service

For the ways and the purposes of my plan are sure. They are anchored, they do not go to the left, they do not go to the right, but they are anchored, they are steadfast. And they shall come to pass even as I, your Father God, have spoken them so, even though man does not believe my word. My word will not go out and return void but it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do. Not only will it do those things; it will complete the cycle that I, your Father God, have started. And that cycle shall come to fulfillment in all that you shall do or say. Oh, what a joyous time it shall be. For in the days that are ahead, there are many, many, many great blessings for my people. I shall watch over them and protect them, I shall keep them in safety, I shall go before them and open the door. And there is but one condition, that they walk with me, that they listen to me, that they do what I say. For then they shall walk in that safety. But if they venture out on their own, then they have made the choice for what lies ahead. Therefore, listen to the things that I say to you, meditate upon them, ponder on them. Wait before my face and get clear instructions, clear understanding, that you may walk in all the blessings that I have for you. For truly you shall see things coming to pass very quickly. For as you pick up the newspaper, or turn on the television, or look around about you, you will see all the signs that I have said come to pass and they shall, they shall. Therefore, walk in the wisdom; walk in the knowledge that I am giving to you, that you may be the victor that I have said that you could be.

4-14-02 am service

Oh, how great and how mighty my church shall be in these last days. For I have poured out my spirit and will continue to pour out my spirit without measure upon my people. I shall equip them, I shall clothe them, I shall prepare them, that they may walk as the overcomers that my word declares that they are. That they may walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for them, that they go forth with great might and great strength to do the things that I, their Father God, said that they shall do. For truly, in these days, they shall be all that my word declares. And they shall walk in a power, oh, far above the powers that they have known before and they shall be thee overcomers. They shall be the victors and they shall go forth to do my work in a mighty way. Miracles, signs and wonders shall follow them. As they open their mouth I, their Father God, shall move quickly on their behalf and I shall bring to pass those things that they ask of me. And they shall see it and others shall see it and many, many, many shall come in, yes, shall come into the safety of the fold. For they will realize that truly there is a God in heaven, that he is able to do all that he has said that he can do. And there is safety in his fold, that they can walk in the victories and not in the defeats. That they can be the head and not the tail, that they can be over and not beneath. For truly I, your Father God, have spoken it, and yea, I shall do it.


Is there anything too hard for me to do? No there is nothing too hard for me to do for you my children. For I am the Almighty God, and there is nothing, there is nothing that I am not able to do. For I can do all things. Oh, but all you have to do, my children, is ask of me and walk in the blessings and the provisions that I have given unto you. For I have given you all the keys that you have need of in the days ahead. For my word gives you all that you have need of to walk in the victory that I have said that you can walk in. Oh, I say unto you my children, walk in the abundance of all that I have for you. You have entered into a new era and a new time, and as you speak forth my word, so shall it take place even quicker than before. For I have much work that is needed to be done in the coming days and it shall not take time like it did in times past. For when you speak forth my word, when you call into being that which is not, it shall be so and you shall walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Learn to watch your mouth, learn to watch the things that you speak forth from your mouth, be careful that you are speaking only blessings not cursings. For as my word says, that which you sow is what you shall reap. Are you reaping what you desire, or is your crop full of weeds? Therefore, I say unto you my children, speak forth my words, speak forth my blessings and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill them right before your very eyes.

Mount up with my word, mount up and run quickly, for truly, I shall do those things that I have said. Call those things that be not as if they were and I, your Father God, shall turn them around and you shall walk in that victory.

4-14-02 pm service

For the rain has started my children, yes, that rain has started. For you are feeling just a sprinkle, just a drop, just a light mist of the rain that shall come in the end-times. Oh, for you shall see it flood down upon my people, and they shall be consumed, even as a flood consumes all in its path. Oh, for the power and the anointing that comes with that latter rain, oh, the victory that my children walk in. For it is that hour and it is that time that I have spoken unto you about, and yes, you are feeling a mist of this rain. And it shall continue to get greater and greater and greater and greater, until that rain is flooding the whole earth. For truly it is that day and it is that hour. Therefore, I say unto you my children, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts for when the true, oh yes, when my true rain begins to fall and it starts flooding, be not those who stand on the wayside and look in and receive not of me. Oh, but be those who drink in of me and my spirit. Be those who drink in all that they can get. Oh, and grow even as the flowers grow in the spring, as my rain falls upon you, so shall you grow in the spirit. So shall you grow in my ways and in my word. Oh, I say unto you, prepare your hearts even this day, even this day start preparing for all that I have in store for you. For truly my children, great things now shall start to begin to take place.

For as it was in the days of the early gospel when I first poured out my spirit upon all flesh, so shall it be in these days. For those that came into the Kingdom of God were those that had never been in. But those that were already in, the religious type form that they had in that day, they turned their backs upon me and so shall it be in this day. So think it not strange the things that I say unto you, nor the warnings that I give. For I love all my children with an everlasting love and I reach out to them but they must listen with an ear, and they must repent with a heart, and they must walk according to my word and my plan. For many play games, sayeth your Father God, they hear the things that I say, and yet, they go their own way. They are not of my sheepfold, for my sheep hear my voice and they follow my voice. They may say that they are of my sheepfold, but my sheep follow me. And those are the ones that I, your Father God, shall move mightily through. For I have many across the land, yes, I have many across the sea, I have many, sayeth your Father God, and many, many, many more shall come into the safety of the fold. Yea, and they shall walk with me and they will listen to me and they shall do the things that I say. And they shall follow after me, even as the apostles did in the days of old, yea, and many, many, many flocked unto him, many came into the safety of the fold. I say unto you, walk close with me; listen carefully to my words. Meditate upon my word, know my word, be not fooled in the days that are ahead. For you shall see such a change between now and mid-summer that it shall shock you, sayeth your Father God, but it shall be there, for I have told you. Yea, I have told you about the false church that shall rise up in the last days whose head shall be the anti-christ, and yet, many, many, many who profess to be mine shall follow him. Oh, I say unto you, walk close to me, walk close to me, walk close to the things that I say. Read my word, know my word, study my word, be obedient to the things that I say and walk in the safety that I have for you.

Have you considered the earthworm, for even though its enemy may cut it in half, and yet, both sides shall have life. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the enemy, for I have given you life.

Let not your hearts be troubled, for the door has been opened for all, and those that come not in, have refused to come in. They have had the opportunities that others have had, and yet, they refuse to accept that opportunity. They desire to go their own way, they desire to have their ears tickled, they have no love for the truth, they have no love for my word. It is a choice that they have made. It is not my choice, sayeth your Father, for my choice has always been life, life and that more abundantly, blessings not curses. And yet, because they refuse my way, they walk in the things that my word declares that they shall walk in. Therefore, let not your heart be troubled, look at the reward that you shall receive, and realize that that is their choice. Press towards the mark that I have placed before you. Set not your affections upon the cares of the world, neither be troubled, for if you speak the word, it shall come to pass. If you speak the word, it shall come to pass. Know my word, know how to change things, listen carefully to the things that I say, understand them, for there is life in them.

4-14-02 At the altar after the pm service

For truly there is a superhighway that already exist in the land. For I, your Father God, have established it and placed it there. But many of my people are trying to go upon the highway with old equipment that cannot run the speed that I have set there. And they are afraid to push the pedal down and begin to flow with me in all the things that I have. Be not like that. Be not a hindrance to the other traffic because you go too slow. Be not a thorn in their flesh that causes them to become upset or angry at the slowness of the way that you move. But get on my highway, sayeth your Father God, and begin to enjoy the things that I have for you. For if I need you in Chicago at noon, then I need you at my speed, not at your speed, for at your speed, you will never arrive there until four hours late. The time that is ahead is a time that has been put together by me, and it shall be a quick time. Many things shall come to pass in a short time span, and yet, there is ample time to do all that I have said. But you must flow with me if you are going to be in the midst of the main flow. If you do not flow with me, you will be like one of those that lags behind, causes traffic jams, because they do not drive and keep up with the traffic. Stay with me, sayeth your Father God. For we shall do a speedy work in these last days, and yet, it shall be a comfortable work. It shall not be a reckless work. It shall not be a work where you just go and do your own thing and run as fast as you desire, for then you will be to the destination way before I get there, and you will only have to wait on me. So be not ahead nor be behind but be with me. For truly I shall speak to you concerning the things that shall come to pass. I shall make it very clear and very obvious to all that hear, all that listen, all the pay attention, that you will know exactly the things that are going to take place, especially the things that concern you. Be not surprised that even tornadoes move into the northland. Be not surprised when hurricanes go farther in the northland than ever seen before, for you are living in that time. I have never said, that the storms will not come here, I have said, they will not come nigh your dwelling. They will not come to your house; they will not affect you, as long as you are walking with me. Be not surprised when the pestilence and the sicknesses come and there is no answer from man on how to take care of them. They will not come to your house. So be not fearful of these things. But I will make you aware of the things that shall come to pass, that you may know. For even when the great hail comes, it would be unwise for you to be out during that, wisdom would say be inside. Therefore, I will tell you these things. They shall not damage your house nor your property. But things shall take place, not only in the world, but all over the world. Therefore, you need to walk with me. For as you walk with me, you walk in total safety. I will provide for you totally, completely. I shall take care of you, I shall give you strength, I shall give you comfort, I shall give you peace. Be not surprised at the terrorism. Be not surprised as they begin to speak of a solution for the whole world to walk in peace. Be not surprised as the monetary system takes a total change and the chip becomes available for all. Be not surprised at these things, for I have told you that they shall come and they will come. It is not the chip that they are talking to you about right now. For the new one is almost completed right now, and it shall be even smaller, a hundred times smaller than the one you have seen. Be not surprised as the banks encourage their people to go this route, as we become the cashless society. Be not surprised, for I have told you these things. Therefore, it is imperative for you to hear what I have to say. It is imperative to you that you listen. When I say go not here, you do not go there. For if you will not listen, you are of no use to me. I cannot use you. For no farmer will continually keep a cow that continually jumps out of the pasture. For it is not long they lead all others to follow. A wise farmer will do away with it. Listen carefully, for I desire to bless you coming in and bless you going out. I desire to prosper you. I desire to keep you in perfect health. I desire to take care of you. But in order to do that, you need to listen, you need to follow the directions that I give to you. For my way is the perfect way. I know the way through this time, for I have seen the very end, I have seen everything that shall come to pass, I know everything that shall take place and I shall take you through this time victoriously. So listen not to the world, nor the lies of the world, or to those that say it is all turning around, for it is not so. You shall hear of more fish being washed ashore that are dead, because of the pollution of the water. You will hear of more icebergs breaking off and melting. You will hear of places in the south that will continually throughout summer be in the hundred and above range. You will hear of droughts like you have never heard of before. Not only here, but all over the world. Volcanoes, earthquakes, straight-winds, tidal waves, you will hear of things you have not heard of in the degree that you shall now hear of them. Realize that it is only signs of the end-time. When you enter into the first three and a half years of the seven years, it shall be even greater than what you shall see from now till then. Let not this bother you, let it not bring fear, for I have said, over and over and over, I shall take you through this time safely. Did I leave Noah in the flood? Did I not provide for him? Did I not care for him? I shall do the same and more for you. So fear not the things that shall come but listen, listen, that I can keep you from the traps and the snares, in the pits, in the hurt that the enemy has and is trying to bring upon my people. Stay away from the things that I tell you to stay away from. They have become even more evil right now, very, very much so, sayeth your Father. And they will become even more evil as you move in the year 2003, for then the bottomless pit, where they have been chained up; those that are remaining shall be loosed. Therefore, I say listen, pay attention. It shall be a safe time for you but you need to listen.

Have you heard, have you seen, have you listened to my prophetic word being fulfilled? Wake up church and live, wake up and see the handwriting on the wall. Not only have my prophets spoken it into being, but it is written before your eyes. Are not my words coming to pass? Have you not seen them? Then listen and follow after the things that I speak unto you. Walk in unity as one. Keep your eyes upon the vision and the goal set before you. Submit under your leadership, for doing so, you submit under me. Be of help, not one who causes division and strife. Many, many great calamities shall be clearly seen and recorded on the news and in the newspaper. Droughts so bad people will have to move to where the water is. Tornadoes far larger and more dangerous than ever. Floods, earthquakes, pestilence, sickness, fever, famine, electrical shortages, heat waves, great hail, hurricanes, straight winds, fires, smog at a killer level in certain areas and many other unnatural events. Beware of the peace treaty set for seven years. Beware of the one who wrote it up. Beware of the false prophet. Did I not tell you that you would not see the thing prophesied to take place in March by them? Has March come and gone? Wake up and stop following this one who shall be the false prophet and raise the anti-christ from the dead. Wake up and see what I have told you, you would see. Have they burned the books in the colleges, as the false prophets have said? No. Yet, they will make him the head apostle of the church, only it will be the false church. Even your President sold you out when he was willing to accept all religions as a way to heaven. The false world church is rising, just as I have told you, and you are now seeing more signs of it. Wake up and hear and read what I am saying to my church. The devil did this during the dark days, and once more he is doing it again. I say unto you, wake up. Soon the true church shall be labeled the false, and yet, they shall fear my church because of her power and authority. Watch as many TV programs go off the air because of a lack of money. The wealth of the heathen is coming in all right, but it is coming into my true church and not the false church. For the wells of the false church shall dry up and be financed by the devil’s world system and become the religious Babylon spoken of in my word. Wake up and see what is happening. I shall speak concerning many things in my Prophetic Camp Meeting where my prophets shall gather. Those who hear and know my voice, shall drop what they are doing, and gather together to hear what I have to say. Now hear me, I said, my true prophets shall gather themselves together to hear what I have to say. I will speak even more clearly to all that are there and they shall not desire to leave the land until the services are over. For they will hear of the cashless system that shall come by the end of the year. They shall hear of who the anti-christ and his false prophet are. They shall hear about the UN and its role, about the USSR and its role, about China and its role. Yes, those there shall come away knowledgeable of the things that shall take place from 7-2002 until 7-2003. They shall be equipped to do the work I need done during the coming year. They shall be empowered to be able to do that work. They shall be covered with a protective covering that will enable them to carry out my mission during this time and to help others to become likeminded and enabled to do the same. Wake up from your sleep, for the clock is striking the midnight hour. My church shall be the overcomers and shall walk through this time in great victory and then I shall take them out at the last trumpet, just as my word has always said. Therefore, wake up and walk, walk in my ways, walk in my protection and follow after me and my voice.

4-17-02 Wed pm service

Let not the cares of the world hold you captive. Let not the pressures round about you overcome you. Allow not the things that you see or hear to trouble your heart. For you are not of this world, you’re of my kingdom and I, your Father God, watch over you, I protect you, I keep you safe. Therefore, do not allow these things to trouble you. Spend more time in my word, spend more time talking with me, spend more time exalting my name and lifting my name up. Spend more time doing that and you will find that the cares of the world will not trouble you. The things that are going on will not bother you, and you will not get in strife over the things that are taking place, but you will walk in unity. For your eyes will be fixed upon me, your heart shall be established in my word, yea and you shall know the things that I, your Father God, have said.

4-21-02 am service

Let your hearts rejoice at the great and wonderful and mighty things that I am doing. For truly you must have seen and you must know how I am moving mightily on your behalf. How I have gone before you and opened doors where there were no open doors before. How I have removed the mountains and the obstacles that stand in your way, that you can walk in the victory that I have for you. For truly this is the hour when my church shall walk in victory. Those that walk with me, those that listen to my voice, those that hear the things that I say, they shall walk in great victory, they shall be overcomers. Yea and many shall flock unto them; miracles, signs and wonders shall take place. For my power shall flow through them in a mighty way in these days, sayeth your Father. So let your hearts not be troubled at the things round about you, know that many of these things must come, but you, as my children, shall walk in the victory that I have for you. So set your eyes upon me and upon the victory that I have told you about, and walk, walk, walk as children of Almighty God.

For as you watch my prophetic word being fulfilled round about you, so is my word being fulfilled unto you my children. For I am quickly working on your behalf to do those things which I said I shall do and mighty are those things that you shall see. For my hand is moving upon your behalf and great and mighty are those things that you shall walk in. The blessings that shall overtake you, you will not be able to number them, even as you cannot number the sand on the seashore, so shall it be with my blessings. For they shall be too numerous, you will not be able to number them, for all of the mighty things I shall do on behalf of those who walk with me. On behalf of those who speak forth my words, on behalf of those who walk in the way I have told them to walk in. Oh, great and mighty are those things that are in store for my children who are obedient unto me and listen unto the voice of their Father God. For truly I am moving in a great way, in ways that you see or know not. But I say unto you, they shall be visible with your natural eye very soon now. And you shall rejoice as you see what I, Almighty God your Father, am doing on your behalf. For there is not a day that I am not working on your behalf. For I am showering blessings upon you, even as I showered blessings upon my children in thee old times, as I showered upon them, I am showering upon you even right now my children. And my rain is coming down, the rain of blessings, the rain of my spirit; the rain of prosperity is coming down. And the greatness of those things that you shall possess, that you shall walk in. For it is my hour and it is my time and my church shall be lifted up, my church shall be glorified. It is my church that shall be blessed, it is my church that shall walk in my blessings, for it is my hour and it is my time and mighty are those things that I shall do on behalf of you my children.

4-21-02 pm service

For truly it is a great hour, a great hour. For in my plan before the foundation of the earth, I established certain events to take place. Events that were very, very important, times when my people would be blessed above and beyond all they would expect. Even at the tower of Babel, even in the days of Noah, even as I delivered my people out of Egypt, even as I brought them into the promised land, even as my son Jesus came and died that you could have life, even on the day of Pentecost, for you are entering into the second Pentecost, the great outpouring of my Spirit, which shall be three times greater than that of the first. You are entering into the time of the great harvest, when I shall bring in those that are out there in the harvest field, for truly they are white, they are ripe, they are ready for harvest. You are entering into the time when the wealth of the heathen shall come into you. It shall not be long now, sayeth your Father God, and all these things shall be completed before I take my church out. Then the next great thing shall be when you come back with my son Jesus to rule and reign for a thousand years. Oh, it is a great time my children, a great time, a time of great victory, a time when my children shall walk very close to me. A time when they will listen very carefully, for they will want to know the things that are to come, they will want to know the things that shall take place; they will want to walk in the safety that I have for them. And, therefore, they will listen carefully, they will weigh it out, they will ponder, they will think upon it, they will meditate upon it, for they shall walk in great victory. For it shall be an awesome time, as you say, an awesome time, a time of great blessing, a time of great reward, a time of anointing such as you have never seen, no either has man seen. But it shall be a time of anointing where creative miracles take place before your eyes, where miracles, signs and wonders become commonplace in my church. Where deliverance shall be there for those that need deliverance. Where holiness shall be in my church and people shall walk righteous, for truly they are righteous. Oh, I say to you, it is a great time my children. It is not a time to be concerned or worried. It is a time of great rejoicing, for it is that hour and that time I have spoken to you about in my word. An hour and that time when you shall be that overcoming church, that victorious church without spot or wrinkle. A time when you shall walk in the fullness of my victories and you shall know me in a way that few have ever known me. And you shall listen to my voice and follow after the things that I say, and walk, walk, walk in the victories that I have for you.

Speak forth my word as I have told you before. For as you speak forth my word, it is my word that changes those things in front of you. It is my word that changes the circumstances. Call those things into being and they shall be, even as my word has said. For I have spoken unto you and said, that the wealth of the heathen has been laid up for you, the righteous. Therefore, call in that wealth and it shall be so. Call in those things that you have need of and it shall be so. For I am moving in even a greater length and realm my children, and I have said, that those things that you speak forth shall come to pass even sooner. Therefore, I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth. Speak forth only my word; speak forth only those things that you desire to see. For if you lack in an area of your life, speak to that area and it shall change and it shall line up with my word. For it is my word that changes things. For I say unto you, if you need love, speak love and it shall be so. If you need peace, speak peace and it shall be so. Get into my word and speak forth my word and it shall quickly change the circumstances around you. It shall quickly cause you to line up and to be walking in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you. For when you are down and when you are defeated, you walk not in the victory that I have for you. But walk in my joy that I have given unto you, that you may be full of my blessings, that there may be nothing lacking in any area, but that you possess all that I have for you, all that I have given unto you. For truly it is that hour and it is that time that I have spoken unto you about, when great things shall take place around you in the world. But I have told you to fear not, for you are not of the world, but you are of me. And I, your Father God, shall take care of you, I shall see you through these days ahead and it is victory that you shall walk in. It does not matter what the enemy shall throw at you, it does not matter what he tells you, I say, it matters what I say and it matters what my word says. For it is my word that shall bring you through these days ahead in great victory. So fear ye not what shall take place round about you in the world, in the government, in the weather, but I say unto you, oh, walk with me and know my word and know that I have said I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory, in great victory. And I shall provide for you, I shall be your protector, I shall be your guide, I shall be your all in all, I shall be everything that you have need of. Walk with me and know my word and know my voice, that you can walk in the abundance of my blessings. For therein, my children, is the key to great victory. For therein is the key to great success. For as you know my word and as you walk in my word, you walk in my great blessings.

Be like the great eagle who soars above the storms, who sees the enemy before he can attack, who puts forth no effort to flow in my power but understands the current of my power and rides up high.

4-21-02 At the altar after the pm service

For your ears have been tickled this tonight, but tickled by with my words. You have been fed tidbits to cause your appetite to grow and grow and grow. For truly I have things for you that are so phenomenal, that if I told you detail by detail, you would not totally believe yet. But my anointing, it shall come out with this outpouring of the Holy Ghost, it shall be even far greater than anything that you have felt in your life. And truly, as I have said, when they come into my house they will know the difference between my house and the house of the false. In my house they will see miracles, creative miracles. They will see healings and deliverance. They will see people that really fall under the power and lay there for hours and hours and hours. Who will be so drunk, when they stand up they will need help to stand, and they will spend hours yet in my presence, worshipping me and praising my name, exalting me. And the more you praise me, the more you exalt me, the greater the anointing shall become. My Shekinah glory shall literally fill my churches. It will be so thick, it will be tangible, you will be able to touch it, you will be able to feel it, for it shall touch you. Oh, the glorious time that I have ahead for my people. The scene that you see in the Bible in Solomon’s temple is small, relatively small in comparison to what I am going to do. The day of Pentecost is small in comparison to what I am about to do, and you have already started into it. It is like being on a mountain with a slide that goes to the bottom that is solid ice, for once you start down my children, it shall be a glorious trip. And you will not want to go back to the top; you will want to continue flowing in the things that I have. And your excitement shall be so great you will not pass an opportunity. When you see the lame, when you see the deaf, when you see the blind, when you see the crippled, you will not be able to keep your hands off of them, for you know that they shall receive their miracle, they shall receive their healing. And others will look in amazement, and they will follow after you, that you can bring them to my house where they can be touched. Where they can be filled, where they can be delivered, where they can be set free, where they can have that new life that you have, where they can return back into the harvest field and bring others out. For it shall be a time of labor, in a sense, for you will be continually bringing in those from the harvest field. You will be bringing in those from the harvest field, not from the churches, for they will have to come out of those places that are dead by themselves. But you will be bringing in the harvest that is out there, those in the highways and the byways, the unlovable, and the unlovable will become so lovable that everybody will love them. Everyone will remark at the change, and say, what has taken place? This has to be God. There is no way they can act like this, something has happened, and truly they shall know that I have touched them. For this is an hour, an hour so great, that I have plans and directions for this hour. And I will deliver them to you, that you may walk in the plans and the directions that I have for this hour. An hour when you will walk in total unity, total support, total fellowship with those in that unity and with me, where you will be there for one another, to strengthen, to comfort, to uplift. And when one shouts, all shout, when one shall praise me, all shall praise me, for excitement will be burst from one to another, it will burst, it will burst like a balloon. And the oil will flow down over your head to your feet, to the soles of your feet. Dancing shall be put into your feet, praising me, praising me. Oh, what an hour ahead for my church. You will not want to wait to be in my house. You will come hours before just to sit in my presence and wait for the meal, for truly it shall come. And, oh, what a time of rejoicing. Restoration to my body, physically, spiritually, mentally. For if you bring an old Christian that has Alzheimer’s, instantly, their mind shall be restored and they will be worshipping me and praising me and exalting my name. There will not be a disease that shall stay. For my presence shall be so strong, so powerful that no sickness, disease nor pestilence, no demon spirit will remain. It will be my glory hour, for you will stand and worship me and praise me and watch me as I do my work. It shall be a perfect work and you shall become a perfect church without spot or wrinkle. And you shall be blessed, oh, you shall be blessed physically, financially, mentally, you shall be blessed in all areas. You will be so blessed, and there will be such a glow upon you, that people will stop you and ask you, what is it, what do you have? And when you call out and say to them, it is Jesus, they shall fall upon their knees and upon their faces and cry out to me, and you shall deliver them and set them free right there. And you shall lead them into the Kingdom of God with multitudes standing around watching. At times all will say, I want this too. Oh, what an hour, what an hour, what an hour. For truly you are in a time right now, sayeth your Father God, that you cannot phantom yet, for it is far too glorious for the human mind to understand. The spiritman knows and the spiritman is willing, and therefore, I your Father God, yes, I shall do a work. So listen carefully as I speak to you, hear the things that I say, walk with me. Not a far off, but walk with me.

Listen and hear me, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Be not afraid of the days that are coming ahead. The things that are coming are not for my church, but for those who war against me and my word. They have gone their own way and refuse to come into the safety through the blood of my son Jesus and receive the free gift of eternal life. They choose the false way and follow after the ways of man and the anti-christ. I have a new heaven and a new earth for my children. So think not that your life is over, for it has just begun. The earthquake here in the northland was another wake up call; there were no deaths and little damage. There were tornadoes so great; we could call it the week of tornadoes. There are floods here and there high temperatures, setting new records in the Northeast or my Northland. This is but a sample of what is ahead. I will now speak good things in the am services and bring only the prophetic word of the things that are ahead in the pm services and in my Prophetic Campmeetings. The hardball hail seen in the South and Midwest was small in comparison to what shall come. The fires that have been seen are small in comparison to what shall come. The drought is small in comparison to what shall come. There shall be some here who have to go through some very, very hard times, because they do not believe me. They talk against my people and are doing things I have told them not to do. In order for my people to walk through this time in total victory, they must listen and do as I say. I told you that you would see and hear the things I spoke last Sunday night coming to pass before the week was out and you have. You have some who cannot keep their mouths shut or control their tongue and disaster lies at their door. I love everyone, and therefore, warn them and tell them what to do in order to live victoriously as the overcomer. But if they do not listen, I cannot protect them, because they do not believe me. Is that hard to understand? In the past three years I have told you many things, and yet, there are things that you do not do. This is no game; it is a matter of great importance unto you. I have the victory; I do not need it. You need the victory. You need what I am trying to give to you. I have already started to bring in my people who will run with what I have. More people are listening now than ever before. I told you they would not sign the peace treaty yet. I told you of the heat of the summers. I have told you of the ocean levels coming inland and that people would have to move and leave the hot states and that there would be a worldwide drought in many areas. I have told you that this area has water and is good. I have told you that people would come here in greater numbers than they did in Canada or Florida and they would receive of me. I have told you this. Now watch as it comes to pass. There are people who know about your prophetic web-site that do not even take time to find out what is going to take place. The wise build their lives on the rock, these are the foolish who build on the sand and their house shall not withstand the storms. Anyone who has only heard this prophetic word once, and never came to study and know what was said, is like the man who builds his house on the sand. Now remember, the storm came to both houses and beat upon it, but the house founded on the rock stood and the house built on the sand fell and great was its fall. Does not my word teach that? Does not my word say my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge? I am giving this knowledge to them every week, and yet, some turn their back on it and go their own way, as if they were on vacation and nothing is going to take place. Oh, how sad. Wake up and know my word. Hear the voice of the true prophets as they call out and listen, for as you do, you shall have the victory and know the way through the days that are ahead. Remember I love you and I will keep my word to you. Therefore, do as I say and walk in the victories I have for this hour. This is going to be a very good hour for my church. The harvest is going to come in. Miracles, healings, deliverance and the wealth of the heathen coming into my house. My servants meeting with me like never before. My presence filling this house and my voice speaking to them in every service. Everyone who comes to receive, they shall receive. Their lives will be changed in a twinkle of an eye. It shall be my finest hour as promised in my word. For I shall pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and even children shall prophesy. They shall even bring my word, that all shall know that it is me. Yes, this is a great hour.

4-24-02 Wed pm service

For there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I cannot do. For if I promise, I will do it. Just believe in your heart, in your heart, not your head, but believe in your heart. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, listen to the things that I say, walk side by side with me. For there are great things that are coming upon the face of this earth, but they are not for you, nor for my church. Therefore, you need to walk with me. Do not get ahead, do not get behind, do not drift to the left nor to the right but stay by my side. Walk with me, hand in hand with me, that I can watch over you, protect you, care for you. That I can go before you and open doors that are closed, that I can close doors that need to be closed, that you walk in the perfect safety that I have for you. That you walk in the perfect care, that I can supply every single need that you have, that there will be no want, that there will be no lack. For truly I am the Lord thy God, I am the one that watches over thee, I am the one that taketh care of thee. I am the one that blesses you coming in and blesses you going out, therefore, walk with me, walk with me.

4-28-02 am service

Let my love so fill your heart that you have but one desire to serve me, to walk with me, to love me, to fellowship with me. For as you walk in the right manner, then I, your Father God, can move mightily through you. And all of my power can flow through you and it shall touch others. And you shall see the miracles that you desire, you shall see the wonders that you desire, you shall see the deliverances that you desire. For there is no effort on you part when you walk with me. For it is my power that flows through you, it is my power that consumes them, that changes them, that molds them, that shapes them. Therefore, walk as close to me as you possibly can, let my love fill your heart until it just begins to ooze out and touch others. Think not with your carnal mind the things that you shall say but allow my spirit to speak through you the things that I would say. And do not say with your carnal mind, God said, for I have not said. But flow with me, walk with me, for truly in the hour and the time that you are now in, many, many, many miracles, many wonders, many deliverance’s, many souls shall come into the Kingdom of God. And I need you as a fountain that is pure, a fountain that my love, my power, my ability can flow through. I need you as my vessel, therefore, walk with me.

It is my love that conquers all things. It is my love that brakes down the strongest walls. It is my love that reaches the coldest heart. Know, therefore, my love and walk ye in it. As you draw closer unto me, so do you grow in my love and so do you know my love. Therefore, know me that you may be able to walk in the fullness of everything that I am speaking unto you about. For many around you, oh, they need my love, they need me. For the things of the world satisfy them not and they are looking for something that will fill their void. For as you show unto them my love, as you give unto them my word, I shall fill them and I shall fill that void. And so shall the things that I shall do, great and mighty, be upon their lives. For truly it is the hour of the harvest, it is that time my children. Therefore, I say unto you, go ye out and gather forth the harvest, oh, for the fields are ready, they are ripe, they are ripe, they are ready to receive. Do not be afraid to open up your mouth and speak forth my words, for as you do, I shall move on your behalf and mighty are those things that I shall do. Oh, I say, press in unto me, press in unto my word, know my word, know the day and the hour that you are living in. Know that the time is short and soon I shall come and catch you away with me. And the glorious time that there shall be as we gather together. Oh, I say unto you, press in with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your might, press in with all that you have and walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have for you.

4-28-02 pm service

Be not fearful when I send those unto you that desire to come, sayeth your Father God. Be not bashful but know that I have already spoken to you, yea, even weeks ago I spoke to you and many shall come. Many shall come in from out of the highways and the byways, others will come in from the dead places, the dry places, they will come in seeking my face, desiring to draw closer to me, desiring to walk with me and you will feed them. For they are my sheep, sayeth your Father, and I have given you care over my sheep, therefore, you will tend to them, you will care for them, you will provide for them. For you are a good shepherd, sayeth your Father and you will walk according to my word and according to my promise. Hear the things that I say, make yourself ready, for I desire that you walk in the victory that I have for you. Many are not paying heed to the warnings that I give and they shall find themselves in great trouble, sayeth your Father God. For the enemy shall draw them in like a little piece of paper into a whirlpool and shall suck them in. And it will be so powerful and so strong that they will not be able to get out in their own strength, in their own power, in their might. For they need my strength, they need my power, they need my might in these last days, sayeth your Father God, they need all that I shall give unto them. For many hearts and many minds are so cold and so worldly attracted, that they do not believe that they are living in the last days. They do not believe that this is all going to end, very soon now. They are looking off into the future, smiling, making their own plans instead of being about my business, instead of doing the things that I, their Father God, have called them to do. Wake up, I say, wake up, for truly it is later, much later, the hour, the hour is very late. For if you listen to the news and read the newspaper with spiritual ears and eyes, if you watch the TV with spiritual eyes, you will see the signs on the right, you will see the signs on the left, the signs are all round about you, things are taking place. Only a blind person, spiritually, would miss them, for they are taking place. Therefore, know the things that I have said, mark them down where you can look at them, where you can remember them, where you can look and watch as they are fulfilled before your eyes. That you can know in your heart with assurance that I am going to take you through this time victoriously, that we are going all the way through, that the time is at hand, that you will pay attention and walk in the safety that I have for you. Walk in the protection that I have for you. For only by listening and by doing the things that I say can you walk in the fullness of that. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully, walk, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, walk according to my plan.

Oh, that my people would know and realize that it is I, Almighty God, who has given them the victory. For when the devil comes and steals your joy, he steals the victory that was right around the corner. It is time for my people to dance the dance of victory. It is time for them to shout the shout of victory. It is time for them to act like my children, for I have set them free, I have given them deliverance, I have given them the victory in every situation. For if they would only speak forth my word, if they would only praise me, they would see the victory quickly at hand. It is that day and it is that hour for my children to praise me like never before, that the things that they speak from their mouth are praise and thanksgiving to all that I, Almighty God, am doing on their behalf. For when they walk in that realm, the enemy can steal nothing from them, because they walk in my joy, they walk in my peace, and truly, mighty things am I, Almighty God, able to do on their behalf. Therefore, I say unto you my children, rise up like never before, realize that I, your Father God, have already give you the victory. There is nothing, there is nothing that I will withhold from you my children. Therefore, allow not the devil to steal those things from you, but I say to you, rise up in my word, rise up in me and know that I have given you all things. Know that they are yours to possess. Speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, oh, do exactly what my word says I will do. For I shall, I shall give unto you the victory, I shall give unto you all that you have need of. Do not allow the devil to steal from you, but I say unto you, rise up in my power, rise up in my word, rise up in the authority that I, Almighty God, have given unto you. And walk ye in the victories, walk ye in my joy, walk ye in my peace, walk ye in all that I have given unto you. For I have said that I shall do mighty things in these days ahead and I have said that it shall not take as much time as it did in times pass. And as you speak forth my word, I shall move on your behalf, even in a greater realm, so it is my children. Therefore, I say unto you, speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, move on your behalf.

Be not like the foolish house owner who pays little or no attention, for when the termites come, he sees it not until the house is fallen.

Drink deeply of the water of life. Drink deeply of the wine that I have for you. Drink deeply of the spirit that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Let there be a hunger, oh, so great in your heart, let there be a hunger within you that compels you, that draws you to drink deeply of those things that I have for you, that you may rise up a new creation, even greater than you are now. That you may walk even closer than you walk now. That you may not just have an imagination, that you think that you talk with me, that you will know, that you will know, that truly, I have been with the Father and the Father has touched me and he has talked with me and he has held me close. Drink deeply, drink deeply, for truly many things I have for you, but I cannot force you to drink. Therefore, I ask you to drink, drink, drink, draw into yourself the things that I have for you. Draw into yourself the might, the power, the authority, the ability, the strength, the gifts that I have. Go not after your own gifts, but allow me, your Father God, to gift you. Draw nigh to me and l will draw nigh to you. Come closer, for I love you with an everlasting love, yea and I desire, yes, I desire to hold you in my arms and comfort you. I desire to whisper in your ears and talk to you. I desire to open your eyes spiritually that you can see and understand and know, I desire to make you all that I have said that you could be. I desire to raise you up into a place and a position far higher than you even understand. And yet, at times, you are like a chicken, your scratching on the ground for the crumbs. Believe my word, if you believe my word, you can walk in the promises that I have for you. Don’t say I believe, if you are not receiving, believe my word, sayeth your Father God. Climb the ladder, be like the eagle, soar above the storm and go after the fresh things that I have for you. Be the victor, smash the enemy under your feet, crush him with your heels and walk, walk as children of Almighty God. For truly I have made you that, for you are heirs to my throne and joint heirs to me. You are above and not beneath, and yet, many, many walk as if they are beneath. They know not how to rise above and be all that I have said. Get into my word and meditate upon my word, spend time in my word, sing hymns and songs, worship me, praise me, exalt my name, continue to do so until you enter into that secret place with me. For once you have entered into that secret place and you have drank of my wine, you will never go back to the lesser wine.

For the cares of the earth are like earmuffs, the more cares you have, the less you can hear me. The more your eyes are upon the things of the world or the riches of the world, of the glory of the world, the farther away your eyes are from me. For you have placed earmuffs upon your ears and upon your heart. I have all things; I am not in need of anything. It is my desire to give you all things, that you will not be in need of anything, that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I have said unto you, seek me first, and all of the other things shall be added unto you. I did not say labor for them, I said seek me first and I will give you those things. I will lift you up, I will cuddle you, I will care for you, I will provide for you. I will be a good master over you, for truly I love you and you belong to me and I love you with an everlasting love. And I will not be upset when you stumble and you fall and you trip and you make mistakes, rather I will lift you up and show you the way to walk. As you become victorious, you will have no need of ever falling again, no need of stumbling into a trap or pit or being caught in the snares of the enemy, for you will be far too wise for him. For you will know the things that he is about to do before he does them. And no trap that he has shall be able to hold you, no power that he has shall be able to contain you, no authority or ability that he has shall hinder you in any way, shape, manner or form. For you shall truly be the head, even as my son Jesus was the head when he walked here on the face of the earth, for there was nothing that could come against him, to hinder him, to stop him, to slow him down. He knew at all times what he was to do, where he was to go, what he was to say. And he walked very faithfully in the area that I had given unto him, for his desire was to please me. His desire was to draw you into the family, and together we could love you and together we could empower you and together we could make you all that we are. He said unto you, greater things than these shall you do and truly we desire that you do those greater things. So lay down yourself, lay down yourself, stop all the foolish labor that you try to do to please me and just love me. Come into my throne room and love me, for I desire your love, I long for your love, I look for your love. I look for you daily to come and spend time with me and to talk with me, and yet, at times I do not see you all day long. For you are wrapped up in the cares of the world, the things that you have to do. And I sit and I wait and I wait and the day comes to an end and another day starts. And I wait and I wait, oh, you come with brief prayers that don’t even touch my throne, and you hurry through your activities that are for me, and you go about your own way, sayeth your Father God, and more earmuffs are placed upon your ears. Remove them, remove them. Come in and know me, for I love you, I long, I desire for you to know me, I desire to know you, I desire to sup with you, I desire to fellowship with you, I desire to walk with you. For if I had not that desire, sayeth your Father, I would not have created all this, nor would I have sent my Son to die that you might have life. I desire that daily you sup with me. Daily you enter into my throne room, not through some form, not through some beads, not through some candle, but come in, come in, sayeth your Father and talk with me. My door is not locked, my door is always open, I am always there and I am waiting for you, yes my children, I am waiting for you.

Be as confident and as content as a little child who hangs onto his daddy’s hand and looks at the trouble that is coming with a smile upon his face, for he knows that his daddy can handle it all. That nothing can defeat his daddy. For there is no one as strong as his daddy, for truly it is so with you my children. The dark times are here, the dark hour is here, but you need never walk in the darkness of it. For you are in the light, we are in the light, but know me, know me like you have never known me before. Walk with me like you have never walked before. Draw closer; draw closer, for truly I am able to overcome every enemy that comes against you. I have already defeated them. They have no power, they have no authority, they have no ability. They just make a lot of noise and I am not fearful of their noise. So hold my hand and hold it tight, look up at me with that smile upon your face, that confidence in your heart, that assurance, that I am taking care of it for you, that we will go through this time victoriously. That we will be the overcomers, that we will be there when others have need of me, and know not where to come, but they will come because you will bring them, you will draw them. For they will look at you, and what they see in you, they will desire and want, where they will know that you know me. They will know by your love, they will know by your care, they will know by the assurance that you have. They will know that it is not just some game with you. It is not something that you just do on Monday and forget Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and get fired up for Sunday. It will become your lifestyle; it will become your life. For you will walk with me every moment of the day and I will walk with you and I will look ahead and I will look behind and I will look to each side and nothing, nothing, nothing shall hurt you. For I am protective of my children, for I love them with an everlasting love and I desire, oh, how I desire, how I desire to bless you, how I desire to pour gifts upon you, but I have to see that maturity in your life first. I have to see that the gifts and the money will not draw you from me and take you away and destroy you. For I cannot be guilty of that, sayeth your Father; I love you too much. I would not give you that which would hurt you, and therefore, I give unto you good things. And as you draw closer and I see that maturity, there is nothing, nothing in my household that I would not give you. For I have given you the best already in my son Jesus. Did I withhold him from you? No, no, I freely gave him. For I have given you the best already, the other stuff is nothing in comparison to him. Did I not also give you the Holy Ghost, the promise? Therefore, you have the best that I have. Why would I withhold from you the other things? I have not; I have already given them unto you. But mature to the position that you can walk in those areas, that I can use you in those areas, that I can trust you in those areas. For I know, I know, for I see your heart, but at times you do not know, for even when I speak with you, you say, yes I do that, that is not so, sayeth your Father. For I see you, I know your heart, I know your thoughts, I see what you do. Don’t deceive yourself, come to me and allow me to mold you, to shape you, to bring you into that place that you can be all that I, your Father God, says that you can be. That you can be my son, even as Jesus is my son, my daughter, even as Jesus is my son, come into that place where you can cuddle up on my lap and you can feel my heart as it beats. Where you can feel my love as it flows to you. Where you can hear me say, what would you have, what do you desire that I do for you? And you can watch the answers that instantly take place and come into your life. And when the enemy tries to come against you, I will equip you with such power that you will stomp upon him and crush him like you would a grape under your feet, for he is nothing, he is nothing. For he is already overcome, he is waiting for his judgement. But you have the gifts; you have the promises, for my word has declared that unto you. Therefore, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Walk according to my word. Rise even higher than you are this moment, rise higher, for I have much, much more for you. Do not put yourself down, the reason it is not working, you’re trying to do it yourself, allow me to do it. For I am capable of doing it, I know how to do it, all I need is you 100% given to me that I can use you, and then, I can do all that I have said that I can do.

4-28-02 At the altar after the pm service

For if only the world could see and understand the hour that we are living in. If they could only see my son Jesus as you see him. That they might come into the safety of the fold, that they might recognize, that truly there is an anti-christ, that there is a false prophet, that there is a beast. That they do have a worldly system that is fastly rising to the top, even my Christians at times do not see that, they have no understanding of the things that are happening right now. They believe that all these things shall come to pass but they put them off into the future somewhere. And by putting them off, they don’t see what is happening right under their own nose. They don’t see the signs that are taking place. How at one moment it can be so hot and the next moment places can receive snow, such as they have not seen all winter, or electrical power can be down for hours and days. And how many southern towns and other areas that were dry before are in a deep, deep drought. How many big cities are on the verge of running out of water, and yet, some would say, not so. But it is, it is. And they cannot rely upon the lakes, as they desire to rely upon them, for the acid rain has taken its toll on many of the lakes. Oh, I say, if they would only look, if they only saw the things that were taking place. If they would but look at the hurricane that, even right now, is brewing off the coast. If they would look at the tornadoes that have already been. The floods, the fires, and you have not even gotten into the middle of the hot season, when you will really hear about fires. If they would only look, they would see the world church rising up overseas very rapidly. And it shall engulf even the United States, for there are many that are in that group that belong to the World Council of Churches, which is not of me, nor has it been of me. For they know me not, even though they may say they do, for if they knew me, they would follow my word, they would do what my word says, they would preach what my word says, they would teach what my word says. But they think they are all right, for their universities have graduated them and they have their degrees, but oh, if they only knew me. For many, many, many are living in the shadows of the darkest time that the world has ever seen, and yet, they know it not. And yet, there is a light, it is my church, it is there. The doors are open; there is all kinds of room for the people to come in. I have all the provisions they will ever need and we shall go out of here before my wrath is poured out upon all flesh. And I have a new earth and a new heaven already created for them. I have so much in store for them, so much in store for them. And many of the Christians are even like my Jewish people, they are looking for their Messiah, my Christians are not looking for me to come. Oh, how sad. And yet, I desire that they all would come into the safety of the fold. That they could go through this time victoriously. That they could be that church without spot or wrinkle, for there is going to be that church. There are going to be those victors and they are going through this time victoriously, for I have declared it from before the foundation of the earth, and it is so. It is in my word, it is recorded there, and not only is it recorded there, I have spoken over and over and I have told them and warned them, I have called upon them. I have said, come out, come out from among them, separate yourself. And yet, they are content where they are. But will they be content when the shaking really takes place? When all the things that are going to come begin to shower down upon the whole earth, even in this area? When the disasters come? When the sickness comes, that they have no cure for? When the pestilence comes? Have you not heard, how already in some areas, the locust has already come and devoured what they did have and they were already in a famine, they were already in a drought? I am not sending these things; my hour of wrath has not come yet. I am trying desperately to deliver my people out of these times and taking them through in a safe time and the safety of my fold. But the enemy, he desires to destroy them before they can come in. He desires to take all lives that he possibly can, that they don’t get saved. Therefore, I keep speaking to my people, I speak to the whole world, I plead with them, and yet, they go about their own way as if there are no changes. And when they do turn on the TV, they see the fleshly, the false, the fake church with all of its worldly signs and all of its Hollywood styles, begging and pleading money. And they write out their checks and they send their checks in and they boast about a work that they are doing, that they are not doing. The ability is there, but if they are not giving them the gospel, that which they are giving to them is of no use, it is useless. It is like confederate money. If I was to open up heaven and pour out confederate money, cover the whole earth in confederate money, would it be of any use to you? You might use it as toilet paper but it would be no good. Therefore, the gospel, that sometimes they claim is gospel, that they feed to the people, is no good, sayeth your Father. Only my word is good. Only my word will take them through victoriously. Only my word will deliver them, and then they must be under the covering of the blood, for if they are not under the covering of the blood, just to know my word will do them no good. Head knowledge won’t help them; it is the heart knowledge and being circumcised of the heart, the blood applied, changed, a new creation walking with me. Oh, the disasters that just lie ahead, and as you listen to the news, as you listen to television, you will see one after another. When will they wake up and come into the safety? Be not foolish like them. Linger not just on the edge, for you cannot have one foot in and one foot out. For if you have one foot in and one foot out, really you are out, you are not in. Come into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Come in all the way. Walk with me. For truly I promise you, if you walk with me, you shall go through this time in such victory, that you will be amazed at the blessings and the joy and the peace and the comfort and the provisions that I, your Father God, shall give to you. So listen to the things that I have to say, know them.

Oh, the great things that are taking place now. I am filling your church, so the overflow will be needed, and with good people. My promises are coming to pass before your eyes. People are coming to hear the prophetic word and receive their miracles, deliverance and a word of knowledge. Yet the world will continue to see disaster in the weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, drought, straight winds, earthquakes, pestilence’s, sicknesses, famine, job shortages, electrical shortages, high fuel prices, high food prices, turbulence, tightening of security to the place of loss of some freedoms. Religious changes from the one world church, oil embargoes against the USA, the selling out of Israel, Jews returning to Israel, wars and fighting, the man of peace seen and heard more, the false prophet with his big claims of the head apostle, crime raise, propaganda about world peace, the mark of the beast, more about the chip and the cashless system which is the mark of the beast and a monitoring system where they will want to monitor everyone. The false church with its false signs reaching out to those with money, claiming they are only receiving the wealth of the world, yet, they use it for their own glory. Freer sex in the false church and changes you will not believe. More high priest types with control over the people and enforced by the governments. The true church being called a cult, and yet, they shall not dare to come against her. Hot, hot dry summer weather in many areas, hundreds and higher with no signs of relief, causing forest fires to make last year’s look very small in comparison to what shall be. More water pollution and wells going dry, great cities in great danger because of the lack of water and the heat. Global warming four times as fast as man is saying right now. Great icebergs breaking off and melting, causing the coast to lose land to the sea and cities and homes to be gone forever. These signs shall be seen by all. A shaking all over the world, that it might wake up and come into my safety and under my protection. My people shall go through this time in victory. The harvest shall come into the church, miracles, signs and wonders shall be there, holiness shall be there. I will speak through my prophets to my people and they shall be made aware of everything that shall come. They shall have great victories and the wealth of the heathen. And the false church shall come into my church. Many ministries shall go off TV, and those left, will be mainly of the false, those heaping to themselves and getting fat on my money. My true church shall know the difference between the true church and the false church. Say not you have nine years and then the end. My church shall be gone before then and only those under my wrath shall remain. Now hear and listen, as this is my warning to all mankind. Come out of the world and the false church, do not receive the mark of the beast, do not try to take my anointing, for I shall give it to who I will in these last hours. Do not follow after the false prophets or the false prophet nor the anti-christ. Listen to what my true servants are saying. Great disaster shall come upon all, hear me, all who are not in the fold under my care and my protection. You cannot stand during these days without me. Did you hear me? I said, you cannot stand during these days without me. You will be swept into the false move like a man caught in a giant whirlpool. You need the power, authority and might I have for my church in this last hour. Warn your children and your children’s children, tell everyone you can, for the time to come into my safety is growing shorter and shorter. Do not think for one moment it will not come to pass, my word says it will, and I have warned you about this in my word, as well as other words. Listen and wake up, get about my business and walk in unity, love and fellowship. It is time my church to come in, yes, it is time.

5-02 Previous Predictions

5-1-02 Wed pm service

For truly there shall be great, great sounds of joy ringing in your ears, as you hear and see and watch the mighty things that I am doing on your behalf. As you recognize me moving, as you recognize me answering, as you recognize me bringing to pass those things I have spoken unto you, the promises that I have given unto you. Truly there shall be great, great, great rejoicing in your heart. Your voices shall be lifted up to praise me, to exalt my name, to lift up my name. And truly, I shall move more mightily than ever on your behalf. As you continue to draw closer to me, as you continue to walk with me, as you continue to meditate and stay in my word and speak my word, great and mighty shall be the things that I shall do on your behalf. For no man can stop me, for I am the Lord thy God, yea, I have spoken it, yea, I shall do it, for I have promised that to you, I have given you my word. So listen not to the things that man says, listen not to the things that people say, but lean on my word, trust my word, walk in my word, for truly I shall do what I have said I shall do.

5-5-02 am service

Let your hearts be aglow, for truly the glory of the Lord is here. For it is my hour, sayeth your Father God, yes, my hour to move in my might, to move in my power, to move in my strength. It is my hour, sayeth your Father, yea, and I shall bring forth the things that I have spoken unto you, yea, and your voices shall be lifted up and praises shall reach clear to my throne. And you shall worship me and praise me, and the more that you worship me, the more that you praise me, the greater I shall move for you. The greater I shall move in your midst, for truly my word has declared so and thus it shall be, sayeth your Father.

For this is the hour of great victory, and as you speak my word and as my word is on your lips, so shall great victory follow after you. Know that even though the enemy is pressing even harder and circumstances would say something different, I say unto you, the victory is yours. Therefore, rejoice within your hearts; allow not the enemy to steal your joy, for when he steals your joy, he steals your goods. But I say unto you, praise me and thank me for what I have already done and what I am yet going to do. For truly, my children, my words unto you are being fulfilled. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, stand ye fast and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill those very things unto you. For it shall not take long for even the coldest heart, I am able to soften and I am able to change into a heart of love. Therefore, I say unto you, know that I am working on your behalf. Do not look at the circumstances, but I say unto you, look at what I have told you. Look at what my word says unto you, for truly the victory is yours.

For truly this is the time, sayeth your Father God, when the whole world shall know my glory. When the whole world shall know that truly, I am the Father God, that I do honor my church, that I do honor my people. That I exalt them, that I lift them up, that I prepare for them, that I take care of them and protect them. For truly they are mine, they are heirs to my throne; they are joint heirs with my son Jesus. And I, their Father God, shall watch over them, yea, and I shall take care of them. I shall go before them and make a way where there is no way. And I shall close doors behind them that even the enemy cannot enter in. For they shall walk through this time in great victory, for truly they are the overcomers, and they have gotten to that spot, sayeth your Father God, when they shall walk in that place of great victory, a place that they have never walked in before. For they shall not be defeated on the right nor on the left, nor shall the enemy hinder them or slow them down. For those that walk with me shall rise up to a higher level and they shall run, yes, they shall run, yes, they shall run and they shall not faint. For I, their Father God, shall go with them.

5-5-02 pm service

Let your eyes be upon me, let your thoughts be upon my thoughts, meditate therein. Listen, listen to the things that I say to you, ponder them, know what I have said. For many of the things that I say to you, even this night, shall be fulfilled before the next Sunday night. For it has been so in the past, yet at times you have missed them. But yet, throughout the world, they have not missed that and my people are looking even more so now with even a more steady eye upon the things that I am saying. For they see the signs, they see the wonders, they see the things that I have said and they see them come to pass. For truly my word must come to pass, in order to get the attention of the world, along with the calamities that must come. But I say unto you, listen to my words, follow after me, walk with me, know, know the things that I have said. For I have a road, yes, a road so smooth, so paved, so smooth for you, that if you listen to me, you will walk upon that road. And you will not need to go through the obstacles that others will go through, you need not to walk in the pressures that shall be round about but you can walk in the victory that I have for you. So keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon the things that I am saying, listen carefully to them, follow them, for truly they shall bring great blessings to your life.

Don’t you know my love for you? Don’t you know that I have given you all things unto life and godliness? Don’t you know that I have given you all that you have need of to walk in great victory in these coming days? So I say unto you, to draw nigh unto me. Oh, walk very close, hand and hand with me, for I shall speak unto you great and mighty things, the very things that shall protect you in these days ahead. Don’t you know that I am your Father God and I love you? Oh, and I have great plans for you. Do not think it strange that you are here, for I have brought you here. And I, Almighty God, shall use you in a mighty way. Therefore, draw nigh unto me, draw nigh unto me. Oh, I say unto you my children, learn of the great things, for as you praise me with your whole heart, as you lift your voice in praise, great victory you will walk in. Therefore, I say unto you, allow my praise to be on your lips, allow my words to flow from your heart. For as you speak my words, I shall move on your behalf in great and mighty ways. Oh, my children, I delight in you, yes, I delight in you. There is nothing that I shall withhold from you, for you are mine, yes, you are mine. Therefore, I say unto you, walk ye close unto me, so very close that you hear my very heart beat. Oh, I say unto you, walk close to me, oh, close to me. Speak forth my word from your lips and watch as I give unto you all the victory. Oh, walk with me, walk with me, for great and mighty are those things that I have in store for you. Oh, mighty, oh, mighty, mighty is my love for you. So walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.

A wise bird keeps his eyes and his ears open and he sees his enemy before the enemy can attack. But the ostrich, he buries his head in the sand and he sees not nor hears not. Many of my people are like that.

For this hour my anointing shall be stronger and stronger and stronger. For with every service, my anointing shall grow and the glory cloud shall, oh yes, shall descend upon you. And mighty are those things that I shall do on your behalf. For my people shall lay before me, many shall dance before me, many shall just stand in awe of all that I shall do. Oh, for I say unto you, the time when you shall come and just bask in my presence, when you shall bask in my glory, that time is not a far off. No it is not a far off. For with every service, I say unto you, it becomes greater and greater and greater until it grows into this big burst of like energy that no one can hold back or no one can consume. Like a mighty fire that rages out of control, so shall my Spirit be in these end-times. For there is no man who can stop the moving of Almighty God in these last days. For they cannot put out my fire, but it shall consume all my children, who are opened unto me, who are willing to give all of themselves unto me. They shall be consumed with my fire and they shall walk in a greater power and authority like none has ever seen. For truly it is my hour and it is my time and I am moving in great ways. For many things are taking place around about you in the world, on the right hand and on the left hand. But I say unto you, fear ye not them, but I say walk in my peace. For I have said, I have given unto you my perfect peace. Therefore, I say, walk not in the fear, for know that I, Almighty God, shall take you through these days ahead in great victory and my hand shall be upon you. And there is nothing that shall come nigh your dwelling, as long as you are walking in my will, as long as you are walking in my ways, my hand shall be upon you. And none of these things that shall take place in the world shall come nigh your dwelling. Oh, they shall not come nigh your household, but you shall walk in the perfect safety, you shall walk in the perfect protection that I have laid out for you. But I say unto you, know my word and know the warnings that I have given unto my children. Know what I have said to do and not to do. For when you listen not, and you hear not my word, you walk out of my protection and the enemy is able to attack you and able to shake your house. Oh, I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my way, walk in my protection, for therein shall you walk in my perfect safety, therein shall you walk in my perfect peace. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, harken unto my word, for if I had said that moving near the seashore is not wise, then why do you do so? For your house shall fall in a great storm and you shall say, but Lord, I don’t understand this, you have said that we are under your protection. Oh, but I say unto you, you walked out of my protection by moving out of my will. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I have said, know what my word says that shall take place in this end-time, for therein shall you walk in my safety.

If you were in a great wilderness, and it was night, and you knew not where you were at, and a fog had set in until you couldn’t see your hand before your eyes, would you go on walking and walking and searching and trying to figure out where you were? Many of my people are trying to do that concerning the days and the times that are ahead. They are trying to go in their own wisdom, they are trying to go in their own knowledge, they are trying to go in things that people have said in books, that people have said on TV, that people have said on the radio, oh, how foolish that is. For my word says, that the blind lead the blind and they all fall in a ditch. I have said, my sheep know my voice and another’s voice they will not follow. You need to know my voice. You need to hear the things that I say. For truly there is a great, oh, a great, great, great victory ahead. A walk that is filled with miracles, signs and wonders that bubbles over every step of the way. But it is a narrow walk, you need to hear my voice, you need to hear the things that I say. And you need to walk on the path that I have set before you. Not to the right of it, not to the left of it, not lagging behind, for if you lag behind, you cannot see the path that you are walking upon. Therefore, you need to know the things that I say, you need to listen to them, you need to meditate upon them. Think upon them, walk, walk with me, I know the way through this time. I know how to bring you through this time in great victory. I know how to do all that I have said that I shall do. Man does not know that, but I will tell you. For I have promised you in my word that I will not do anything except I first tell you. For my prophets shall declare it and you shall hear it and you shall know the things that are ahead. Walk with me, hear my voice, listen to my voice, don’t let people round about you, regardless of who they are, sway you one way or another way. Do not be foolish in the things that you do. For when I tell you to do something, do it. For many are bullheaded and I tell them and they do not do what I tell them to do. I cannot use them. I cannot use them. I need those that are willing. I didn’t say those that are mature, I said, I need those that are willing. Those that will believe me, those that will hear my voice, those that will do the things that I say to do. I need those, and together, we shall go forth into the greatest hour the church has ever seen. And my name shall be glorified throughout the earth and people will know that my people serve the only true God. A powerful, a mighty God, who is able to do all that he says. Who watches over them and protects them, who cares for them, who strengthens them, who supplies for them, for they shall not fail in any area that they walk in. They shall walk victoriously, for they walk with me.

5-5-02 At the altar after the pm service

For the times that are ahead are not grievous, not for those that are walking with me, even as they were not so for the Israelites when I delivered them out of Egypt. For there was nothing that they had to do, except to apply the blood over the mantle, to walk with me and stretch out the rod and walk across on dry ground and to pick the rod back up and close the sea. I did all the work, I did all the protecting, I did all the caring for them. How much more will I do that for you. For they did not know me in the light that they were my children, they were looking forward to that, but you are my children. You look back upon what I have done for you and you are joint heirs with my son Jesus. I have given unto you everything that pertains to life and godliness and it shall be I that shall go before you and make a way where there is no way. I shall provide, I shall protect, I shall care for you, all I ask of you is to walk with me. Allow me to be your father, love me, love me, do as I tell you to do and I shall keep you from all harm. The evil one cannot, cannot come against you, for in order to come against you, if you are walking with me, he has to come against me and he has already been defeated, not once but twice. Therefore, I say unto you, do not look at the things that are coming, know that they are coming, and when you see them, know that I have said that they would come, but all the while realize that you go through this time victoriously. This time is not going to destroy my church, for I have said, that even the very gates of hell cannot prevail against it. You shall go through this time victoriously, but you need to walk with me, you need to trust me with all your heart, with all your might, with all your strength. I will not fail you, I will not fail you, I will do those things that I have promised you. I will bring in the people, just as I have promised. I will perform the miracles, signs and wonders, just as I promised. I will go before you and I will make ways where you are not even aware there is a way and those ways shall be glorious times. Times of my glory, filling not only your house, but your being and your church. Times when you will just stand in awe in my presence for hours and hours and hours, and onlookers will look and say, how can they stand like that, and they will know that it is me, they will know that I am moving mightily in your midst. It will not be a time like the false church has of making a lot of noise and seeing nothing take place, but it shall be a glorious hour with miracles, with signs, with wonders. Wheelchairs emptied out, blind eyes opened, creative miracles, the demons will flee. Oh, it shall be a glorious hour, an hour of great worship, an hour of great praise when you will stand in my presence and worship me, when I will do a mighty work in your lives and the lives of those that you call upon me to move. Oh, the hour ahead is a glorious hour my children. Yet, I tell you about the earthquakes, I tell you about the floods, I tell you about the tornadoes, I tell you about the storms because they are going to come. But they are not for you, I will keep you in safety through this time, for I am not sending those things, the enemy desires to destroy all that he can, but he cannot destroy my church, he cannot destroy my people. Now when I take my church out, then I will pour my wrath upon this earth, but I say unto you, I do not pour my wrath upon you, I have given you my word and my promise. Therefore, you will be victorious; you will go through this time with great victory. And all the dreams and all the goals that you have ever had, you shall see fulfilled, for there is not one little thing that I will not do for you. I will bring in the people from the north, the south, the east, the west, at times it will seem like a line that is going to the State Fair and they will just keep coming and they will just keep coming. And I will raise up and I will give unto you those that will labor with you. When your arms are tired, they will not need to hold your hand up, you will need to go and rest someplace and they will take over until you have received your rest and you are back doing the things that I have told you to do and then they shall rest. Oh, it shall be a glorious hour, for I will be doing the work. It will not be an hour when man receives all kinds of glory, all kinds of fame, for all my people that walk with me, oh, they shall receive the glory and honor that I have for them, from the least to the greatest and they shall share equally in the things that I, your Father God, shall do. It will be a glorious time, for even the little children will be moving and flowing in the gifts of my spirit. And at times you will sit with your heart ready to break, with a smile on your face, as you see some little one lay their hands upon somebody in a wheelchair and they jump out and begin to run and praise me and exalt my name. My hour, oh, my hour, it will not be a tainted hour, it will be a glorious hour without spot or wrinkle. So do not be fearful of the things that need to come, for my word tells you they have to come, they have to come, but they are not for you, remember I have told you that, they are not for you.

Oh, the joy my people shall have as they walk with me in these last days. It shall be a time of the supernatural such has not been seen. It will be a glorious time and they shall be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. It shall not be a normal type church, for I will fill the altars with my presence and I will meet the needs that come before me and all shall receive the things they have need of. Even though great calamities are all around them in the world, my church shall walk in a sweet peace and an overcoming faith which delivers them from the calamities and causes them to be a safe place for all eyes to see and know that their God is far more powerful than the god’s of the flesh and the world and the world order. Even now my church is being blessed and maturing. The false has nothing but shakes, falling down and rising up unchanged. When I touch them, they shall fall also, but when they rise up, every need in the body shall be put into my proper alignment and a miracle will have occurred. Holiness shall be seen in my church and the world type music will not be allowed and rap will not be in my house, for it is not of me, nor has it ever been. Men will look like men without long hair, earrings and the worldly dress. Women shall look like ladies and they will not use the makeups of the worldly woman. Children shall be seen at my altars, seeking my face and being touched by me. I will be there in all my glory and I shall speak to my church in every service my words unto them and tell them of what is going to take place. Have you noticed, that two-thirds of the prophet word that is spoken on Sunday is starting to take place before the next Sunday? I told you that tornadoes would move into the North Country and you have had six of them within two hundred miles of you. I talk to you about earthquakes and you had one less than one hundred miles from you and even felt here. The same is throughout the world, what I am saying now, shall be seen in part, before next Sunday. The hot, hot summer is very close; the rain does not stop the drought, yet there are floods. This is happening to the world and not my church, yet they see it and feel it, yet they are safe. Many churches boast of a Saturday night spirit filling service, and yet, it is not of me, for they are not mine as they think they are. My sheep hear my voice and another they will not follow. So if they are following another’s, they are not mine. They can become mine by following me and doing as I say. I have said, come out of those places and walk with me. Come into my protection, and yet, they go their own ways. They walk in the disaster, and it is not good, but I can do nothing for them because they have made their own choices. There is going to be a big shaking all over that should open some eyes, as those in the false will not be able to help anyone. Healing shall be in my house but not in the house of the false. Miracles shall be in my house but not in the house of the false. My Spirit shall be in my house but not in the house of the false. Sicknesses will begin to cover the earth, and the false, nor the doctors can stop it. People will not die, but shall be in great torment for days and weeks, yet, if they would come to my house, instantly they would be healed. Those with wells under sixty five feet shall run dry. Those in very dry areas shall become dust bowls. Those who have power shortages now shall be even worse, with no sign of relief. Wake up people and come into my house and the safety I have for you. Do not put it off. For any church who does not have my Spirit moving and acting in their lives, where they pray in tongues as the word says, shall have nothing for those who come, even the word shall be dried up. Any church that does not have the voice of the prophets speaking or read shall have nothing either. Candles shall do you no good, nor the church who has them as means of reaching me. Wake up, as this is my warning to the world and more things shall come, even greater than these.

Awake my children, pay attention to the things that you see around you. Open you eyes and see by my Spirit, says the Lord. For many see, but they do not, many hear, but they do not. But those who are mine will see and hear and understand the things that I am about to show unto you. The understanding of those who are of the world comes up so short, but the understanding of those who are of mine, whose hearts are stayed on me, whose wisdom comes from above and not below, those are the ones that will survive. Those are the ones that will be blessed, those are the ones that will have victory, for I shall cause it to be so, says the Lord. Have faith, then trust me, honor me, obey my word, seek me in places where I can be found, for all those other places I am not in, says God. I am not in the worldly ways; I am not in the worldly things. I am not in the religion of man. Seek me; seek me, for I am there for you. I wish to show you many things which you will be able to understand, says God.

5-8-02 Wed pm service

As far as the east is from the west, so is the false from me, sayeth your Father. Do not be fooled by the areas that seem to be like those things that I have spoken. For I tell you they only seem that way, they are not. For if they knew in their heart what they were saying with their mouth, then they would not be walking where they are walking. If they knew my word they would not turn their back upon me and go in the direction that they go. For as they studied my word they would see clearly that we are living in the last days. That the very things that I said would take place in those days are now taking place. They would see the signs, they would see the false prophet, they would see the rise of the anti-christ, they would see the cashless system coming into being, they would clearly see the world church rising up and they would flee from that quickly and draw nigh to me. But they do not do those things. Therefore, I say unto you, be not fooled, do not be fooled, for many shall come and say lo, he is here, or he is there, or lo the move that is going on here, or the move that is going on there. And I would say unto you, many, many talk today with a forked tongue. For they talk like their father the devil and there is no truth in the things that they say. They think in their mind that there is truth but there is no truth. For surely they are being turned over to a reprobate mind, that they can go their own way and do their own thing, but they will pay the cost of the decision that they have made. Be not like them; listen carefully to my words. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, walk according to the things that I have laid out before you. For I have shown you my plan, I have told you the things that shall take place in these last days. I have told you how all these things shall come about, that you may be the head and not the tail. That multitudes shall flood unto you to receive the things that I have for them. I have told you these things and I have made it clear. And I have told them the error of their way, I have told them where they are walking and I have pinpointed them at times, and yet, they refuse to turn about. Be not like them, be not like them but listen, listen, study my word, get into my word, meditate upon my word, know my word. For in the days that are ahead you shall draw strength from my word. You shall draw power from my word and I, your Father God, shall go before you and I shall make ways where there are no ways. And things shall suddenly be, because I have declared them so.

5-12-02 am service

For truly it is an hour of great expectations, an hour when my church shall walk in blessings such as they have never known. And hour when they shall be exalted, yea, and those that are looking for the light shall look unto them, and they shall see that light. And they shall come and they shall receive and they shall find, that truly, there is a God, yes, a God that is able to do all that he has said and much, much more. Therefore, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, lift up your eyes, lift up your hearts and realize that the time is short. Walk very closely to me, walk by my side, listen to my voice, know those things that I say, ponder on them, weigh them out. Walk with me, I say, walk with me very close, separate yourself from the world and things of the world and walk with me. For truly it is that hour and that time, sayeth your Father God, when my church shall be exalted highly above all others. Therefore, walk with me that you can walk in that realm that I have for you.

For I love you my children and I desire that you walk in the fullness of the blessings of the things that I have already prepared for you. For I give unto you warnings and I give unto you the way to walk therein, to walk in the total, perfect, safety that I have already given unto you. I have given unto you my word that you may walk in the power and authority that is already yours. I have given unto you all things, my children, that you may walk in the abundance of my blessings. For the closer you draw to me, the less things of the world that are in your life. Oh, but I say unto you, draw close as I have said. For many think they are drawing close to me, and yet, they are further away from me than they once were. Be not likened unto them, but I say unto you, draw so very, very close unto me. For this is my hour and this is my time and my church shall be lifted up, they shall be glorified. For I shall give unto them many things, for miracles, signs and wonders shall be in my true houses and blessings shall overfill my houses. Oh, for I am pouring out my spirit without measure in this day and in this hour and mighty are those things that I am doing. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close unto me, lag not behind. Be not one who stands on the side and watches as all these people march ahead of you, but I say unto you, join therefore the army of God and march forth in great victory. For as you walk in my word, as you speak forth my word, as you walk in my love, great and mighty are those things that I shall do on your behalf. For as you seek my face, as you draw nigh unto me, I shall draw nigh unto you and mighty are those things that I shall do on your behalf.

For truly my heart is heavy, sayeth your Father. For when I look upon my people, I see not a people that are walking with me, as my word says that they should walk with me. For many walk far away, yea, even my people Israel, they know not my son Jesus nor do they know the hour that they live in nor the trouble that is knocking on their door. Oh, I say unto you, draw nigh unto me, draw nigh unto me, for my heart is pleading with you this day, sayeth your Father, come into the safety of the fold, linger no longer on the outside. For it is time, it is time, sayeth your Father, to come in, come in, come in I say.

5-12-02 pm service

For truly there is great rejoicing throughout all of heaven, for those that are there are my angels, are shouting the praises, for they begin to see the things that my church shall now do. They begin to comprehend and understand the breadth, the depth, the width, the height, the greatness of the hour that you now live in. They see you flowing and moving in the fullness of my power such has not been seen. They see you rejoicing; they see you as you are victorious in every area of your life, for truly you are walking with me. Therefore, I say unto those that are here, open your ears and hear the things that I have to say, for truly I have great, great, great things in store for you. Ponder upon them and realize that your name is recorded in the book of those that shall be the heroes of this day, those that shall be in the Hall of Fame. For truly the work that I shall do shall be so awesome that you will bathe in my presence, that you will rejoice in my presence, that you will know and comprehend and understand, oh, you will know in your heart. You will hear my voice and you will be quick to move, quick to do the things that I, your Father God, have said. It shall be a glorious hour, a glorious hour my children, a glorious hour for my church, an hour such has not ever been seen upon the face of the earth. Multitudes shall come into the church, multitudes. For it is declared so in my word and I, your Father God, watch over my word to perform it. Yea, and I send forth my angels to begin to do a work in the land that has not been done before. Therefore, continue to walk very closely to me, hear my voice, follow the instructions that I have given to you. For my instructions have not changed, no, no, no, sayeth your Father God, they have not changed from the time that I first gave them to you, until this hour and this time. Therefore, follow those instructions; walk with me in all your fullness. Renew your mind to new thinking, that you can do all things, for all things are possible unto them that believe. Walk with me, for this is a glorious hour.

Think it not strange that I have spoken this unto you. For even Gideon had the few that walked with him. For they were not foolish, they were not unwise, but they kept their eyes upon me and the things that I, their Father God, was doing. They listened to the orders very carefully and they carried out the instructions given unto them and there was great victory, oh, great, great, great victory throughout all the land. And those that returned back, that I could not use, they saw the victory that I had given unto them and then they came and joined their hands together. So shall it be in this last hour, sayeth your Father God, for yea, as you move in my might and my power, as you move in my ability, as you move in my strength, others shall see the things that you are doing. They shall see the miracles, they shall see the signs, they shall see the wonders, yea, and they shall come from near and they shall come from far and they shall come as a steady stream. And they shall come unto my house to receive of me, for they shall know at my house, I, I, Almighty God, am doing exactly what I said I am doing and I am doing it through you. Therefore, they shall come unto you, yea, and they shall receive the things that I, I have for them. So open your hearts and prepare your hearts, sayeth your Father, for I know you, oh yes, I know you. I see your hearts, and therefore, I have chosen you. Many are called but few are chosen, I have chosen you; hear my words, sayeth your Father.

For a snowball is small, but as it starts at the top of the mountain and begins to roll towards the bottom, it begins to pick up speed and it grows and it grows and it grows until there is absolutely nothing in its path that can stop it.

For this end-time move is to be likened unto the snowball. For as my spirit begins to grow and it grows and grows until it is without measure, oh, the time that you and I shall have. For even as the snowball, who is coming down the hill, grows and it takes out those things in its path, so shall my spirit when it is moving in all its measure, in all its power and might. So shall it consume those in the pathway and mighty are those things that I, Almighty God, shall do. For as I have said, in those days and in that hour, which is now my children, as my spirit moves and as my houses are filled with my presence, and those who come that have needs, as they come through the doors, I, Almighty God, shall touch them and miracles, signs, oh yes, and deliverance shall be seen. There shall be great healing that shall take place. For even as you have seen it overseas, as the prophetic word is being read to others, so shall it be likened unto here when they walk through my doors. For even growths shall fall off, cancers shall be gone, ears that were deaf shall hear, eyes that were blind shall be opened and shall see. So shall it be in these coming days my children. For I am preparing you, I am preparing you, for many are not ready for what I am going to do. Yet they say, oh yes, we are ready, but yet you are not. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word, get into my word like never before, allow it to dwell in your heart, to speak it forth from your mouth. For truly I am moving in a mighty way and those things which I have spoken unto you, those things which I have said, truly they shall come to pass. So I say unto you my children, oh, realize that I am moving on your behalf, even though you may not see it, even though you may not feel it, I say unto you, faith does not go by feelings but it goes by my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word says, know what I have said unto you and stand therefore on my promises that I have given unto you. For truly, I am working on your behalf and I am fulfilling my word unto you.

5-12-02 At the altar after the pm service

Let your hearts be filled with great joy. Do not allow the enemy to get you down in any way, any shape, any form. For I am fulfilling my word on your behalf. Do not become discouraged over the rain, for it will cease. But I am blessing your area with water at the moment. Not all of the State of New York is like that nor are there other places that are being blessed like this, but remember my promise to you, remember my word that I have given unto you. For if you would look around about, you would see many areas that are in a very, very deep drought with fires, wells gone dry, they know not which way to turn. Even in New York City, they are still in a very deep dangerous threat when it comes to water. There are areas that are still receiving snow, and farmers are unable to get into the field, when normally they have already been in the field, for they depend upon this time for the moisture that is there to carry them through the dry spells. Even your area here was warmer than it was in the State of Washington the other day, and yet, sometimes you don’t consider these things. My word is being fulfilled to you. My promises I have given unto you and my word will come to pass, for if you are listening, you will hear throughout the whole world the things that are taking place. I told you that this peace treaty was not the one to worry about, do you remember that? I spoke to you two months ago concerning that. I have told you the things that shall come to pass, so be not amazed or moved when you hear them, but I have told you. And my language has become much clearer, not for you, but for the world, that they can see the things that I am saying come to pass and realize that truly there is a God, that they will come and seek you out for the help that only I can give to them. But you are the instruments that I have chosen to move through. I have told you that also. There shall be many, many, many earthquakes, many tornadoes, many hurricanes, great hail in many places, floods, drought, famine, straight wind, but it will not come nigh the dwelling of those that are walking with me. You shall walk in that time in total peace. For even as the enemy has sent great winds across your land, have you even lost a shingle? Has a tree blown down on your land? Am I not doing what I said I would do? Be not concerned over the things that you hear and the things that you see nor what you read about or what the news has to say, check it out in my word, for you will see exactly what is taking place. For as you look, you will watch and see as the European Common Market, as the Babylonian System, as the worldly Babylonian Church System all begins to form and take place. And you will see and hear about the government churches, which is suppose to be for the good of the people, to protect them. You will see the tax status of many churches, many TV ministries, many other things vanish because of the greed of the world. Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, for Caesar is only the devil and he controls nothing. So be not moved by these things, for I am able to take you through this time victoriously, for I have said this to you before, and truly I can, I can take you through this time victoriously. So keep your eyes upon me; listen carefully to the things that I have to say. Jot them down, print them out, go over them a few times that you understand and see, even at times mark them off as they are fulfilled, as you see the things that are coming to pass. Be not fearful of the new sicknesses that shall come, for they are not for you. Be not fearful of the pestilence that shall come, for they are not of you, for I have delivered you out of the hand of these things. Fear not the demons that you shall see, as they begin to demonstrate and act up, for you have more power than the whole bunch put together, including their leader. For I have given you that power and that authority, so let that not trouble your heart, for you can speak the word and my angels will quickly defend you and drive the enemy off, so you need not fear. For your houses are so protected, sayeth your Father, you could leave the doors wide open and no one would enter in. But that would be foolishness, therefore, you do the things that you normally do. But trust me; trust me, for truly I shall do all that I have said. And you shall see some great changes the next THREE WEEKS. Did you hear me? There shall be some great changes the next THREE WEEKS. This is worldwide. Some of them will shock you, but you will hear about them, and remember that I have told you. They are nothing that you need to be concerned about, for if you needed to be concerned about them, I would tell you exactly what they are, and at times, I would tell you that. Walk with me, trust me. I desire not to tell you too many things ahead, because I do not want to allow the enemy to have room to cause you to fear or doubt. Just walk with me. Come and hear the things that I have to say. Come and sit in my presence and receive what I have for you. Come, for I have called you, and it is you that I shall use.

It is time for my church to wake up, yes; it is time for you to wake up. For many listen not nor do they hear what I am speaking unto them. They have ears that are deaf and their eyes are blind. It is time for your eyes and for your ears to be open. It is time that the blinders be taken off. It is time that the plugs are taken out of your ears and that you are aware of those things that I, Almighty God, am sharing and giving unto you. For many are walking in their own way and they are not following my will nor plan for their life. How can you walk in my protection, when you walk out of my perfect will? How can I keep you safe from the things that are going to take place in these coming days, when you go your own way and you hear not the voice of your Father God? It is time for you to truly turn and come to me. It is time for you to give up your worldly ways. It is time for you to seek my face, as you once did. Where has your first love gone to? Where have you lost it? I say unto you, take a look back at when things started to change, when you became worldly minded, when my way suddenly was not your way. It is time to change, it is time to turn around, for I have been calling out, I have been pleading with you, I have been warning you, and yet, you turn not. Therefore, I say unto you, this warning, this pleading shall not go on much longer. For I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings. I desire to protect you and keep you safe. But how can I when you hear not my word, how can I when you walk not in my will? Oh, I say unto you, look, look at yourself and see where the change has taken place, and I say unto you, repent and come unto me, oh, for I have need of you, yes, I have need of you. For even many, many are not preparing themselves, as I have said to prepare, for they take the things that I say very lightly and many of them shall be caught in the trap of the enemy. But I desire, my children, that you walk fully and completely and holy with me. That there is nothing that catches you off guard or takes you to the right or to the left. I desire that you walk with me. For sin shall not dwell in my true houses. Holiness shall be filled in my houses; it shall fill the lives of my people. No longer shall they walk in sin. No longer shall they do the things that I have spoken unto them not to do. For they shall ask of me, as I have said, and they shall know exactly what they are to do, exactly where they are to go, for I, their Father God, shall speak unto them and they shall listen. Oh, I say unto you, turn unto me, turn unto me, for I have all that you have need of. For the ways of the world shall bring unto you great disaster. It shall not bring anything fulfilling into your life. But I shall give you everything, therefore, come unto me, separate yourself from the world, know what my will is. Follow not after your own desires, for it is your own desires that shall cause even great separation between you and your family. For even now, many are going about doing their own thing and their family is suffering because of it. Their spirituality is suffering because of it, because they spend not the time, like they use to, with me, their Father God and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes are growing dim. I say unto you, wake up, wake up and realize that terrible things shall take place in the world. Yes, there shall be sicknesses, there shall be earthquakes, there shall be tornadoes, there shall be great pestilence’s, there shall be great disasters on every side, but if you are walking with me, I, your Father God, shall protect you. But if you walk out of my will, I cannot keep you safe, like I desire to. Therefore, I say unto you, wake up and come unto me. Know my voice, hear what I, your Father God, have spoken unto you. Hear what I have said and come unto me. For now is the time, now is the time my children, for quickly the door shall close, yes, the door shall close. But even in the last hour I shall hear your cry, as you cry out unto me. But I say unto you, wait not until then, for I do not desire that you go through any hard times or any hardships. But I desire that you walk in the abundance of my blessings. Therefore, I say unto you, turn once again unto your true love. Come once again unto me and sup with me and walk hand in hand with me and walk in the fullness of my blessings, for I am here and I call unto you, for I desire that you come unto me. For I am all that you have need of and I desire that you walk in my safety. I desire that you walk in my protection. Therefore, I call out unto you this night, I call out unto you this night, come unto me, come unto me.

5-15-02 wed pm service

Continue to keep your eyes upon me. Continue to listen and hear those things that I have said to you, as they are coming to pass. For as you see them, as you hear them, it shall cause your faith to rise even higher, your expectation shall be even greater. And even with more confidence, you can say to others, look and see what the Lord is doing. For I say unto you, many things are taking place right now, even as I have said to you, throughout the whole world, many things are taking place. And as you watch and as you listen, as you look, you shall see those things and understand those things that I have told you; so listen carefully.

5-19-02 am service

For truly I am the Almighty, the awesome God that you serve and there is nothing that I will not do for you my children. As you walk in my word, as you speak forth my word, my hand is moving upon your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, stand fast in my word; stand fast in the faith that I have given unto you, knowing that those things which I have said shall surely come to pass. For even though at times the enemy may bring doubt, the enemy may bring circumstances and say that my word is not so but as you continue to stand, and as you continue to confess my word, you shall see those things that you are standing for come to pass before your very eyes. Therefore, I say unto you, give not up on the promises that I have given unto you, but I say, stand fast on my word and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill it before your very eyes. For I am moving right now on your behalf, yes, I am moving even though many times you see it not with your natural eye, I am moving. Yes, I am moving on those hearts around you, I am softening them, turning them toward me. Therefore, I say unto you, give unto them my love, continue to give unto them my love and I shall bring them in as I have said, I shall soften their hearts and I shall cause them to want what you have. Therefore, I say unto you, stand on my word, speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill my word unto you.

Set your thoughts on the higher things, for truly in this hour, in this time, in this day that you are living in I, your Father God, shall do those higher things for you. For I shall open the windows of heaven like you have never seen them open. I shall move mightily on your behalf to bring the things to pass that you call into being. I shall anoint you with power to heal, to deliver, to set free, that those of the world that know me not shall see you and see the light and see the power that is flowing through you. And they shall come unto me and come into the safety of the fold, that they may prepare themselves and make themselves ready also. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to keep your eyes upon me. Look not to the world, nor the things of the world, nor the pleasures of the world, nor the things that man says shall come to pass, but look to my word. Listen to my voice, know what I, your Father God, have said unto you. For truly these things shall come to pass but the things that they say are just idol words. They speak forth many idol words from their father the devil. Therefore, I say unto you, look into my word, study my word, know my word, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise. Walk according to the things that I have said unto you and you shall walk in the total victory that I have for you.

5-19-02 pm service

For as surely as the sun shall rise in the morning, so shall I fulfill my word to you, for I watch over my word to perform it. My eyes run to and fro throughout all the earth seeking those whom I may show myself strong on their behalf. For I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, I desire to cause you to walk in the fullness of my stature that miracles, signs and wonders shall be commonplace unto you. That souls from all around the earth shall come to receive what you have and they shall receive it from you. For as they come, sayeth your Father, I shall meet every single need that they have. There shall not be a need that I shall not meet. I will be there to fulfill the desires of their hearts. To give unto them words of wisdom, words of knowledge to open their hearts to receive the deliverance that they need, to cause them to come into the safety of the fold, that they may be ready for that day when I shall come and catch away my church. It is an awesome hour, an awesome hour, an hour of great things, great things for my church. For I have planned for this hour and this time to be one of the greatest hours that the earth has ever seen and it shall be thee greatest. Oh yes, sayeth your Father God, for you shall walk in a way you have never walked. And you shall see me as I move with my might and my power, that you shall be set aside from all the other churches, from the false, that when people look, they shall know the truth and they shall desire to come unto me. Therefore, I say unto you, lift up your head, lift up your hearts, lift up your mouth, rejoice, for truly you are living in an hour that I, your Father God, have planned and purposed. You are a people that I have called, yea and I shall do all that I have said that I shall do and you shall walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. So rejoice in your heart that you are here to hear what I, your Father God, have said, for truly it shall come to pass.

Know that my word is being fulfilled unto you and it is you, my children, that I shall flow through, it is you that I shall use. Therefore, be those open willing vessels that I may speak through, that I may flow through, that I may minister unto others through you. For when they come by busloads, when they come in groves, I shall have need of everyone to be flowing in the gifts that I have given unto them. Yes, I have need of you, for one or two are not going to be able to do it by themselves. For I am going to need every single one of you functioning fully in the gifts that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, build yourself up with my word. Sing and pray in the spirit and build up your spiritman, that you are ready and that you are prepared when that time comes when the people start flooding in, that I can be able to use you my children. For I desire to use each and every one, each and every one, did you hear me, there in not one that is lesser than another, for I desire to use all of you. If you would just be willing and open to me, I shall flow through you, I shall use you. For many think, Lord how can you use me? But, I say unto you my children, all it takes is an open willing vessel, one who gets into my word and studies my word and knows my word, that I can flow through them. For truly in this day and hour it shall be so, as I have said as the people come, as the people flood in, I shall move in a mighty way. And many will want prayer before they even get into the doors and it is you my children that shall pray for them. It is you who shall lay hands on the sick and I shall flow through you and they shall become whole that very instant. Yes, I am fulfilling my word unto you. Therefore, I say, prepare your heart, prepare your heart for the time that is ahead and know that I am the Almighty God. And know that I have said that I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. I shall provide for you even in times when food shall be scarce, I shall make a way and I shall provide for you. Even in the days of old when I gave unto my children the manna from heaven, so shall I give unto you the adequate food for you to eat. Therefore, know that I am doing mighty things all around you. I am working on your behalf and I am fulfilling my word unto you my children. It is a great hour, it is a great time, even though the world shall be in great turmoil, even though it shall be in great disaster, I Almighty God shall move in an awesome way. For it shall be a very powerful time, it shall be a very anointed time and mighty are those things that I shall do. The miracles, the signs and wonders, they shall be commonplace in my houses, in my true churches. And mighty are the things that I shall do on behalf of my children. For even those in the world will want to come to receive of me. For they shall see a difference between that of the true and that of the false. And they will want; they will want what you have. Therefore, I say, prepare yourself for the time that is ahead, for that time is not far off, no it is not far off. And I have need of you my children, for even though you may not know it, I shall use you in a mighty way. So, therefore, prepare your hearts and open yourself unto me, that I may flow through you, that I may use you in the way that I desire to. For truly my children, I have called you to this place; I have set you here, that you may be a blessing unto them and that they can bless you. For it is I who have called you, it is I who have chosen and it is I who shall do a mighty work through those who open their hearts unto me.

When you speak forth my word from your heart, believing, it is like a boomerang. For you throw it out there and it brings back to you the answer. Therefore, speak my word from your heart and truly it shall come back to you with the answer.

5-19-02 At the altar after the pm service

For my ways are so much different than the ways of the world. So at times, when you are looking at my ways, it causes you to wonder, to ponder and ask, is that you God? Yes, that is me. For if you look in my word, you will see that it is not strange, because it is in my word. For I have done the things that I am saying shall be done now. The anointing upon Elisha, for an example, was so powerful and so great, that when they threw the dead body of an enemy in there, life came into that body. My anointing shall be so powerful upon my people and those who walk close to me in these last days, that truly nothing, nothing shall be impossible for them. For even the enemy will display great power when he raises the anti-christ to life through the deadly wound in the head, but my power is far greater. For he is but a counterfeiter, he can only counterfeit the things that I have already done, and if I have not done them, he cannot counterfeit them, because he does not know what they are. So be not fearful of the power, the might or the strength that he displays, for you have more power, you have more might and you have more strength, for I have given it unto you, I have given unto you everything that pertains to life and godliness. You do not lack in any area; you just have not learned how to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For if you knew the power that you have, you would accelerate the things that you are doing a thousand times over and they would come to pass. Therefore, I say, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Yes, I know the enemy is trying to attack on every side, that everyone is seeing the things that he is trying to do, but hear what I have said, trying, trying. He cannot do it if you do not allow him to. He can try and try and try, but it will do him no good. For he cannot penetrate the shield that you have upon yourself when you have all the armor on, nor can he defend himself against the power, the authority, the ability, the might and strength that you have. Therefore, when he sees you resisting him, standing steadfast toe to toe with him unmoving, he flees. He does not want to get hit by your power, and therefore, he flees, he may come back and try again, but as you resist him, he flees again. And soon he sees that you are not one that wavers in that area and you have victory in that area. Why not have victory in every area? Why leave some unguarded, some unprotected, some not in the position that they belong in? Why not strengthen them all, that you have no areas in your life that are open to him, that are weak, places that he can come against you? For you can close those doors. Even across America right now the enemy is trying to cause confusion with the weather. For I have said, there shall be droughts, and yet, it may look to you like you have ample water, not so. I have said that it is going to be hot, hot, hot, and you look round about you and you say it is cold. It is going to change. It is going to change. The enemy is only trying to cause confusion. I have told you the terrorists have not stopped and now you are just beginning to hear on the news that they have a new plan. Well, they have seven plans altogether that even the government does not know about yet. For they did not even come close to getting their enemy, for he was not even there, as you know. He was safe across the border with many round about him, and the strength of them is almost as strong as it was before. For they lost a few key leaders, but those were the key leaders that they left behind that they knew would lose. The very key leaders are safe and terrorism has not vanished off the scene, and you will see more, but it is not for my people. The droughts will get even larger this summer than ever in the history of the weather bureau, and yet, the next year they will be even greater. So regardless whether it looks like it is coming or not, I have already told you that it shall come. The earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, they will continue to increase, even the weather bureau sees this, they know not how to prepare for it, because it is far greater than they said that it was going to be. The global warming is far greater than they said it is going to be, and therefore, it throws confusion, and at the same time, they do not want the people to panic, so they give you the portions that they desire to give to you. That is the devil working on their hearts to speak lies to cause confusion. But I tell you the truth and I explained to you and I showed you the things that are taking place, and I have said these things, that you would know and walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for you. There is water right here and that water is here for a purpose and a plan. The declaring of the Empire Zone was my work to fulfill my plan. I shall do the things that I have told you I will do. Even though the enemy causes many problems here and many problems there, I will do what I have said. Great sicknesses will continue to come and they will not know how to deal with them or what to do. Pestilence, great pestilence, but it is not for my people, it is not for you. Even the locust could not come on your property, if you put a hedge around it, if you cover the four corners with my blood, your are safe. So allow not fear or panic to come in, but please draw closer to me. Many that hear these things do not even try to change; their lives are the same. The things that they are doing are the same and they are headed for great disaster and do not even know it, they are not even aware of it, and yet, they should be. They should be aware of the things that I have said, and yet, they are not even paying attention and they are going about doing what they want to do, because that is the desire of their heart and not the desire of mine. That is the desire of the flesh and not the spirit. So do not look for them to change. Have you not already heard of the tremendous financial bind that many Christian programs are in? I told you this. I have told you that the wealth of the heathen belongs to my church, not the false church. So quit praying for those. Do not pray against the things that I am trying to do. Pray against the enemy. Do warfare with the enemy. But many things are going to take place, in order for the separation that there shall be between the false and the real, there are things that have to take place. You are hearing more talk all over the United States and the world and you are seeing more ministries uniting together as one. But take a look at them, are they the real church, no, they are the false church, and yet, my real church shall become one. But there is a world church, read in my word, study about it, there is a world church and its leader is satan himself, and many are being deceived to follow the false, for they make it so much easier. People do not have to change, people can live like they want to live, they can do the things of the world and not be worried, because their church will tell them it is alright. Read my word, does my word say it is alright? For if my word does not say it is alright, then it is sin. And that sin will keep you out of heaven. That sin will send you to hell, for no sin shall enter heaven, none, zero, zip. Be not fooled by what they say. Draw closer to me; walk very close with me. Keep you eyes on the mideast, for great things are going to take place there in the next few weeks and months, and you will know that truly you are living in the last days. Keep you eyes on overseas, in Europe and the European Common Market and watch what you see and you will know that truly you are in the end-days. Watch jobs as some still go overseas and States become so broke, they know not where to turn. And the roads become a shamble, their school systems become a shamble, everything that they put their finances to begins to collapse and they know not which way to turn. And then the government will say, we have a financial program for you, we have a system that will work, all you need to do is take the mark. Oh, that time is coming very rapidly. The have accelerated the speed on the new chip. Their deadline of August will now be shrunk up and you will see it by July. Things are happening very fast. Watch the news in the light of the word that I am giving to you. Watch the news in the light of the Bible and you shall see these things as they take place. Watch as some bible prophecy teachers begin to change their whole platform and begin to lean more towards the middle of the week. For they will realize that truly the first trumpet is about to sound, and when it does sound and they are still here, they will know that they have missed it. The things that they are saying, that they are telling you shall come to pass, will come to pass, but not in the line or alignment that they have placed them in, for their alignment is wrong. Look at my word, read my word, know my word. For it shall take place just as I said, at the last trumpet, not at the first, but at the last. At the last I shall take my church out. I will not pour out my wrath upon my church. Therefore, walk very close with me. Listen every week to the warnings that I give to you. Know that within the next few months you shall see some great terrorist activities here in the United States. They will not affect you in your life here, they will affect others. Know that a biological warfare has already started, but it will not affect you. Know these things and realize that I have given you safety, I have given you peace, I have given you protection and I shall take you through this time victoriously.


Are you ready for my greatest hour? Are you walking in my word as I have said? It is not the hour to play games, and say you know, when you do not. As you have noticed, things are not very good anywhere. The weather is crazy and next the warm and hot and dry weather, there will be shortages on many things, problems all around. Only as you walk with me and follow my voice will you walk in total victory. I desire to bless my people and bring in the wealth of the heathen into to my house. I will do that and much, much more for those who hear my voice and follow after me. Oh, the greatness of this hour, this is the hour when my true people are gathering themselves together more than ever. The false church and those who follow them do not have church twice on Sunday and during the week also. Many have gone to a Saturday night service, and yet, that is not in my word. Who are they hearing? I am not talking about special services or prayer meetings; I am talking about a form of religion. Wake up world, for the time is running out and the days are short. Wake up and gather yourself in my house where I speak to my people in every service. I desire to bless my people with blessings they have never had before. I desire to fill them with my power to heal, deliver and bring forth miracles. It is a great hour for my body, for I watch over them to protect them and care for them. When you listen to the worldly news, you will hear of disaster, disaster followed by more disaster. Oh, the drought of two thousand two and the problems that follow after you. Don’t ask the world for answers or the priest or the false, for they know not what hour they live in. It is the hour of great blessings for my body, but not so for the world. Sickness shall spread now like never before, that they do not know how to deal with. The financial stability of many states shall become far worse than man sees yet. A great shaking is going on and everything that can be shaken shall be shaken. More job losses in the south and west coast. Forest fires, hot humid weather all over the south and southwest on into the midwest. Oh, the trouble ahead for those that are unsaved, those in the false, those who do not listen. For I warned them, and yet, they go their own way just as they did in the days of Noah. Keep yourselves covered in the blood shed for you. Know how to resist the devil and his demons. Know how to pray and receive, know these things. Know how to trust me for food and clothing and medical supplies, walk with me. My love is there and I desire to bring in the lost from near and far. Know my word, walk in the spirit and do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. I love you and desire for you to be overcomers who sit at my table and know me and my voice. Yes, know my word and live free from the calamities. Live in the world and face the calamities, face the fear and pain and heat. Walk with me and walk in total victory. It is really easy if you do as I say, if not, you open the door and not me. Listen to me and I will fulfill my promises that I have given unto you.

5-22-02 wed pm service

Keep your eyes upon my word, meditate therein, study my word, know my word, let there be an understanding in your heart of my word. For many in these days shall say this and shall say that, many shall tell you this and many shall tell you that, but does it line up with my word? Is it what I have spoken to you? Know my word. For there is much trickery, there is much deceit; there is much falseness in the world today. For the anti-christ system is well under way, and as it continues to progress forward, there will be lies on the right and lies on the left, but if you know my word, you will not be trapped in them, you will not be fooled, you will not be tricked. And you shall walk in a victory that they will not have. And you shall walk in a place of honor such as no one has walked here on earth. For I, your Father God, have saved this hour for you, yes, it is the last hour but it is an hour of great victory. An hour of triumph, an hour when you walk in a way that most men have never walked. In an hour when you shall call upon my name and I shall move mightily on your behalf. An hour of great joy, peace such as the world has not known. Even though the terrorism shall increase and increase, yet you shall walk in peace and you will fear not, for you shall know what I, your Father God, have said and you will know what I have said not to do, where not to go. Therefore, press into my word, know my word, know my word.

Know that even though circumstances may say that things are impossible; do not forget that with me there is nothing that is impossible. For I can do all things, my children, that as you take the step of faith, as you put your total trust in me, you shall see the mighty things that I shall do on your behalf. For truly as you confess my word and as you speak forth my word, as I have told you, I shall move quickly on your behalf and turn things around. So shall I continue to do as you speak forth my word, as you speak forth the things that I have said are and they shall be my children. For I have given unto you the victory in every area, in every area of your life I have given you the victory. You just need to walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Know that I am moving mightily on your behalf and I am fulfilling my word unto you. Therefore, press in unto me even more so, press in unto me, for the hour is late and the time is very short and I have a great work that needs to be done. Therefore, press in unto me even more so than what your are, so that you are ready for the things that are going to take place. For truly my children, I am fulfilling my word unto you; I am fulfilling my word unto you.

5-26-02 am service

For the greatness of this hour cannot be measured in a man’s mind. For they did not walk in the time Jesus walked, nor do they understand the miraculous such as it was understood in that day. But they shall in this hour, sayeth your Father God, for I have raised up those, yes, I have raised up mighty ones that shall move forth, they shall go forth in miracles, they shall go forth in signs, they shall go forth in wonders. My anointing shall be upon them in a mighty way, yea and the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits shall flow through them like an open book. Yea, and they shall minister unto those that come and they shall meet the needs that are round about. For there shall be none, no not any, sayeth your Father God, that shall be turned away in that day. For I shall move mightily upon my people, yea, and all, all that come shall be ministered unto. All shall receive the things that they came for and the world shall know that truly there is a God, that he is mightier than all the Gods of the earth, he is mightier than all the Gods of the churches, he is God, and therefore, they shall recognize him and know him. For it is that hour and it is that time, sayeth your Father God, it is that hour and it is that time and I am pouring out my spirit without measure upon those that will open their hearts unto me. Yea, and I am doing a work, a work, a work, a mighty work.

For truly it is my hour and it is my time and I am moving mightily by my spirit. For as they come to my house to receive of me, they shall not leave empty, but they shall leave filled to overflowing with me. For I shall fill them with a new anointing, I shall fill them, oh, with all that they have need of to walk in these days ahead in great victory. Know that I am moving my children in a great and mighty way, miracles, signs and wonders are taking place and they shall be common in my house. For the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, the deaf shall hear and there shall be no sickness that shall dwell in my house or in my people, for they shall walk in my perfect health as my word declares. Therefore, I say unto you my people, draw closer unto me, draw nigh unto me. For now is my hour and now is my time and I shall flow in even a greater way and I shall use you greatly for this day and this hour. For I have need of you, yes, I have need of you, sayeth the Lord and mighty are those things that I shall do. Therefore, walk ye close with me, know my word like never before, for as you speak forth my word, I shall quickly act and I shall take care of every situation that you encounter. Everything that comes upon your path I shall be right there with you and I shall deliver you. Therefore, draw nigh unto me and know that I have given you the victory. Know that I have given unto you all things to walk in this day, in this age. For I am the Almighty God and my hand is upon you, therefore, walk with me.

5-26-02 pm service

For truly great things shall take place because of what I, your Father God, am going to do. There shall be praises that shall rise up to me that shall fill all of heaven. Yea and they shall worship and praise me for hours, sayeth your Father God. For they shall finally see me in all of my glory as I begin to manifest the miracles, the signs, the wonders. As they see my church take first place over that of the false, over that of the Hollywood style church, over that that is nothing but hype, over that that is nothing but flesh. They shall see my church as it enters into the fullness of the things that I have for them. They shall hear my word as it goes forth in truth and power. They shall hear the prophetic word and stand back and watch during the week as it takes place. And they shall see it and know, yes, even the world shall see it and know, and the harvest that is out there, sayeth your Father God, shall come in because they shall see the church in all of its glory. For truly I have said it shall be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. So be not amazed at the things that I am about to do, but realize that this is going to be a glory hour such as the world has not seen. It shall be an outpouring of my spirit without measure. It shall be that time when my children rise to the position and the place that I have called them to be. And when they speak my word, when they lay hands on the sick, when they open their mouth to prophesy, when the word of wisdom, or the word of knowledge, or the office of the prophet speaks, they shall know and see and hear it come to pass. And they shall not walk in the darkness that the world shall walk in, but they shall walk in a glorious light well aware of the circumstances, the situations, that shall take place round about in the world. Be not concerned over many of these things, for you cannot turn them back my children, you cannot pray them away. For it is that time, it is that hour but I, your Father God, shall inform you, that you will always be in safety, that my protection shall always be around you, that you will always be walking in the place of victory, that you will always be the overcomer. So fear not the things of the world, nor the things that shall come. But lift up your eyes and let your heart be filled with joy, let your mouth be filled with my praise. For truly this is my hour, and as you walk in my hour, you shall enjoy this walking, as a walk that you have never enjoyed so much before in your life. For I, your Father God, shall make it a joyous time for you.


For truly you are in that hour my children, you are in that hour when the world shall see you dance in the streets. And they shall join with you as they see the miracles, as they see the signs, as they see the wonders. For they will not be able to deny them, for they will openly see the blind seeing, the lame walking, the deaf hearing, wheelchairs emptied out, they shall see that. And they shall rejoice with you and they shall dance with you and they sing with you. For truly it shall be a glorious time, it shall be my hour and my time, sayeth your Father God. It shall not be filled with the false, but it shall be filled with my power. And it shall be my power, sayeth your Father God, that shall bring forth the signs and the wonders. Man will not be able to muster it up, the devil will not be able to counterfeit it, for it shall be my move, sayeth your Father God. And it shall be an awesome move and you shall walk in the midst of that. And truly if you can’t dance now, sayeth your Father God, you will be pushed to the background, for truly it is a time of great rejoicing. Therefore, open your hearts; allow my spirit to enter into your heart. Allow me, your Father God, to motivate you into a place where you can worship, where you can honor me, where you can lift up my name above all others. That you can give unto me praise such as you have never done before. When you can stand in my presence and not realize that hours have gone by. When your minds are not upon the cares of the world, but your mind is set upon me and the things that I, your Father, am doing. And your hearts will be filled with joy, because it shall be me, you shall see it, you shall bathe in it, you shall walk in it and you shall know it.

For my house shall be filled with praise and worship like never before. For my people shall come with great excitement in their heart and they shall be ready to give unto me the glory and the honor that is due unto my name. And they will come willingly; surrendering all that is theirs and giving all unto me. And the time that we shall have, it is not even describable, for my glory shall fall and descend upon them like never before. And mighty are the things that I, Almighty God, shall do. For there will be times when many lay before me for hours and hours. And there will be times when many dance before me for hours. There will be many times when shouts of praises are lifted up to me. For my church shall walk in the victory like never before. For I, Almighty God, am moving on their behalf, for I am their Father and I am fulfilling my word unto them. And mighty is the rejoicing that is taking place in my house, for they walk in the total victory that I have given unto them. There is nothing that shall stop them; there is nothing that shall hinder them, for they have my word in their mouth and in their heart. And they are charging forward into battle and victory upon victory is what they have. Mighty are those things that I am doing and I am building up my army even right now. Thee army that shall go forth in these days in great power and in great might and they shall walk in victory on every side. There is not one area they shall be defeated in, for they shall walk totally and completely and fully with me. And mighty are those things that I shall be able to do on their behalf because of that. For there shall be a true separation between the true and the false church and you will know because you will see the difference in the power. You shall see the difference in the anointing. You shall see the difference in the signs the wonders and the manifestations. For the false seek after the manifestations, but the manifestations shall follow after those that are true. Miracles, signs and wonders shall take place as my word declares and mighty are the souls that shall come into my kingdom in this hour and in this time. For it shall be a great hour, as I have said, and I shall fulfill my promises unto you much quicker than even you are thinking they shall come to pass. For if I would tell you what would take place in the next five years, it would be so overwhelming, that you would say how can this be so. But it shall take place my children, for I have said in these last days my work shall be a great and a quick work and so shall it be. So do not be surprised at how fast I shall move on your behalf or how fast things shall happen around about you. For truly this is the end-time and I am coming soon and there is much work that is needed to be done. And I shall, I shall do all that I have said that I will do. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and stand upon my word. Prepare yourself for the greatest move that shall ever take place. For truly it is so my children and it is happening now.

It is time for the downhill ride. It is time to gather the speed that I have told you about. It is time for the greatest thrill that you have had.

For you are like the little engine that could, you kept going and you kept going and you kept going. Even though at times it was difficult, even though at times it was very hard, even though at times it seemed impossible, you have not turned back, you have not given up, but you kept going and you kept going. But behold this morning, sayeth your Father God, you had that extra push to crest the mountain. Oh, I say unto you, great things shall take place. And you shall walk in a life that you have not walked in before, but it will be a life of pressing into me. A life of moving even closer to me, that you can hear and walk with me and follow thee instructions that I, your Father God, give unto you. For truly it shall be that time, it will be that time when you will need to move quickly as I speak to you to do this or to do that. It will be that time, that when I speak to you on a Sunday morning or a Sunday night, you will turn on the news and hear the answers on a Tuesday. It will be that time, sayeth your Father, that will see things come to pass so quickly, that at times it will seem like you are just walking in a daze, because of what I am doing. But it is that time, it is that hour. For I have spoken much to you about this time and this hour. And this day, sayeth your Father God, you had the extra push that is needed to crest that mountain. Press in, press in, press in, for truly it is going to be a great time.

5-26-02 At the altar after the pm service

Now concerning the terrorists and the terrorist’s attacks, there is no way in the natural that man can stop this. For you have two borders, Mexico, Canada, you have open traffic from Cuba to Florida, you have freighters, you have oil tankers, they come into the harbor daily, sometimes in large numbers. Realize that your prayers cannot turn this back, it is part of the end-time events that shall take place. But your prayers can save lives, your prayers can warn people, but realize that this is going to be part of a lifestyle until the anti-christ establishes a peace treaty throughout the world. Let it not bother your heart, in that sense, for I shall always keep you in perfect safety. And many of the areas that the attacks will take place in are so wicked, that they are an abomination unto me and unto my nostril, and because of their wickedness, I would not hear your prayers anyway. Not that I do not answer your prayers, but you are praying amiss because you don’t have the understanding or the knowledge to see what is going on. So realize you will hear many things, many reports, but even your government does not know where they will hit next. For they are not so dumb that they will leave the information again that they left the first time, they will leave information that will lead them elsewhere than where they are going to be. So let not your hearts be troubled over this, for very soon now you shall hear more of what they have done, but it will not affect you, it will not affect you. It will not disturb your water, it will not disturb your air, it will not disturb your lives in that sense. For my word has gone out and I have said come out of certain places, and yet, they listen not. In my word you will see a clear picture of Babylon being destroyed in a twenty four hour period, it shall come to pass. It has been recorded many years now and you shall see the fulfillment of it. You are seeing at this moment a withdrawal of support of Israel, the one door blessing that had remained open for your country here and they are closing it. They are closing it because they do not want embargoes; they do not want the oil taken from them. They want to work into a false peace area, and yet, see not what they are doing, for my word has declared to pray for Israel, to love Israel, for they are my people. They are living under an old covenant, they don’t know the covenant that is far greater, the covenant that you walk under, but I do have a covenant with them and I will fulfill my word to them. I say unto you, many, many things shall take place throughout the summer. Even now you are hearing reports of the high heat for this time of year in many places, the drought that is still going on, the famine that shall take place, because they could not get in to get the crops in. And those areas that did get the crop in, there was so much rain and so much cold weather, that many will find that they either replant or they will have nothing, or what they do have will be so little, it will be as if nothing. But do not allow this to trouble you either, for I shall take care of you and I shall supply for you. You are under my protection and my care, I have a covenant with you signed and sealed in the blood of my son Jesus. I watch over my word to perform it, and therefore, I will move mightily on your behalf, because you are mine. I have told you I would protect you, I have told you I would care for you, I have told you that no sickness, disease nor pestilence shall come nigh your dwelling, I have told you these things. So fear not the things that you hear, fear not the changes that shall take place, not only here, but throughout the world. Understand that some of the moves that you are seeing are moves in the religious cycle to form the one world church, and it is forming very rapidly, far more rapidly than you realize, and some of the names that are going for this, you would not believe. But I do, for I see their hearts, I see their desires to continue going their own ways. And the enemy will allow that, simply because they are really not doing anything that hurts him or anything that affects his kingdom. They say that they are, but they are not. Therefore, be not surprised at what you see take place, know that I have told you. Be not surprised to see many, many, many programs go off the TV and only those that are government sponsored remain on. For even in this country, that you say you have so much freedom, your freedom has really vanished, and you will begin to see the effects of that. You will see the martial law, the troops in the streets, for I have told you these things, and when I say these things, I am not talking about overseas, for that is commonplace at times. You will see many, many, many sicknesses that the world has not seen and you will see people that are afflicted by them, you will see Christians that are in the false afflicted by them. Unless they come out of the places that they are in and come into the place of safety, they are an open target for the enemy. I have spoken to them, I have pleaded with them, I have called them out, and yet, many have not come out yet. But as my miraculous power begins to go forth, many will come out, for they will see the difference between the false and the true. But the major revival in these days shall be those in the highways and the byways, the unlovables, those that have not been in church, those that will be looking for me and seeing the things that I am doing. And when they compare the false church with the true church, it will be like night and day and they will see the glorious work that I am doing, and most naturally come into my church, a great revival. You shall see many countries begin to shut down the doors, we already have some where the missionaries have had to leave and other missionaries will have to leave. But there are the natives that have received Jesus, that are on fire, so keep the fires burning, even though those countries go another direction. There will be those that are there that love me with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and they will continue to press in to the fullness of the things that I have. You will begin to see whole nations change their philosophy, their thinking, their religious order, you will see more of that overseas at first, then here, but it is coming here. You will begin to see more activities of the false prophet and the anti-christ, for he is working again on a peace treaty that will be acceptable to Israel. And when they sign that, you will know that you have entered into the very first stages of the last seven years, know that, be not fooled. And when the mark comes forth, do not receive it, even though you may say, it is not really the mark yet, do not receive it. You do not have to. Do not worry about when it becomes mandatory, for I shall take care of you. Do not be fooled by the cooler weather at the moment or time, for the hot weather will come, so prepare your houses for the hot season. Prepare you heart for the things that I am doing, and week by week, I will give you more information, information about things that you will see taking place, that truly you can be where I want you to be and in total protection. So fear not what you hear, but rather yet, pray for those whose eyes and hears have not been opened yet.

Know that these things must come to pass. Know that my word shall be fulfilled. But do not fear, do not allow the enemy to cause you to become afraid, for fear is not of me. And I have said, that this shall not touch my children, those who are walking with me, those who know my word and those who hear my voice, these things shall not come nigh their dwelling, if they are walking in my will. For truly, I shall protect them, as my word says, I shall be the Almighty God in their life and I shall be Lord of everything they do. For truly it is I who shall move greatly, it is I who shall protect you, it is I, my children, who shall carry you through these days ahead, but it is you who must walk with me and put your total trust in me. For there are great terrible things that shall take place in the world and are even taking place right now. But I have said that I shall protect you and I shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. It is up to you to believe my word and to stand upon my word and my promises that I have given unto you, and as you stand upon my word, it shall be so and I shall keep you safe. For the enemy, he roars big, but cannot bite you, for he has no teeth. Therefore, know the power and the authority that I have given unto you as children, as heirs to the throne. Know that even though there shall be drought, even though there shall be famine, that I shall provide for you. For if you have no food to set on your table, I shall give unto you the food that you have need of, that you can eat and not go hungry. For when you are mine, I shall provide and I shall take care of you. Therefore, fear ye not, but realize these things have to come to pass, because as I have said, there is great wickedness in the world. And I have pleaded and I have begged for those people to come unto me and to turn from their wicked ways, and yet, they listen not, they reject my words and they go their own way. Therefore, these things shall come to pass, they shall take place, but know that I shall be by your side and I shall carry you through. For there is a great division between the true and the false, and many more are waking up, and they are seeing what is taking place. They are seeing the anti-christ and they are seeing the false prophet, for many eyes have been open, yet there is a great group that their eyes remain blind. It is time for them to know what I have said. It is time for them to wake up and realize that they are living in the end-times and that I am coming soon. It is not a time to be playing church or to be sleeping, but it is a time to be in my house when the doors are open. It is a time to be in my word like never before. It is a time to build yourself up in my Spirit, that you hear and know my voice very clearly and very distinctly, yes, it is that time. For great things are taking place in the spiritual realm, so are they taking place in the physical realm my children. And you shall see them, you shall see the things that shall take place in the world that shall shake the nations, and yet, it shall not shake you, for you have my word. And I shall tell you everything that you have need to know before it takes place. So, therefore, trust me and walk with me and know that I, your Father God, have all things under control, and know that I shall speak to you very clearly, that there is no mistake in what I say, that you will clearly understand those things which shall take place. For I have said unto you, that I shall reveal it unto my prophets first, is it not what my word says? For I shall continue to do that, for even in the days of old, I spoke to my prophets and I told them the way to walk in victory, the way to defeat the enemy. So shall I give unto you in these days precise directions on what you are to do to stay in my safety, to stay in my protection. I shall give unto you those directions and you shall follow them and you shall walk in the victory even as my children walked in the victory. For I shall give unto you my word, I shall give unto you those things that you have need of. I shall warn you of those things that shall come, that you are aware. Therefore, fear ye not, fear ye not the things that shall take place but know that I, Almighty God, is standing beside you and it is I who shall carry you through in these days ahead.

6-02 Previous Predictions

6-9-02 am service

For this is a great hour, a great hour for those that are walking with me. It is a time of great expectation, for faith level mounts very high in the hearts of the believers. For they are looking, they are looking and expecting for me to do all that I have said that I shall do and I shall do it. Oh, I shall move mightily on their behalf, and yet, others shall sit in the church and not receive, for they have not done anything with their faith neither do they believe with their heart, they believe only with their head. And there are those in the world that know not what is taking place. And they shall look at the calamities and they shall look at the disasters and they shall cling unto those that are hearing from me, those that are walking with me, those that are receiving their answers. And they shall run, oh, they shall run, they shall run like the wind and they shall run by those that are doing nothing. And they shall join themselves together with those that are winning and conquering and bringing in the harvest, that I, your Father God, have for them. For I say unto you this day, mount up with wings like an eagle, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. Draw nigh unto me; allow my word to fill your heart, not just your mind, but your heart. That you may mount up, that you may put on the armor, that you may go forth into the battle and win the victory that is already yours. That you may possess the land that is already yours, that you may receive the rewards that are already yours, that the wealth of the heathen shall flow into you. For I, your Father God, have declared it so, yea and it shall be. For my word does not go out and return void, it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do. But you must believe me, you must walk with me, you must listen carefully to the things that I say and then go forth with great expectation and receive the manifestations that I have for you, for truly they are yours.

Be likened to that of a runner who keeps his eyes focused upon the finish line, upon the goal that is set before him. For he does not give up, nor does he quit, even though he may be tired at times, he still gives it his all and completes the race, be likened unto him. For I shall give unto you all that you have need of in these days ahead. Though there shall be many things that shall take place in the world, keep your eyes upon me and the vision and the goal that I have given unto you and watch as you walk in the great victory. For truly I am moving in a mighty way, even quicker than many think or even realize, but yes, my hand is upon you and I am moving. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and my word. Keep your eyes upon the goal which I have set before you. For truly in these days ahead those things shall take place much quicker than what they have in times past. Even the promises that I have given unto you here, they shall take place very fast in these coming days, because I am coming soon. And, therefore, the work that is going to be done shall be a quick and a swift work. Therefore, I say unto you, run with all of your might, press in like never before, prepare yourselves for the services that are ahead of you. Prepare yourselves for the things that I, Almighty God, desire to do in your life, for it shall be a great and awesome time. For I have set it into place, I have called it into being and it shall be so. For these are my meetings and not yours, sayeth the Lord, and I am here to meet with you in a very special way. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare now, prepare now, open up your hearts unto me and prepare now for the things that I am going to do.

For the river is swift, it is running at full speed and my people are going forth to win.

6-9-02 pm service

For truly this is a great hour and this is a great time likened unto none other that has ever been upon the face of this earth. For truly my fire shall fall like never before and it shall consume all that is in its path. It shall be the mighty outpouring like the word says it shall be. For as you look upon me, as you keep your eyes upon me, so you draw closer unto me and my ways and I am able to move in even a greater way. Oh, I say unto you my children, prepare like never before for the things that I am going to do on your behalf. Prepare your hearts now for the things that I shall do in the coming days. Even in the services that are coming up, for I shall meet with you in a very special way, as I have said, and oh, the time that we shall have together as we unite together as one. What an awesome time that shall be. For those who come, they shall be coming to meet with me and their hearts shall be ready and they shall be fired up, and oh, the praise and the worship that shall be given unto me, it shall be like an experience you have never experienced before. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare your hearts, even as those who are coming that I have spoken to come, as they are coming, they are preparing their hearts for this very special time, for this very special purpose. So I also speak unto you and I tell you to prepare, prepare your hearts, open yourselves up even right now for all that I, Almighty God, desire to do. For every service shall be different, every service there shall be something new. Therefore I say unto you, you will not want to miss what I, Almighty God, shall do. For there shall not be a one that shall be the same, but all shall be different in their own way. And I shall meet and I shall give unto you those things that you have need of for the coming days. I shall give unto you the new anointing; I shall give unto you all that I have spoken unto you about. So, therefore, I say, prepare your hearts even this day, even this hour, for I, Almighty God, have great things in store for you. And I do not want you to miss out on what I shall be doing or those things which I shall do in those services. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare, prepare, prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts. Oh, I say unto you, allow not the things of the world to hinder you or to stop you from coming unto me and supping with me. For as you sup with me my children, more of the worldly things go out and more of me goes in unto you. And a great power and a greater anointing and the greater authority that you shall walk in, oh, it shall, it shall be nothing like you have ever seen before. Therefore, I say unto you, draw nigh unto me, for now is my hour and now is my time, and truly my fire, the anointing of the Holy Ghost, is being poured out upon the earth without measure. And you shall begin to see this even taking forth from this time on and it shall only increase and increase and increase. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare yourselves for the mighty move of Almighty God.

For truly it is an hour, like none other hour, that man has seen. For my word has declared it from the beginning of time. And in my word I have said that it would be three times greater, yes, three times greater then the first outpouring in the upper room. And the results of that shall be even greater than that, sayeth your Father God. But only those that walk with me, only those that hear my voice, only those that walk according to my word will flow in the supernatural that I shall have for that hour and that time. For it is a time of holiness, a time of purity, a time when you walk very close with me and I shall walk with you. A time when you enter into that secret place, that you may know the things that I desire for you to do. That you may talk with me and commune with me and I shall talk with you and commune with you, that you may understand all the things that shall come to pass. That you will have a clarity in your understanding about the things that shall be. For you will not be an island by yourself, sayeth your Father God, nor can you stand in your own faith, for you shall stand in my faith, sayeth your Father God, yea and you shall flow in my faith. And you shall flow according to my word and you shall flow according to the dispensation of this time and this hour. And you shall walk, oh; you shall walk as you have never walked before. For truly people shall look at you and they shall see me. For if they cannot look at you and cannot see me, then I cannot use you, sayeth your Father God. Therefore, I say unto you, press in; press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Press in to that place that I, your Father God, desire that you be. For truly you can walk in that place, for I have told you these things. Does not my word tell you to be perfect even as I am perfect, to walk according to my word, to walk according to my promise? Therefore, you can do it, sayeth your Father God, and it shall be so in this last hour, that my church, my true church shall walk in holiness, they shall walk in authority, they shall walk in power. And they shall have the things that I have said and the enemy shall not come against them nor turn them back nor defeat them. For they shall walk in the power that the church should be walking in, but not those, not those that linger on the outside, not those that are not serious, sayeth your Father. Therefore, I say unto you, press in; press in, for truly I have great things in store for you.

For as you receive my wisdom, as you receive my knowledge, as my spirit flows through you, then you shall open your mouth and you shall speak. And the things that you speak shall speak to the spiritman and they shall change and they shall come into my house and walk with me.

6-9-02 At the altar after the pm service

Many eyes and many minds are so worldly developed, that they are on the future, and they are not looking carefully at the things that are taking place. They feel like they have many, many, many years to accomplish all that they desire to do. And many of the false churches encourage this and there are demons that cause them to think like that, that they put off the things that they should be doing today, for there may not be a tomorrow, and they put it all in the sweet by and by and the sweet by and by shall never come. Therefore, the things that you see taking place in the world, and you shall see some things, some mighty, mighty calamities in the Mid-east. You shall see hurricanes, tornadoes, which you have already seen, far greater than in times past. And if you have been watching the weather, you will notice that there are many places right here in the United States that have already gotten into the hundreds. This is only June. And you have also heard about the iceberg that broke off. The next one is even greater. Many things are taking place, and if they would but wake up and look, they would see the end-time signs that are so clear to anyone that is looking for them, that they could not miss them. But because of the spirit that is operating from the false churches, and is in the earth today in a mighty way, they push everything away. They charge on their credit cards until they cannot charge anymore, they are not worried because they realize that, hey, we have got the next fifty years to pay for this, and this is not so, sayeth your Father, this is not so. And yet, they see not the things that are taking place. They think, oh well, that was just a bad storm, we have had bad storms before. Oh well, those two nations always hated each other anyway, we could expect that to happen. But they are not reading the signs. It is like looking at an oil painting and not seeing the work of the artist, but only seeing the picture, and be caught away by the beauty of the picture. For those that know, look at the detail that the artist has done, the beauty that he has placed in there to cause that beautiful picture, his style. Oh, I am the greatest artist that ever lived and I have created all of this and I have shown you a picture and I have given you my word of the things that shall come to pass. And they are being presented to you very clearly today, very clearly, the signs are evident, you cannot miss them. Therefore, press in closer, come in closer, walk by me that I can keep you safe from every single thing that shall come. Turn up you ears that you can hear my voice and understand the things that I am saying, that you can walk with me. For it is not my moves that the people normally flock to, it is the false moves. They go after the manifestations, the phony miracles, the phony signs, the phony wonders, they come away more empty than they went in and they come away with spirits that control, that bother. They do not realize the danger of going into these places or the danger of having hands laid on them without knowing who is laying on of the hands. And they figure, well, there is only going to be music there, and therefore, it will not affect me. Oh, how foolish, oh, how foolish. For I have said, don’t go there, and I would not tell you not to go there, if there was not something there that would hurt you. I tell you not to go there because there is something there that will hurt you. And I love you, and I do not want you in a position opening a door to receive spirits that are so cunning and so wicked that you will not even know that you walk in that area. And yet, if you watch yourself, you will see that you are a disruption to the things that I am trying to do, and when I am trying to move, without realizing it, you try to disrupt it. Oh, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up and see what is going on in the world. Have you not heard what Russia is doing? Have you not heard what China is doing? Does that sound like nations that are trying to make a peace treaty, that are trying to walk in peace? Or does that sound like nations that have not changed and still have a goal, an agenda that they are going to do? Have you not heard what is taking place in Africa, that I have already told you about? How many doors are closing down. Have you not heard how there are some places that missionaries cannot even go into anymore? But I have my servants, the natives, that have learned my word, that are doing a tremendous work there and you hear from them, and they are operating in the faith realm. Oh, I say to you, wake up, wake up, wake up, know what is taking place. Do you not know right now that there is a big, big push to take away from you many of the benefits that the church should have? Oh, it is there, but I have told you these things, so be not surprised that they begin to take away many of the deductions that you have, that they begin to tax you, do not be surprised. For as this evil government begins to take over, they are not going to show favoritism to the church. You are their enemy, and they will say, no other man is getting the things that they are getting, why should they get what they are getting, they are no better than us, they should be treated just like us. Have you not heard that before? Many changes are about to take place, but fear not the changes, do what you should do and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time safely. If you need more money to pay taxes, I will give you money to pay taxes. Did I not do that when the disciple came to Jesus concerned about the taxes? Did I not take care of that? Do not allow those things to trouble your heart or even cause you to slow down in the things that you are doing, for I shall take care of that. I shall meet every single need. I shall supply and you will walk in the benefits that I have and not the benefits of the world. Fear not the drought, fear not the heat, fear not the famine, fear not the pestilence, fear not the earthquakes or the tornadoes or the straight winds, the avalanches, the tidal waves, don’t fear these things, for they will not come nigh your dwelling. Oh, the enemy may try, but he will not be able to do anything, as long as you believe me, trust me and walk with me. He cannot open a door that I have closed. Therefore, walk with me, for you shall walk in a time of great safety. For there are some terrible things, some terrible things that shall take place throughout this summer and I will tell you about them. But let not your heart be troubled. Do not be over concerned about the things that shall come, for they have to come, they have to come, and I am not doing them, but they have to come, because my people are asleep, they are not where they belong and there is a wake up call going out through all the land. Pastors will climb into their pulpit to find they have no anointing, they have no ability to do any of the things that they desire to do. Even their enthusiasm and their charisma will not be there, for if it is not my house, it will be dead, Ichabod, Ichabod shall be written upon it. But in my houses the Spirit of God shall move mightily. The fire of the Holy Ghost shall fall, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place, the altars shall be filled with people coming into the Kingdom of God. Finances shall be flowing in, when all around them, other places are closing down because of lack of finances, either that or becoming part of the world church and receiving the protection and the care of the world church, which is under the authority of the devil, the anti-christ. Know these things. For your walk during this time shall be victorious, it shall not be up and down, but it shall be victorious. You will have all the supplies that you need; you will not want in any area. And you shall be able to lay hands on anyone, regardless what they have or how incurable it is, so man says, and you will see a miracle take place before your eyes, and people will see this and they will flock unto you. This is why I have said that my true churches, they are not even built half way as large as they should be and they cannot even begin to contain the people that shall flood in. And I have told you this, that when you enter into a building program, you will just be building and building and building until I take my church out and the people will still be coming and coming and coming and coming. Walk very close to me. Be not afraid of the heat, for in your area where I have placed you, it will not be as bad as other areas. You will not lack water here, as I have told you, and multitudes shall flock here because of the water. And jobs shall flock in and prosperity shall flow, because I have said so. Not because of anything that man has done, but because I have told you. And as the icebergs continue to melt, you will see that seashore vanishing before your eyes, regardless whether it is the East Coast or the West Coast or wherever it may be. Islands that are almost at sea level will vanish with everything that is on them. I have told you these things. So as you see these things, let them not trouble your heart, for I have sent out a warning loud and clear that all can read, and if they heed not my warning, then there is nothing else I can do, there is nothing that you can do. So do not let it disturb you, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Realize the shortness of the time, it is very short, and yet, there is time enough to do all that I, your Father God, said shall be done, and you shall walk in the fullness of that. So let your hearts and your ears be open to the things that I shall tell you.

Why do you think that I give unto you warnings? Why do you think I speak unto you those things that shall come to pass and take place in the coming days and the hours? I tell you so that you can walk in my safety. I tell you so that you can be aware, so that you are not caught off guard and that fear does not enter into your heart. But that you know that I have already spoken and I have given unto you my word and I have said that I shall protect you and I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. For when I speak unto you something and tell you not to go there, why do you walk in disobedience and go against what I have said? Do you not know that I tell you not to go to the false church, because there are spirits there that you pick up? Do you not know that I tell you not to do that, because those spirits shall hinder your life and cause you to draw even further away from me? For I give unto you these directions that you can walk in my perfect will and my perfect safety. For when you walk in disobedience, how can I protect you? How can I keep your property safe when the storms come, when the winds blow, when the tornadoes come, when the hurricanes come, when the straight winds come, when all those things come which I have spoken unto you about, how can I keep you safe when you walk out of my protection? I cannot, for you walk in disobedience, and therefore, leave a door open for the enemy. Be not like that my children, but know that I give unto you my warnings, I give unto you my word, that you can walk in perfect safety in these coming days ahead. Know that I love you, and therefore, I warn you and give unto you my word. If I did not love you my children, I would not tell you anything, but I do, because I love you and I desire that you walk in my perfect safety, I desire that you walk in my provisions. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know my voice. Does not my word say that in the end-times there shall be those deceiving spirits that shall try to lead you astray? For many people know not my word like they should, and therefore, I say unto them, to know my word that they are not deceived, that they see clearly the tactics of the enemy and how he works and how he goes about to try and lead you astray. Oh, I say, know my word, for these are the end-times. For there shall be those who are of the false, who will tell you, even after you have heard my voice, that how can that be so, when they have already heard from God themselves and they are much older in their faith than you are. Do not listen unto them, for when you have heard my voice, do not back down, nor back off. If you have questions, I say unto you, go unto my servants who hear my voice, go to my prophets who hear my voice and they shall give you confirmation that you shall know above and beyond any doubt that you are hearing my voice. For I have given them unto you, so that when these others come and try to tell you that you know not my voice nor are you hearing from me, that you can call upon them and you can know that, yes, you are hearing from me and I am giving unto you directions, I am giving unto you those visions and dreams to keep you safe and in my perfect will. Therefore be not afraid to ask my servants when these people come against you. Be not afraid, for I have told you they shall do this. Know that I have given unto you, I have given unto you my true churches, my true ministers that hear my voice, that know me, I have given them unto you that you can go and ask of them wisdom. That you can go and ask them for a word and they will hear from me and I shall give unto you all that you have need of. The precise directions, the precise answers that you are looking for. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to get in, allow not the enemy to cause division, allow not the enemy to bring confusion unto you. For you do know my voice and it is I who am speaking unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer, for as you draw closer, my voice is even more defined and there is no question or doubt in your mind that it is I speaking unto you. For truly in these days ahead my children, I will speak very clearly as I have said. I will tell you of those things that are going to take place, that shall come to pass. I have told you of the germ warfare that shall take place, and even right now, there is one big germ warfare that is going on across the nation. For it has been released by enemies and many thousands have become sick because of it. Yes, it is a thing that just passes in a few days but know that it is taking place, and know that you my children do not have to receive it. For if it comes nigh your dwelling, you can rebuke it in the name of Jesus and it has to go. For it is not of me. Know that I have given you the power and authority over these things. Know that I shall keep you safe in these days ahead. Know that I have given unto you my word. Therefore, walk in my word; be confident that I shall carry you through, that I shall surely do these things which I have spoken unto you. Be not afraid, be not dismayed, for I, the Lord your God, am with you and I am fighting on your behalf. It is not your battle but it is mine and I shall bring you through to the very end. Remember that my children, remember that the battle is not yours but it is mine and I shall bring you through victorious.

6-12-02 Wed pm service

Though the way is straight and narrow, the rewards that I give are far worth it. For not only in this life shall you receive the things that I have for you, but even in the life that is yet to come. You shall have joy unspeakable, great things that you cannot even imagine yet, but I say unto you, walk, walk with me, walk very close to me. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said, for if you look round about you, you will see them taking place. For they take place on the right hand and on the left hand, they take place before you and behind you, every where you look, they are being fulfilled. Therefore, I say, walk with me; walk very close with me. Know the things that I, your Father God, have said to you. Know what I have spoken, that you may walk in the victories that I have for you. For truly there is nothing but victory ahead for my church, there is nothing but victory ahead for my people, for they shall walk in the fullness of my faith. Yes, and they shall go forth and perform miracles, signs and wonders and the world shall run unto them seeking a safe shelter and they shall find it there and many shall come into the Kingdom of God. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me; press into the things that I have for you. Allow not the cares of the world to trouble your heart, for those things must come to pass, but walk with me and you shall walk in the joy, the peace and the comfort that I, your Father God, can give to you.

Be not weary and faint not. Be like the eagle who soars above the cares of the world. Be like the eagle who soars above the enemy, and knows exactly when to attack, so that he destroys the enemy. Be steadfast in my word, that when the enemy tries to come against you, you can quickly speak forth my word and victory shall you walk in. For this is my time and this is my hour and mighty are the things that I, Almighty God, shall do on behalf of my children. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before. Allow not the cares of this world to weigh you down or to cause you to become weary, but I say unto you, rise above those things of the world. Get in my word like never before, know my word, for as you know my word, the less that of the world bothers you. So, therefore, I say unto you, know my word, be like the eagle and soar above, soar above the cares of the world, soar above the problems. Walk in the faith that I have given unto you. For truly my children, I am working on your behalf.

For one who tries to walk the tightrope, no matter where his eyes are or his thoughts are, he shall fall off and the fall shall be great. Therefore, I say unto you, get in, don’t get out.

6-16-02 am service

For truly I love you with an everlasting love. For before you even knew me, I loved you and I made every provision for you, that you could walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you. And in these days, in these days that you now live, sayeth your Father God, all the promises shall be fulfilled. Yea and you shall walk in the fulfillment of every single one of them. I shall empower you and clothe you with power that you may go forth and do my work. That the harvest shall come in, that none shall be lost along the wayside, none shall be missed, but you shall be my vessels that I can use in a mighty way. Therefore, I say unto you, walk very close to me, listen to my voice, know my voice, understand my word that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I love you and I desire for you the very best and I shall give unto you the best. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, even closer than you are right now, that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.

For truly I am your father, and oh, how great the love I have for you. For I shall give unto you the very desires of your hearts, even as an earthly father gives all he can unto his children, so I give unto you my children all that I have. For all that is mine is yours, all you have to do is walk in it. For as you come unto me as my word says, as you ask and believe in your heart, so shall I do. There is not one thing I will withhold from you my children, for I love you and I desire that you walk in my best. I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings, I desire that you walk in all that is yours. For truly I have given unto you all, I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not, but know that I, Almighty God, am standing beside you and I am taking you through these days ahead with great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word that you can speak forth my word and I can quickly act on your behalf. For when you agree, when you agree with me, then I am able to move even quicker on your behalf. For when you speak forth my word, victory comes, after victory, after victory. For truly my word does not go out to return void but it does what it is sent forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, speak forth my word from your mouth that it may bring unto you the blessings, that it may bring unto you all of my provisions that are already yours. For truly I have given unto you my word that you can walk in these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God your father, do exactly what I have said I shall do. Do not allow doubt to come into your heart but know the very things that I have spoken unto you shall come to pass and know that they shall come to pass very, very quickly. For this is my hour and it is my time and I am moving by my spirit in a very quick way and my work shall go forth and shall be done. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, press in like never before, for all that I have in store for you my children, oh, for it is great. Yes, all that I have for you is good; there is not one thing, my children, that I will withhold from you. Therefore, I say unto you, press in unto all that I have for you, for the rewards shall be great.

What is the highest that you can reach? For I say unto you, you can reach even higher than that. If you will put your total trust in me, your total confidence in me, I shall take you into the very Throne Room and you shall operate from there.

6-16-02 pm service

For many shall become like me, and walk even in a way that my son Jesus walked, with the same anointing, with the same power, with the same ability. For it is the last days, and those that walk close to me, I have promised to pour my Spirit upon them without measure. And as they continue to walk in that realm, my power, my anointing, my ability shall flow through them and reach out and touch others. It will not be so for those that walk in the false, it shall not be for those whose pride is swelled up, and they say, I know your voice and I will only do what you say, but it will be for those that really walk with me. Those that know my voice, those that follow not another’s voice but know my voice. For in these last days, great and mighty things shall be done. There shall be a remnant that shall go forth with the power, with the anointing, with the ability to bring in the total harvest that is ripe. And they shall flood into the churches, miracles, signs, wonders, even the raising of the dead, it shall be commonplace. And as the world and the false church looks upon you, they shall know that they cannot duplicate this. That there is nothing that they can do in their might, in their power, in their strength to even make it look like they are doing what you are doing. For I shall move so mightily, sayeth your Father God, that all, even areas, whole areas shall come quickly into the Throne Room. They shall quickly come into the fold and become part and you shall hear and see and understand and know the things that I am doing. For even though there shall be a terrible time upon the face of the earth, yet my body, my church, my bride, shall be victorious. There will be absolutely nothing, nothing that is impossible for her to do. For I do these things, not just to bless you, but to cause others to come into the safety of the fold. To prove to the world, that truly I am the Lord thy God. To prove that I have said these things, sayeth your Father God, to prove that my servants have been faithful in the things that I have called them to do, and shall look upon it and know, for truly I, your Father God, have spoken it.

Know that those things which I have spoken forth into existence, know that they shall be so. For these are thee end-times and many things shall take place. But fear ye not, for you are not of the world, but you are mine and you have, you have a certain inheritance that comes with being mine. Therefore, I say unto you, know the inheritance that I have given unto you. Know the things that you can walk in, know that you have the victory in every area. For as you know me and my word, you walk in an even greater victory and in an even greater realm than ever before. For there is nothing that is too hard when you speak forth my word, for I quickly act upon your behalf, and mighty is the victory that you shall walk in. So know that even the very desires of your heart shall be fulfilled in this day and in this hour. For truly I am your God, your Father, the Almighty one and I am watching over you and I see the very desires of your heart, I see what your heart says, I see how you live and how you act and how you spend the time with me, and therefore, I say, it shall be rewarded even as my word says. For those who seek me first, those who seek me first, they shall find me and great shall be their reward. For they shall know the inheritance that I have given them and they shall walk in the fullness of that inheritance and mighty are the blessings that shall come into their being. Therefore, know that I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf and those things which I have said shall take place, truly they shall come. Therefore, I say unto you, stand fast upon my word, allow not the enemy to bring in doubt or fear or cause you to become down, but know that my word is steadfast and it is unmovable and it changes not. Therefore, I say, stand like never before and watch as you walk in the victory that I, Almighty God, have already given unto you. For I have spoken it into being and it shall be so. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word and watch as I take you through these days ahead in great victory. For I have said that I shall be with you, I shall go before you and make a way. Therefore, be not afraid of the things that shall take place round about you in the world, but know that I, Almighty God, am standing with you. I am walking before you and there is not one thing that shall come nigh your dwelling as you are walking with me, as you are pressing in unto me and my word, there is not one thing that shall come nigh you, if you are walking with me. Therefore, know my word and stand upon my word and rest assured that I am fulfilling my word unto you. For truly even this hour, even this day, I am moving on your behalf and I am working in ways you see and know not, but know that I am working. For truly I have said it shall take place my children and you shall walk in the victory I have given unto you and it shall be so.

For as quick as a roller coaster ride is and with all of its thrills, so shall these last days be.

6-16-02 At the altar after the pm service

For the very control that you are seeing over the world, is only the influence of the devil. For they have listened to his programs over and over and over and they have not sought my programs, and therefore, they get their wisdom, they get their counsel, which is ungodly counsel, from him. And they understand not the things that you are talking about. Even doctors, at times, cannot understand the things that you are talking about. For when they look and they see what they think that they see, and you tell them I am healed by the stripes of Jesus, they cannot understand this. They think that your mind has been brainwashed, that you are weak and that you shall die, and then when you do not die, they are even more puzzled, because they cannot understand why not and how come it is gone now. It is basically because the world has been receiving this programming for years. They go to ungodly schools, with ungodly professors, many who are demon possessed, that teach them the things of the world. You can find it from the White House down, those who try to do things in their own strength, their own might, their own power and they cannot do the things that they are trying to do. But if they would only come unto me, if they would seek me, if they would call out to me, if they would repent and turn to me, I could set them free. I could give to them wisdom, I could give to them knowledge, I could give to them understanding, that they could flow in the fullness of the things that I have for them. For no matter where you look in the world, even in the States itself, you will find States that are bankrupt, all they know how to do is create a larger budget, not knowing where the money is going to come from. Even our government here, sayeth your Father, is like that. It just creates higher budgets trying to do the things that they cannot do, and yet they have no money to back it up with, and those that are looking and are honest can see the collapse of the monetary system. My word declares that to you. As you look round about, you can see the European Common Market as it is coming fully into place, you can see their own Euro Money System, that soon shall become a cashless society also, even like yours. If they look carefully, they can see Russia really flexing its muscles now and beginning to regroup and preparing to do things. They are not short in oil, they have much oil to consume and they are ready to do the things that my word says. If you look at Japan and China, the wealth that they have accomplished by the United States making them rich, you would see how foolish that is, to bless your enemies in such a way that they are more powerful than you. In my word you see what takes place, when that takes place. And they continue to flow and walk in this wisdom and knowledge that comes from the antichrist. They are preparing now very strongly and the Catholic Church will join it very quickly to form a one world religion, embracing all types of religion, and yet, under the control of one man that can make sure the things that take place that are wrong will not take place, and yet, they will do it without me being the head. For the one that is in charge does not want me to be the head and he wants to be the head himself. And the antichrist when he first comes on the scene, will seem very nice, a man with great wisdom, a man with great knowledge, a man who wants to help all mankind live a far better life. And the words that flow out of his mouth will sound wonderful in a sense, but to the believer, they will realize that no, no, no, no, what he is saying is not true. For he shall so convince people, that when it comes time to sign the peace treaty, Israel will not even blink an eye, but they will sign it, and he will break it, even as my word has said. You are seeing the great changes in weather, even here, and yet I am blessing you, that your water will always be here. And the hot weather will be here, it will be here. But there are other areas that I have talked to you about that will become barren, they will be dry, they will be a dust bowl, and yet because of that, the storms that pass over them, will be even far greater. The warming of the ocean will cause some hurricanes far greater than the hurricanes known in the past. It will amaze you at the things that shall take place. For as you have seen the tornadoes increase and become larger, and many lives begin to be lost because of them, so shall it be with the hurricanes, there will be no difference, lives will be lost. But if the people would listen to me, it would not need be so. For you have some whole cities that live on a little island just off the seashore, and many of them will be no more, and if they would look at my word, they would flee from there. For they are not retirement centers, they are disaster centers. They need to listen to the things that I say, but at times they listen to what man has to say, and man tells them how safe it is, and yet, man tells them that we will build walls to protect you from the tidal waves. Well how can they protect them from the tidal waves when a hurricane or even a tornado tears through that area and tears down the wall before the tidal wave comes? They do not think about these things, they only use the wisdom and knowledge that man has given to them to think they can run this whole world. The cloning is a good example of that. They feel that they can create a whole new generation if need be. They think that they can load everybody in some spaceship and put it up in space and they shall be safe there and be able to come back and start a whole new world. Well that is not so, sayeth your Father. For the heaven and earth, the Bible says, shall pass away and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, but they do not read my word, if they do read my word, they understand it not. And they only use the wisdom and knowledge that the enemy keeps giving to them. And he gives it to them and he gives it to them and they think they can do things that they cannot do. For my word is final, I have spoken it into being and it will come to pass and you are living in that time and you are living in that hour, for you are seeing the total fivefold ministry come back together again. Even this year in your Camp Meeting, the fivefold ministry shall be there as one, the first time that you have had it there as one and it shall flow together and work together, and because of that, great and mighty things shall be done. Therefore, I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Press into the place that you can hear me so clearly, that you will know and understand the things that I desire for you to do. And remember the finances will be here, for the wealth of the heathen shall come unto you and you will not be hindered, you will not be slowed down, but you will accomplish the things that I have called you to do. Therefore, keep pressing into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Keep the vision before your eyes, keep the goal before your eyes, and if man tells you no, laugh, because that no shall become a yes. For I shall turn things about quickly, even as I did for the house, I shall turn it about. For you have been speaking my word and I am watching over my word to fulfill it. You said you would not be slowed down, you will not be slowed down, therefore, continue to do the things that I have said, continue to check yourself to make sure that you are doing the things that I have said and press in and become one like never before. Let the unity that I have given to you grow into a family that is truly my family. For you have many members you have not met of the body yet, but you will meet them soon. Many this summer you shall meet and learn to love and they shall love you. And you will find out that you have many, many, many, that are praying for you. For if you watch the work that I am doing, even on your web-site, you would notice that it is just a short stop to the million mark and the second million shall come faster than the first million, therefore, you shall know great and mighty things are taking place. Be not fearful when the government begins to investigate you because of what you are saying or what people are telling you on the Internet. But let them know that Almighty God has told you these things, do not back down from the things that they say, for I will watch over you and protect you and keep you safe in every area and you shall be victorious. So you need not fear these things. Remember that I have told you these things, mark it down, for they watch you very, very closely, they watch you far more closely than you realize, for they have seen where you have spoken my word and even 911 came to pass. Therefore, press in to the fullness of the things that I have and be not fearful over these things that shall come, but walk, walk with me. I shall take you through it victoriously.

Do not look at these end-times as a time of sorrow, for they shall not be, for my church it shall be a glorious time, an hour like they have never experienced before. For truly they shall walk in the light of my word. And the enemy shall truly be under their feet and they shall walk in victory upon victory upon victory. For I have given unto them my word, I have given unto them my promises and they shall run with me like never before. And there shall be nothing that shall come against them or slow them down, for they will brush it off even as water runs down a duck’s back. So shall the attacks of the enemy be when he tries to attack them. It shall just run off as if nothing was ever there or ever took place, for they shall stand on my word and they shall walk in a newness of victory like never before. There shall be nothing that troubles them, for they have my word and walk in my word, for they shall live my word day upon day. And it shall be like a daily thing unto them, so it shall not affect them in any way shape manner or form. For my word says, if you lack wisdom to ask of me and I shall give it unto you. But the problem is many ask not, and therefore, they walk in confusion, yes, and they go to other leaders, who know not my word and are worldly minded, and therefore, they get wrong wisdom and wrong knowledge which leads into the wrong direction. But if they would have only followed my word to begin with and asked of me, they would be walking on the straight and narrow. And the things of the world would not affect them like they are right now. For many are being deceived in this manner, because they know not my word and walk in error. Therefore, I have said to know my word, that you my children, can walk in the ultimate victory that I have given unto you. For the things of the world shall take place, you shall continue to see the floods, the drought and the famine shall come, oh so great. You shall continue to see the fires, you shall continue to see the uprising in the Middle-East. You shall continue to see these things, for they shall take place, but know that none of it has to come nigh your dwelling, as long as you walk with me. As long as you know my word and as long as you know the promises that I have given unto you, these things shall not come nigh your dwelling nor shall they touch you. So fear not, but know my word and speak forth my word, for it is my word that causes you to walk in great victory. For man’s words are nothing, but it is my words that produced the results, did you hear me? It is my words that produce the results. That is why I have said, to always put a guard upon your mouth, that you watch what you say, that my words are the words flowing out of your mouth. That you can walk in the victory, that you can walk in the peace, knowing that I am moving on your behalf. That is why I speak unto you and tell you the things that are going to take place and the things that are going to happen, for I want you to be fully aware, that you are not caught off guard, that you walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. For truly it is a great hour and a great time. It is not a time to walk in fear, it is not a time to walk in doubt, but it is a time to be stayed upon my word like never before. It is a time to walk in the peace that I have given unto you. It is the time to rest and be assured that my word to you is being fulfilled. It is a time of total trust and confidence in me that I will do exactly what I have said I will do, and the work that shall go forth, shall be great and likened unto none other time, for it shall be so, my children. I have spoken these things into existence and they shall be so. For I say unto you, great and mighty are those things that I shall do, even in the coming weeks, the coming months, the coming years, you shall see my hand move upon you in a mighty way. And you will look back from this day forth, and say, wow, I cannot believe the progress that has been made. For you shall stand back in amazement at even the growth that has taken place in your life, but it shall take place, because you are pressing in and you are drawing closer unto me. For great are the rewards of those who diligently seek me. For it takes a diligence on your part to come to the place of being close to me, of coming to the place where you know and hear my voice, that you walk very, very aware of those things which are taking place around you. For many are blind, because they are being led astray by others around them. And they are not in my word like they once were, and the enemy is able to work on them like never before, because the blinders are on their eyes and they see not what he is doing. But if they would just open their eyes and see the works of the enemy, and speak forth my word, he would quickly leave and victory would be theirs. Therefore, I say unto you, learn of me and my word. Learn of those things that shall take place in these days, for my word clearly gives a distinct picture of what shall take place in these end-times. Be aware of what shall take place, know what my word says, so that you are not deceived by someone who is in the false, by someone who does not know my word and has had bad teaching. For when you know my word, they shall not affect you one bit, but you shall walk in the assurance of knowing that truly you know my word and those things which I have said shall come to pass. Therefore, I say, press in like never before. Be not concerned what shall take place round about you, for I shall protect you and I shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. Know that you shall see the antichrist, know that you shall see the false prophet and that you shall know them clearly, for I shall give unto you, I shall give unto you those distinct, those distinct and clear signs that there shall be no doubt in your heart, but that you shall know and you shall be aware of who they are and you shall see my word being fulfilled. Therefore, fear not the time or the season that you are living in, but walk in my peace, and be rest assured that I have all things under control and that I, your Father, will take you through in great victory.

6-19-02 wed pm service

Let your faith be set like flint. Let your eyes be upon me and upon my promises. Hang tight to the things that I have said to you. For the enemy rages to stop the things that I have said, but you can stand against him and he has to flee. For I have given my word, I have given my promise, I have spoken unto you, therefore, I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, waiver not, be not moved, but stand on my word. For when you stand on my word, I turn things about and I bring those things that be not and you walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you. For I have need of you, for I have need of those that stand in faith. For as they stand in faith and speak my word, I can bring those things from the spiritual realm into the natural realm and all things have to change and line up with my word. For my word is final, my word is the truth, it shall not pass away, but it shall stand throughout eternity. So as you stand on my word, as you are not moved, as you speak forth my word, regardless of what you see in the natural, regardless of what you feel in the physical, regardless of what you hear, if you will stand on my word and be not moved I, your Father God, shall bring that thing that you desire and I shall give it unto you. I shall fulfill all of my promises according to my word. Be not moved when man is not obedient, be not moved, I shall still do what I have said that I will do.

6-23-02 am service

Said I not unto you that you would see an increase in every area as you look at the news, as you look at the TV, as you open your ears and listen, have you not heard and seen the things I have said come to pass? Behold I say unto you, there shall be a quickening now of those things to come to pass. It shall speed up greatly, sayeth your Father, for you are on that downhill slope. The things shall come to pass very fast and you shall walk in power that you have never known possible for man, and yet it shall be so, as you walk with me. As my word is placed in your heart and as you speak my word out of that heart, things shall come to pass quickly. And you shall see the miracles and you shall see the signs and you shall see the wonders. For I, your Father God, have spoken these things into being, yea, and it is so. Did I not say that the forest fires this year would be far greater than those of last year? Is that not so? Have you not seen the hail in many places, the droughts in many places, the high temperature in many places and it is not even July yet, sayeth your Father. Oh, I say unto you, listen to my word, study my word, know my word. For if you look not at it, nor study it not, nor listen to it, you leave the door open for the enemy to attack you. But by knowing the things that shall come to pass, you shall place yourself in the position and you shall align yourself with me, that you walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you and I can do great and mighty things on your behalf. Therefore, hear my words, sayeth your Father God, listen to them, ponder upon them, meditate upon them, know what they say and follow the advice that I give unto you. For I give it that you may walk in victory, that you may walk in safety, that you may walk in peace. For many know not the things that I say, they know not even the false move that goes on in their own midst. But I say unto you, listen to me and I, your Father God, shall show you, that you can see it, that you can understand it, that you can deal with it and that victory shall always be yours.

Oh, the love I have for you my children, for truly I daily load you down with blessings, upon blessings, upon blessings. Continue to walk in my word and the light of my word, for therein is great victory. For even as my word says, I return for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, so shall it be. Therefore, I say unto you, be ye holy, as I am holy. For there shall be a great difference between that of my church and the world church. For you shall notice a difference in the way that they dress, the way that they act and the way that they talk and the way that they live. For they shall live and walk according to my word and only my word shall come out of their mouth and they will speak only blessings and not curses. Oh, I say unto you my children, it is that day and it is that hour to rise up like never before. Rise up as the heirs that you are, for truly you are heirs to my throne, yet many understand not what that means and walk not in the power and authority that I have given unto them. Therefore, I say unto you, it is time for you to awake out of your slumber, it is time for you to wake out of your sleep and rise up unto the children that I have called you to be. It is time for you to draw yourself nigh unto me. Oh, for as the closer you draw unto me, the more you get of me and the less of the world that lives in your life. Therefore, I say unto you, be ye holy, as I am holy, walk according to my word, allow not the lust of your flesh to overcome the things of my word. Allow not your desires to stand in the way of my blessings to overtake you. But line yourself up with my word, line yourself up with my will and watch as I, Almighty God, give unto you my promises, watch as I fulfill those things unto you. For truly as you walk with me and as you walk in my will and my word, I am able to fulfill those exact things unto you and mighty are the things that I can do on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, line yourself up with my word, speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, fulfill my word unto you.

When a barber cuts your hair, does not she or he attempt to make it all even; all of the same length, all in line one with another? Even so shall it be with my church, for my church will be even, it will not be out of line. It will have but one purpose and one goal. Therefore, walk ye according to my word.

6-23-02 pm service

For this is a time and hour of great praise, when my people stand before me in awe of the things that I shall do. It is that hour and it is that time where my people now shall be filled with my praise. Not just in my services, but on a daily constant basis, where my praise fills their mouths. For they shall stand even in their own houses and backyards and lift their hands to me in worship and praise, and the time we shall have fellowshipping shall be like non other. For as you draw closer unto me and come into my presence, there am I found and there is where you hear my voice, that is when you get into the closeness of me and my presence. Therefore, I say unto you, be not; be not afraid to do this on a daily basis. For I long for my people to come into my throne room every day, that they may receive of me, that we my sup, that we may have fellowship. For it is that time and that hour where I am moving mightily in the midst of my people. For I am speaking to them like never before and it shall only increase and increase. For the day and the hour that you are living in is a short time, but not a short time to do the work that I have to do and for the things that shall take place. For it shall be a quick work in every way and mighty are those things that I, Almighty God, shall do on behalf of my people. Oh, I say unto you, enter into my presence like never before, enter unto my courts with praise and thanksgiving. For truly I am your God and I am doing mighty things on your behalf. For when you praise me, you put the devil under your feet and he quickly, he quickly flees when he hears you sing unto me and give unto me praise and worship, he quickly runs, for he hates to hear the praises of my people. Therefore, I say unto you, do it even more so, more so on a daily basis, that you run him off your property, that you run him out of your house, that your house is filled with my praise, that your house is filled with my worship and that I am able to do even a greater and mightier work even in your lives. For truly it is that hour and it is that time when my people shall draw closer unto me like never before. And the closeness that we shall have shall be even closer, that they will know my very heartbeat and they will know my heart and the desires that I have for them. For that is how close they shall walk in this day and this hour. For it shall be likened unto none other time and mighty are those things that I shall do on their behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer like never before, draw closer unto me, for I desire to have that fellowship with you. I desire to sup with you, I desire to be able to meet all your needs. Draw closer unto me, draw closer unto me, for now is that time my children, now is that time.

For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword and it will pierce and divide even to the marrow of the bone, that my people may walk in the fullness of all that I have for them. For as my word enters into their heart, and their minds line up with my word, when they open their mouth my words shall come forth and great and mighty and wonderful things shall be done. For this is the glory hour, there never has been, nor never will be, an hour like this hour. For this shall be my glory hour, sayeth your Father God, my hour in which I perform great and mighty and wonderful miracles, when you see creative miracles. For the blind shall see, the deaf shall hear, the lame shall walk and even the dead shall be raised from the dead and there shall be great rejoicing in my house. And people shall flock unto my house, for they shall come and they shall see the things that I, your Father God, am doing. And I shall move mightily through you, so make yourself available to me. Let my word fill your heart, let your mind be renewed by my word, that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For if you thought that the things in the past were supernatural, you have seen nothing, sayeth your Father, you have seen nothing. For I have saved the very best for last. I have saved it for this hour and this time and you are in that hour and you are in that time. And many of the things that I have spoken to you about have already come to pass and many more shall quickly come to pass. Therefore, take my hand, walk very close to me, learn the things that I am teaching you, do not go by everything that you think you know, but walk in the newness of the spirit that I have for you. For I shall open your understanding pertaining to my word, that you may understand my word and all the fullness of its glory, that it may change you and cause you to become like Jesus. That you may walk like he walked, that you may talk like he talked, that you may perform miracles just as he performed miracles. The world will not love you, but many, many souls shall come unto you. So let not your heart be troubled, let not fear enter in, be not disturbed by the things that you hear, for I have already told you they will come to pass, but rather yet, draw into that secret place that I have for you. Draw into that secret place that I have for you, draw into that secret place, don’t say you have been there, because you haven’t. Draw into that secret place that I have for you, that I can clothe you, that I can empower you, that I can cause you to be everything that I have said my church shall be in these last days. Then you can go forth in my power, in my strength, in my ability and do the work that I have set before you. Therefore, press into that place, lock out your thoughts, lock out the things that do not line up with me. And allow the spirit to be your teacher and your guide, showing you all things to come and causing you to be filled with the power that you need for this hour.

Be not an observer who just sits and watches and says, oh yes, I can do that, but be rather one that enters into the action and shows the things that I have said that they could do.

For you need to be in that place, sayeth your Father, for men will not continue to put a penny in a gumball machine and not get any gum.

6-23-02 At the altar after the pm service

For the clarity of my word to you shall become so clear at the end of this month, and as you step into a new month, you will understand even more clearly the things that I shall do. For I shall speak to you in a manner and a form, that even those that read or look at your web-site shall see and know, that truly God is speaking forth these words, and it is not man. For as they realize this and recognize this, then they shall come for the things that they have need of, that I may minister to them. And as I show you and declare unto the world the very things that shall take place, from the terrorist’s acts on down, they will realize that you could have only heard this from God, that it could not be something heard or passed on or planned or plotted before, that it had to come form me. They will recognize this and they shall recognize the different things that I am about to do, for I have told you that this time was here and that it was beginning. And now you shall step into it and begin to see, with all clarity, what I am doing and what I am saying. And it will be voiced so loud on TV, on the radio and in the newspapers, that even the doubters that sit here, sayeth your Father God, will have to see and recognize, that truly, this is coming to pass. They will understand the words that I say and they shall see the fulfillment before their eyes, that I may turn them about and bring them into the safety of the fold before they are lost forever. For it is my desire, sayeth your Father, to save, it is not my desire to send them to hell. For hell was created for the devil and his angels, but because of the disobedience of the children, it was enlarged to hold them that decide to go the wrong way. But the door has always been open that they could enter into the Kingdom of God, that they could become a child of my household and be blessed, even as I bless my children. So you will see many things. The storms that shall yet come this summer, the floods that shall yet come this summer, the drought that shall increase and increase, the hot weather that shall increase, all of these things I will talk to you more about yet. But I desire that you see and understand the things that I am about to do. For as this month passes away, so does the new time enter in, the time that you know not of yet, and yet you sing about. For you shall see those two years of great harvest, you shall see them. And you shall know exactly where you are in my time, you will not know the day nor the hour, but you will clearly see where you are at. You will clearly see the false prophet even more so than you do now. You will clearly see the antichrist even more so than you do now, and yet some are pointing their eyes in the right direction and they are realizing, oh, this must be him. Well, you shall know who he is. And you shall see the false religion as it begins to raise its ugly head and begins to incorporate with many other different beliefs. And you will see how they will be recognized by the government, how they will become a government agency, more or less licensed by the government to protect the people, and yet, they shall be of the devil. You shall see the real church as it rises to its fullness of power and authority and ability. The false will not be able to have the miracles, signs and wonders such as the real shall have. There will be a difference between the two like day and night. Even though the words that come out of the mouth of the false may sound like the words that are written in my Bible, you will sense and feel in your spiritman the untruth that is there, the deception that is there, the lies that are there. For they say one thing but they bid you to do another thing. They tell you to walk this way, and yet they tell you, oh, you can walk that way to. They will have no plain rules, they will have no plain guidelines, they will be wishy-washy in everything that they do and you will be able to see it and recognize it. They will not have the worship service that you shall have, for theirs shall be that of the world, with the music of the world. But not so in my house, sayeth your Father God, for it shall be my music and you shall praise me and exalt me, and because of that praise, I will be able to move mightily and do all that I have promised you. So I say, listen carefully to the things that I tell you and the things that I yet shall speak. Listen carefully and see how clear and how plain they are, that you cannot miss what I am saying. And yet, you shall see it on TV, you shall read it in the newspaper, you shall hear others talking about it, and yet, I have told you these things before they shall come to pass. And others will see that when they look at the dates that are posted on these words. Therefore, listen; listen to what I have to say.

Harken and hear what the Spirit has to say unto the church, the true body of Christ. July and August shall see many tornadoes, forest fires, droughts, famine, hurricanes, electrical storms, large hailstorms, much more than normal. There shall be a heat wave that shall shock the country and cause many deaths in the South, like Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri. The other states shall have very, very hot weather also, including Alaska. Many of the Southern states shall continue in this hot humid weather in September and also in November, causing great droughts and loss of crops. Food prices shall rise very fast, costing everyone more to eat. The tension and the fighting shall increase overseas. The Mid-East shall be a hotbed of killings and deaths. The false church shall unite with many churches to form a united global religious form of church, causing registrations for its members. The false prophet will make his bid as the head apostle of the church. The antichrist shall become more visible than ever before. The false spirits now, in many who went to the false revival services, shall now manifest more and cause more interruption and a greater binding in the true church than before, until you will have to refrain them from coming, if they will not receive deliverance. For the bottomless pit has released all its spirits for these last days. Pestilence’s shall begin to eat crops all over the world, adding to the famine. The dry weather will cause global forest fires polluting the air. The smog in California will be the worst it has ever seen. Earthquakes and tidal waves shall be seen, along with great electrical shortages like never seen in the history of man. July shall kick most of this off in a big way. I shall speak clearly in my Prophetic Camp Meeting concerning places, times and areas. I shall clearly lay out the terrorist’s mind and plans for the USA. New York City days are numbered just as my word says. The new cashless system shall come in very quickly. USSR will march down on Israel just as my word says. Many things shall be clearly mapped out during this Prophetic Camp Meeting. From now to the end of this month you shall begin to see what I have said. The Southern part of the US shall hurt the worst for water, the other areas as I have already forewarned you. Listen, you need to hear my voice, you need to hear what I have to say and you need to know my true prophets, for they shall speak my words concerning the next five years. Blessed are those who hear this prophecy. Read it and meditate upon the things the Spirit says to the church. My last hours are here and I am warning my church and giving unto her the directions on how to be victorious throughout this timeframe. I am speaking to them loud and clear so they can and will be the victorious church without spot or wrinkle. Holiness shall be in my house, it shall be in my church and it shall be seen in the dress, the walk, the talk, the music and actions. No more sloppy agape. It does not matter what you think; it matters what my word says. My word will be the final rule for the days that are ahead. Know that and walk according to what I have said.

6-26-02 Wed pm service

For truly it is an hour, sayeth your Father God, that you shall reign with me in all the power, all the authority, all the ability that I possess. For I have given it unto you that you can go forth in these last days and do the things that I have spoken to you to do. I shall clothe you with power such as you have never known. I shall pour upon you my spirit without measure. I shall give unto you wisdom, knowledge, discernment, I shall give unto you faith that you may operate in a higher realm than your natural faith. And I shall give unto you power, and miracles and signs and wonders, that the world may look and see and know, that truly I am the Lord thy God, there is none other but me. And they shall take their eyes and turn them to me and they shall take my hand and walk with me. And they shall listen carefully to my voice, they know the voice that I have, that they may carry out the instructions that I give unto them. For I am moving in such a way, that I am making it so very plain, that people can see and understand what I am doing. That they may know that truly the voice of my prophets are not missing it, they are not making it up, for these things shall come to pass, for it is recorded in my word. For if you were to study my word, if you knew my word, you would see these things recorded. But man does not want to believe my word; man wants to go his own way and do his own thing and think that I will just bless them. No longer, sayeth your Father God, for if they are not walking with me, they are not mine. My word says those that reign with me shall rule with me. Therefore, reign with me; walk with me in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for you have great things ahead, great things ahead. And it shall not take long, for at times you think we do not have enough time, but suddenly, suddenly, it shall come upon you in such a way that you will look back and say, wow, where did this come from? I have told you these things, but you take lightly the things that I tell you. Therefore, walk close to me that you will know and understand, that you will flow in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For the harvest, the harvest is ripe now and the laborers are few.

For I have said unto you that you are on the downward ride and things are speeding up. So grab a hold, grab a hold and flow with me and move with me, for quick, quick shall be the things that I say.

6-30-02 am service

Though many sleep, it is an hour of great expectation. And my church, that walks with me, yes, they sense, they feel and they know, they know the hour that is here. And with great excitement their hearts are filled with joy. For their eyes are upon me and upon the things that I have said. They ponder on my promises, they search my word, they speak forth my word and they wait, they wait, they wait, for they know that my word shall come to pass and all that I have said I shall do. Great excitement, great excitement throughout all the church that knows and understands, that looks, that listens, that ponders. Let your hearts be set upon me, let your mind be set upon my word. For truly those that do, oh, ho, ho are they going to be blessed.

Be not anxious nor in strife for the things I have said unto you. Those promises that I have spoken unto you shall be fulfilled. Surely you know that as far as the north is from the south and east from the west will I go on behalf of those who diligently seek me, those who come after my word, look into my words and follow my ways rather than those of the world. Lay aside those fleshly desires and enter into the things that I have called for you to do. I say to you, doubt not the things that I speak unto you. For surely, surely it is a great time for my people, it is a great time for my church. Miracles, signs and wonders shall follow those who follow after me. I say to you, look forward with great joy to your prophetic meetings this coming week. I say to you, great things, great, great things, far greater than you anticipate, will take place. All those who come will receive all that they have come for. Rejoice, rejoice knowing that I, your Father God, have gone before you and prepared the way. Know that I, your Father God, am watching over to perform every word that I have given unto you and they will happen. Those things will happen at a much quicker pace than ever before. I say to you, doubt not; doubt not, but press in, press into all that I have for you my children. And know that I, your Father God, am on the scene.

For many do not understand why I continually need to tell my people to know my word. For there are many churches who consider themselves to be on fire, they are dead, for they know not my word. And when the mark of the beast comes they will not have any idea how to walk in my word, even concerning their own children when they become sick. They will not know what to do because they lack the knowledge of me and my word. Therefore, it is expedient that you know my word, for do you not know that I am preparing you for the days ahead of you? Do you not know that I am preparing you for the hour that you are living in? Truly my children, I give unto you my word, that you can walk in great victory. Therefore, I have said know my word, walk according to my ways, walk according to my word, for therein is great victory. But if you do not know my word or have it in your heart, did you hear me, I said in your heart, then how can you walk according to me and my ways? Therefore, I said know my word. Be not one who is caught foolishly unaware or off guard and does not know how to stand when the storms and the winds blow. For if your house is not built upon my word, you shall fall quick and the fall shall be a hard fall. Therefore, I have been preparing you my children and I have been telling you to get into my word, for there is a reason. For in the day and the hour that you are living in, many things shall take place round about you, and you will need to know my word. Therefore, I say, know my word; know me like never before. Get into my word that my word is the only thing that comes out of your mouth. No more negativeness comes out of your mouth but only my word and you shall see great victories. You shall see yourself walking in great victory like never before, because you shall no longer give the enemy any door to enter in and cause things to take place or happen. But you shall keep all doors closed on him and mighty is the victory that you walk in. Therefore, I say unto you my church; it is time to wake up and to know that I am coming soon. It is the hour where I shall move in great power and great might and there is nothing that I shall withhold from my children. Therefore, I say unto you, know the inheritance that I have given unto you and walk, walk, walk, walk in the inheritance that is already yours. And the victory that you shall have, my children, shall be very, very awesome.

For a wise mind sees, knows and understands the things that I have said, but a mind that has not been cultivated does not know, does not know, does not see, does not understand.

6-30-02 pm service

For a light on a hill cannot be hid. You are my light, sayeth your Father God, yea, and satan cannot hid you. Even though he tries, and even though at times it may have seemed like he has succeeded, he cannot hid you. For you are open to all that pass by, you are open to all that come this way or go that way, for they see you, for you are my light. Therefore, take the light in your heart and know in your heart, that your light is shining, that you shall go forth to do the things that I, your Father God, have called you to do, that you shall do it in the light, for you are not children of the darkness. Yea, though there may be darkness round about you, you are the light to the world, and the world sees that light and the world is drawn unto that light and they receive of me the things that I have for them. So let your heart be filled with joy this night, sayeth your Father God, for that light shall now increase even more so, that even more see you than ever before.

Know that I, Almighty God, am truly fulfilling my word unto you. Know that it shall not go out and return void, but it shall do that which it is sent forth to do. For even though the enemy is raging hard against you, I, Almighty God, am warring on your behalf and you shall walk in the victory even as I have said. So allow not the enemy to get you down or distraught, but I say unto you, rise up, rise up in my joy, in my peace, knowing that I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf. Know ye not that the enemy wars even harder when victory is right around the corner. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, that is why my word says, stand ye fast, and again it says, to stand again, because the enemy presses harder when he knows that you have the victory and it is just about to come into being. Therefore, I say unto you, stand fast even as my word declares, so put him under your feet. Allow my joy to fill your heart, allow my peace to fill your heart knowing that I, Almighty God, have all things under control and I am working on your behalf, even though circumstances may say something different, know that my word is true and the victory is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, put him underneath your feet, put the devil underneath your feet, stomp upon him and laugh at him, for truly my children you have the victory, you have the victory and mighty are those things that I am doing on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, laugh at the devil and put him underneath your feet, for truly I am working on your behalf. For I say unto you, he is just trying to get your eyes off the real battle. He is trying to get your eyes off the things which I, Almighty God, am going to do in the next week. Therefore, I say unto you, allow him not to keep you away from me and the things that I am going to do. For truly as I have said, you come into my services, as you are here to sup with me, I shall meet every single one of your needs and you shall not go away the same that you came, unless you came to be a spectator. For those who come to be a spectator shall walk away with nothing, but those who come to receive of me shall go away filled to overflowing. Therefore, I say unto you, laugh at the devil; for he has gotten no where and the victory is still yours.

A long distance runner shall outrun the sprinter and win every time. No matter how fast the sprinter is, he cannot outrun the long distance runner. Therefore, be a long distance runner.

6-30-02 At the altar after the pm service

Behold, I speak unto my rebellious children, those in my house will not listen to me, those that delight in doing their own desires, delight in going their own way. Even though I speak, they go on as if nothing has changed. Listen; listen, for you are in grave danger. You are being pulled and deceived by the enemy, and before long, the time will have come that the door is closed and you will just be waking up. Listen to the things that I have to say to you. For you will look and you shall see my people and they shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out, they shall prosper in all that they do. There shall be miracles, there shall be signs, there shall be wonders in their midst continually. My shekinah glory shall fill their house, and in every service I shall speak to them and I shall heal all that are sick, I shall bring deliverance to all that need deliverance, I shall set every captive that is there free. It shall be a move like you have not seen, and yet in your church where you are going, you will not see it. Therefore, I say unto you, wake up, wake up, the hour is late, the time is drawing closer and closer and closer, wake up. For those who are in the highways and byways shall flood into my house and they shall receive of me and they shall come underneath the covering of the blood and they shall honor me and I shall honor them. And I shall give unto them your positions, for you will not be there, and when you do come, there will not be a position. Therefore, you need to come before they flock into my house or you will not be used as you desire to be used, for you go your own way and you do your own thing. In these last hours I shall use the faithful few to bring in the multitudes throughout the whole world. I shall reach into places that no man has ever been able to reach into, through radio, through television, I shall reach into those areas and bring them out to you, that they may receive of you, that is my people, the things that I, their Father, have for them, and even there, shall be great revival in their land. And yet there will be no revival in the houses of the rebellious children, no revival there. For the presence of the false has been there so long and so strong, that they could burn the place down, rebuild, and maybe I could move, but it is contaminated with the presence of the false. Wake up and realize the hour that you are in. My people shall walk in victory like they have never seen before. Everything that they put their hands to shall succeed. Every step that they take, I shall give them the land. Everything that they go after, that my word declares unto them that is theirs, they shall have it. There will be no stopping them, for they shall be like a giant bulldozer and the enemy shall be like rice and they will just move it out of the way, they will just move it out of the way, they will just move it out of the way and there will be room for the harvest to come in. And once the harvest comes in, it will be so big, the rice will not be able to get in, it will be on the outside unable to enter. For my house shall be filled with my glory, my house shall be filled with my holiness and my people shall walk in true holiness. For I have many things to say to the rebellious, and I shall say them now, sayeth your Father God, that they can hear these things, that they can read these things, that it can be reported to them the things that I, Almighty God, have said. They will not like what I say, and they will come against you because of what I have said, but when they come against you, they are coming against me. They are a rebellious generation; they refuse to do the things that I say, they make excuses, one excuse after another excuse. But I say, those that are faithful, those that are faithful shall be the ones that I shall use and I shall use them in such a great way, that all of the world will stand in awe at what I shall do through them.

Listen carefully to what the Spirit has to say to my church. It is the hour of the Holy Ghost like never before. The anointing for these last days shall be released in a powerful way. Those still here who listen and obey shall receive it. As you receive it, you shall be called as one of my end remnant, my mighty warriors, along with those who receive this word throughout the world. Those playing church, or those who will not go with me a hundred percent, shall not receive it. Those not accountable will not receive it. Those who do not believe my word one hundred percent and do it, shall not receive this. They shall have a special anointing for these last days, but not like that of those who shall be my armorbearers. The anointing will be so powerful, they shall open their mouths, speak my word and it shall take place. This is why some could not be trusted with it nor handle it. Now concerning the world and their antichrist system. The world needs this move as much as the church does not live by my word, let alone know it. They take my name in vain even in their own preaching. They use the term, oh my God or God forbid, and do not even know that they take my name in vain. This will not be in my real church, neither will the dress that many now have, and say it is of me, nor their music that sounds like the world and causes people to do the things of the world. Neither are the churches who have done away with the Sunday evening services, that added a Saturday service, part of my real body. They are already in the antichrist system and they do not even know it. Well over half of the religious TV programs are not of me nor ever have been. Open your spiritual eyes and look what they call my word, my church, my anointed service. They try to pray away my will concerning these days. My word says, all nations shall be judged. Does this mean all nations but America? Oh, foolish servants who do not know my word. How long have you been with me and yet knew me not, nor knew my word? I speak to my children, and if they feel like it, they do as I say. No more, sayeth Almighty God, no more. It is time to wake up. Wake up, for there shall be Ananias and Sapphiras in the days that are ahead, and when I speak by the Holy Ghost, and they do not do as they have been told, so shall it be as it was in Peter’s days. My church shall be holy and no false fire shall be added to my altar, nor shall it be allowed to flow in my presence. Hear this warning and take heed. This false move is not of me, and now I shall see to it, that it no longer comes into my house and not be dealt with. It can flow in the devil’s house but not mine. I will deal with the false music in my house. I will deal with those who dress or look like the opposite sex. My words shall now be fulfilled in my house, and because my word is now fulfilled in my house, the same anointing I have shall now flow through my house, showing very clearly to all, the difference between the true and the false. Many of those who pushed this false move will never be used by me. I have told you the cutoff day for those to come out of the false; those in yet after that time and date, shall be given over to a reprobate mind. They shall be sealed with the antichrist and his spirits and reside in the lake of fire for eternity. I have come this week to talk to my church and set things in order. I shall show you what shall come and what to expect. Be open to all I have to say and walk in my perfect protection and flow in my anointing for this hour. Prepare your hearts for this week. I shall now visit those I have foreseen in the beginning and whose hearts were right before me. You shall know before Camp Meeting is over, that I have touched you or not.

7-02 Previous Predictions

7-3-02 Wed pm Campmeeting Service

For as a breeze bloweth across a dry desert and it brings forth a cooling and a refreshment that has not been there before, so shall the Spirit breath upon you, sayeth your Father God. And I shall move in a mighty way in your midst and I shall touch your lives, yea, and I shall change them. There shall be miracles, there shall be signs, there shall be wonders, there shall be healings night after night. And as they come, I shall heal them, sayeth your Father, yea, and that breeze shall blow across you and you shall be filled with the Spirit like you have never been filled before, that you may be ready for all the things that shall take place in these last days. Therefore, I tell you this night, sayeth your Father. Yea, I am here to meet with my people. I am here, as I said I would be, I am here to meet with my people.

Harken and hear what I, your Father God have to say, not only unto you, but unto my whole body. For this is my hour and it is my time and I have set aside these meetings for this day and this very hour, for before the foundations of the earth, I formed this time and I called these meetings into existence. And there shall be a great anointing like none other has ever been before. For there shall be great words of wisdom, there shall be words of knowledge, there shall be great prophecy given unto my people. For they shall know how to walk and live during these days ahead, for I have set aside this time for you. I have set aside this time to speak to you in a very special way. For I have said come and set aside your agendas. I have said do not look at the speakers, for it shall not be the speakers, but it shall be I, Almighty God, that shall flow through the speakers. And I shall meet the needs of those who come. I shall deliver, I shall set free, I shall give unto them miracles, I shall give unto them healings. I shall prepare them for the days ahead that they may walk in a greater victory than ever before. Oh, I say unto you, it is my hour and it is my time and I shall flow like never before. For with every service there shall be a greater anointing, for I am here to meet with you, and as you come, I shall meet with you as I have said. For I have given unto you my covenant, I have given unto you my word, and yes, I am here fulfilling my word unto you. You shall not leave the same way you came, but you shall leave changed, you shall leave revived by my Spirit. Know that I have called these meetings and set this time apart. For there shall be great prophetic words that shall come forth, but it shall be for those who are here and for those who absolutely could not come. For it shall not be posted, but if you want the word, you will have to e-mail and receive it through that. For there is a special anointing that shall be received through these services. For I shall prepare you, as I have said, for these days ahead. I shall give unto you the very directions, the very words that you will have need of, until next time when I gather you together for my meetings, for I spoken this and I have declared this so. For I have said over and over to forget everything and to lay everything aside, to drop everything and come, I have said to come. So if you come not, you show a lack of concern on your behalf, because you do not desire to know the things ahead. For even in times, gave my people Israel directions, I gave them words of how to walk in the victory, but they did not listen and they went their own way, and therefore, they walked in defeat. I want to give unto you those directions, that is why I bid you to come. For I will not put up with disobedience, my children will be obedient unto me, for there shall be great consequences for those who do not know my word and do not hear my word. For I have said I shall give unto you the very words that you shall need to walk through in great victory. And how can you walk in victory when you do not listen or hear the things which I, Almighty God, have to say? For it is a serious time, a very serious time. For those who are close to the area, and come not for several different reasons, they shall find disaster lying at their door, for they shall not know what to do, because they have not heard from me and they do not know how to hear my voice on their own. Great disaster shall lie at their door. Even those who have businesses, and have not come like I have said to come, they shall find themselves losing their business very quickly, because they lacked the wisdom and knowledge that I, Almighty God, shall give unto them. For I have said this is a serious time, and it is a special time for you to hear the words concerning the days ahead, the months ahead and in the coming year. For I say unto you, it is very serious, if is important that you are here when you can be here, for I have given unto you plain and clear instructions and they shall be carried out. Do not miss what I have to give unto you. Do not walk in fear because I say these things unto you, for it is a serious time and it is time for my people to wake up and know that when I say and speak something, it is serious and I desire obedience instead of disobedience. Does not my word say obedience is better than sacrifice? If you walk in my word and if you hear and harken my word, you shall walk in the victory. For I have given unto you the light, I am the light, and I shall guide you through this dark time in victory. But if you walk in darkness my children, how can you see the light, when I have been here and I have told you and I have given you directions, and yet, you follow not. I will no longer put up with that, for it is a serious time. Know that I shall give unto you directions; know that I shall give unto you places and times in which things shall take place. Know that I am fulfilling my word, know that I am here like I have said and mighty are the things that I shall do. As you come receiving of me, expecting, you shall receive those things that I have for you. Even as I have said, those who come with a heart ready to receive shall receive of me. Therefore, make your heart ready for all that I, Almighty God, am going to do. Put those things off, as you have said, I can’t be here Lord, and yet I have bid you to come. So I say unto you, come, lay aside those things, take this time for me and watch as I, Almighty God, shall touch you in a very special way.

Do you not know my love for you? Do you not know how I desire you to walk in the victory that I have for you? That is why I give unto you instructions, that is why I have given unto you my word, that you can walk as the victorious overcoming one as I have called you to be, instead of the defeated downtrodden one. Therefore, know the love of your Father God. For did I not give my life for you, that you might have everlasting life? For I have given unto you all things my children, they are at your grasp, they are at your reach, and all you have to do is walk in my word and claim those things which are yours and they shall be. Know that I am fulfilling my promises unto you and know that I love you and desire you to walk in my very best.

7-10-02 wed pm service

For it is that time, sayeth your Father God, when there shall be no hitchhikers, there shall be none that just jump on and ride along free. For my army shall walk with me, they shall work with me; they shall go forth to do the things that I, their Father God, tells them to do. For they shall be a triumphant army and they shall go forth in great victory. And they shall hear my voice and they shall follow my voice. They shall know my word, they shall study my word, they shall meditate in my word day and night, and when they open their mouth, my word shall come forth. They shall call those things that be not as if they were, they shall move mountains out of the way in the spiritual realm, and they shall bring forth miracles, signs and wonders and I, their Father God, shall glorify them. I shall exalt them, I shall raise them up, that the world may look and see and know and understand that truly I am the Lord thy God, that I am real, that I am doing all that I said that I would do.

Let my joy enter into your heart knowing that you have entered into a new time. Oh, yes, a new time of blessing, a new time of anointing, a new time of my Spirit, for even as I have spoken concerning your campmeetings, there was not one thing that was not fulfilled. For there were those who came who needed miracles and there were those who received of me those miracles. And I did mighty things in the lives of those who came to receive of me. For many, many, many, many were touched, many were delivered, many were set free and now they shall walk in the newness of anointing, they shall walk in a newness of power and authority like never before. For those things that I said that I would do, surely my children, I did, yes, I did do them and mighty are the results that you shall now see. For you shall see those adding unto your body even here. For they shall come from the north, they shall come from the south, they shall come from the east, they shall come from the west, they shall come from near and they shall come from far. For they shall have seen others touched by my glory, by my anointing, and it is here that they shall want to be. For they shall be compelled and they shall be drawn unto this place, for this is my house where my Spirit moves without measure and where I am allowed to move as I desire in every service. And, therefore, they shall come, yes, they shall come. Therefore, I say unto you, allow joy to fill your heart knowing that I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf right now this very minute. Yes, I am fulfilling my word unto you and great and mighty are those things that I am doing on behalf of you my children. So I say unto you, oh, just continue to walk with me like never before. Allow not the devil to steal the zeal that I have given unto you through these meetings, but I say unto you, press ye in even more so. For truly I, Almighty God, am fulfilling my word unto you and it is I who am moving on your behalf and it is I who shall bless you to overflowing. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press in, and oh, I say unto you, you shall not be disappointed, you shall not be disappointed. Oh, for I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, let my joy fill your heart, for truly it is I, Almighty God, who am working on your behalf even right now this very moment.

7-14-02 am service

For it is a time of sweet blessings, sweet blessings, for I, your Father God, am moving mightily on your behalf. I am moving mightily throughout thee earth, signs and wonders are taking place that the people of the world may look and see and know and understand, that truly, you are in the last days, sayeth your Father God. It is not put off, put off, put off any longer, for the things that my word declares; they are coming to pass. And as you look and as you watch the news, as you read your newspaper, behold you see the things that I, your Father God, have said, for they are coming to pass. As you look, meditate upon my word, know my word, know the signs, keep your eyes upon Israel, keep your eyes upon the Mid-East, for truly things are happening there right and left, sayeth your Father God. Many things, many things shall come to pass now that have never been able to come to pass before, for it was not time, sayeth your Father, but now it is time, yes, truly now it is time. For you have seen the droughts, yes, you have seen the floods, you have seen the earthquakes, you have seen the tornadoes, you have seen straight winds. Oh, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and upon the things I have said, for truly, truly, truly it is that time, it is that hour. And as you listen to me, as you meditate upon what I say, then you shall walk in a victory, a victory that you have never had before. You will walk in a peace, an assurance that you have never had before, for truly I am doing those things that I have said that I would do. And at the same time I am protecting you, I am watching over you. For my word does not go out and return void, but it does those things that it is sent forth to do. I love you; I love you, be aware, be aware, but know, but know, but know we win.

Know what my word says concerning these end-times. For they shall be perilous, but not so for those who are walking with me. Not so for those who know my word and who are stayed upon my word. For as I have said, many things shall come about in the world, many great disasters shall take place and there shall be trouble on every hand and at each side. But not so for my children, for it shall not come nigh their dwelling, for they shall walk in my perfect safety, they shall walk in my peace, they shall walk in the comfort of knowing that I, Almighty God, am standing beside them. And I shall take them through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, allow not the enemy to bring fear upon you, nor allow him to bring doubt within your heart, but know that those things which I, Almighty God, have spoken, truly they shall take place. Truly you shall see them before your very eyes and truly you shall see me work on your behalf like never before, for I shall be with you even as my word says. For I shall not leave you nor shall I forsake you, but I shall stand beside you and I shall be with you and I shall clothe you with things you shall need to be clothed with. Therefore, fear not, fear ye not, but I say unto you, walk in the confidence knowing that I, Almighty God, am standing beside you. It is I who am walking with you; it is I who shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. So, therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know that the enemy can do nothing, as you stand upon my word you shall walk in the victory that I have already given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, continue, continue to walk and stand fast in my word. For surly you shall see all of my promises being fulfilled, for it is I, Almighty God, that is moving, it is I who shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and walk ye therein.

For how shall they find the way if they read not my book? How shall they know what is coming if they read not my book? How shall they know if they listen not? Listen, listen and hear, sayeth your Father.

7-14-02 PM Service

There is a spiritual battle going on, oh yes, right now in the heavenlies there is a great and spiritual battle. Therefore, I say unto you my children, I have need of you this night, I have need of you this night. For as you worship and praise me with your whole heart, and as you stomp upon the enemy, oh yes, I say unto you, the victory that shall be. Oh yes, there is a great war in the heavenlies that concerns not only the things of this world, oh, but it concerns many things that shall come. Oh, I say unto you, yes, it is time to go to war, oh yes; it is time to go to war. For as you praise me and as you worship me with, oh, with your whole heart, I say unto you, as you stomp upon the enemy he shall quickly flee. Therefore, I say unto you, worship me, worship me, worship me, oh, give unto me your all, enter in with all that you have. Oh, for I have need of you, oh yes, did you hear me, I said I have need of you. Therefore, I say unto you, hold not back, hold not back, but I say, enter in, enter in, enter in, lay down those cares, lay down those things that hold you back and allow, allow me to flow through you like never before. Allow my power to go through you, allow, oh, allow me to move in a mighty way. Oh, for I have need of you my children, yes, I have need of you. Therefore, I say unto you, open yourselves unto me, open yourselves unto me that I may use you, that I may use you, oh, that you can see the great victory that shall take place.

For I say unto you this night, to shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph. You can shout your enemy down, for Satan is your enemy, but he is afraid of your shouts of praises. So I say unto you this night, to shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph and shout the enemy down.

For when you lift your voice like that in praise to me, the enemy runs like a whipped puppy with his tail between his legs. So cease not to give me glorious praise, for you truly are the victorious ones.

For I say unto you this night, say no longer I am meek and mild, for you shall rise up with a holy boldness, because you shall defeat the enemy on every hand, you shall no longer be the timid one, but you shall be the bold one. For I say, I give you my anointing and you shall be bold and you shall chase the enemy. He shall flee at your praises; he shall flee at the sound of your voice. Oh, I say unto you, say no longer, I am timid and mild, but say I am the bold one, I am the warrior.

For my warriors shout the shout of victory, they go before, and because they shout the shout of victory, victory comes.

Let not go of the victory, but be ye like the children of Israel, yes, be ye like the children of Israel, lift up your voices, yes, lift up your voices, let the music go before you, let the music go before you. For the hour is here, sayeth your Father God. For I have called unto you this night, ye, I have called unto you this night, I have said come, come, come, for I have need of thee, yes, I have need of thee. For you know not yet, but I shall tell you, sayeth your Father God. So let not, let not the victory escape from you, let not the victory escape from you, fill your mouth with praises, fill your mouth with praises. For it will be the praises that shall break the yoke of bondage, it shall be the praises that shall set the captive free, it shall be the praises that shall give you the victory, the victory, the victory, the victory.

For even as the children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho, and gave their shout, so did you this night, sayeth your Father God, yes, and there were great, great victories. Victories that you know not of, but you shall see. For my word declares that there was a great battle in heaven, a great war and I saw Satan, yes, I saw Satan as lightening and all of his demons coming down to earth. For they have been cast out, for it is that time, sayeth your Father God, yes, it is that time. And great warfare, great warfare was going on, but you stood in the gap, yes, you stood with my warriors and they stood in the gap. And I tell you this night, sayeth your Father God, victory, victory, victory, victory.

For no longer does he stand in the position of the accuser of the brethren, but he has come to trouble the earth, not my people, but the earth. So fear him not, and realize it is only that time, sayeth your Father God. Yea, but the courtroom of heaven stands empty, for there is no accuser.

Said I not unto you that great things would take place upon this time and upon this date? Know ye not that I have already told you of these things, that they should come to pass? Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully to my word, measure not, measure not the day always from the early morning until the evening, but realize that I use my time from the evening to the morning. Know my word, study my word, understand the things I shall tell you from this day forth. For you shall see a great warfare upon the face of the earth. You will see even greater things taking place upon the face of the earth than you saw in times past. Let not those things trouble you, for you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom. The time has not run out yet, no, it has not, but I will tell you, sayeth your Father God, that you will know, that you will be aware, that you will know in your heart when the time is so short, when the time is ready. Be thou ready now, sayeth your Father God, put on the full armor of God, for you will need it in these days and this time. You will need to walk in the fullness of the power and the authority and the ability that I have given unto you. You will need it now, sayeth your Father God, for you do not have days and days and days to prepare, to get ready, you should have been ready, for I have told you it was coming. Therefore, walk in the fullness of the statute that I have given unto you. For watch as they come in through the door and get saved and they shall run with you. They shall run even as you run, they shall run with the speed that you run, they shall run with the wisdom and knowledge that you run with, and you will be shocked at what I have taught them in such a short time, sayeth your Father God. For I do not have, I do not have many years to instruct them in the things that I have written in my book, and therefore, their understanding shall be opened, and as they read my word, as the Holy Spirit quickens my word to them, they shall instantly understand, even the mysteries that have baffled the minds of man. For it never, never, never was to baffle your mind, for it has been there that you could read and understand and know. Therefore, rejoice; rejoice I say, for great victory, great victory, great victory was won this day.

For certainly you have put a host of demon forces to flight this night and now you shall also continue, for it shall get even greater and greater. For the word shall soon spread, every demon, every evil force shall fear the power that is in this place. For I tell my children, not just the preachers or the deacons, I tell you my children, that you shall put demon forces to flight, you shall chase the enemy. I say even the children shall be powerful in chasing demon forces, for they shall not be afraid of the enemy. Did not the demon forces cry out to my Son, and say, why have you come to torment me before my day? I tell you that you shall be just like that, for everyplace the sole of your feet tread, demon forces shall be afraid of you, they shall fear you. For the word has gone out, it has gone out into the camp of the enemy and now it shall soon spread everywhere and everyplace your feet tread, the demons shall cry out, they shall be afraid, they shall run, because you have risen up. And I say also, that my church, in these last days shall be like Caleb and Joshua. All of my church, my whole church, shall be Caleb’s and Joshua’s. They will not be afraid of the enemy, and you have never seen an example before in history of what my people can do, because there has always been fearful ones among them and those who have doubted and had unbelief. But I tell you in this day, you are entering very soon into the time where you shall all be as Caleb’s and Joshua’s, and it is yet to be seen in your eyes what I shall do on your behalf.

For who is likened unto the bride of Christ? Is it not my son Jesus Christ? Is he not the bridegroom? Who has the power, who has the authority, who has the ability, who has the strength, who has the wisdom, who has the knowledge? Has it not been given unto you the church? Therefore, rise, I say, rise this night into your lawful places that have already been given unto you. For I have delegated it, sayeth your Father, for it is yours, to walk in that full authority, to walk in that full power, and to think it not robbery to walk that way. For it has been given unto you, it has been placed within your hands to bind on earth, and it shall be bound in heaven, it has been placed in your hands to loose, and it shall be loosed in heaven. Therefore, walk in the fullness, the fullness of the power, the authority, the might, the ability, the strength, the favor that I have given unto you. For all of this is by grace, sayeth your Father God, given unto you freely, that you may go forth and freely give it unto others that they may receive what you have and be those that come into the Kingdom of God.

It is time for you to take up the mantle which I have given unto you. Even as Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle, it is time for you to pick up the mantle that I have given unto you, the mantle of the Holy Spirit, that shall empower you in these days ahead. That as you speak forth my word, you, you speak it forth with great power, great authority with a great and new anointing. For it is that time my children, it is that time to clothe yourself in my Spirit like never before. For there shall be things that shall take place in the world, that as you clothe yourself with me the Holy Spirit, you shall rise up with power and there is nothing that shall overtake you, there is nothing that you cannot overcome. For you shall be just like the man of God, for when he looked at the devil in his bedroom, he laughed, and he said, ha, ha, ha, it is just you devil. You shall be like that in these days as you gird yourself with my Spirit, when he comes you will laugh at him, and you will say, ha, ha, ha, for you are a defeated foe, you must leave, and you turn to the other side and you walk in the victory that is already yours. So, therefore, I say unto you, take up the mantle that I have given unto you and walk in the newness of the power and authority that is yours. For it is yours my children, I have given it unto you; it is yours freely to pick up and to walk in the abundance of. For truly it is the hour of greater anointing, of a greater power, of greater authority for my children, for those who desire to walk in that realm. All you have to do is pick up that mantle and walk in a newness of authority that I have already given unto you.

7-14-02 at the altar after the pm service

I have fed you many things this night, things to meditate upon, things to chew upon, things to search out. Therefore, I leave you with the words that I have given unto you. I say unto you, press in now to the fullness of all that I have for you. For there are many, many, many Gideon’s in the camp.

Trust in me knowing that I have all things under control and that you’re in a timeline that lines up with my timeline. For you are not ahead, nor are you behind, but you are walking in the exact pace that you need to be walking in. Therefore, I say unto you, study those things which I have said, truly know that I have made you the overcomer, truly know that I have made you the conqueror and walk in the newness of life that I have given unto you. From this night on there shall be a newness of anointing, for you have stepped into a higher realm. And you shall see greater things take place from this time forward. You shall see many added unto your body, you shall see many things take place. For there was a great breakthrough that took place even this night, and because of the obedience that took place among my children, blessings shall overtake them like never before. For I say unto you, I am well pleased with you, yes, I am well pleased with you and great shall be your reward for the obedience that you gave forth even this night.

7-17-02 Wed pm service

For the world is filled with the signs of my coming. For if man would but look and study closely and see the things that are going on round about, he would know if he knew my word, that truly, these are the end-times. These are the times that I have spoken about in my word. For you have read it, yes, you have read it throughout all the prophets and the minor prophets, yea, even through the new testament on into the book of Revelation, you have read about the things that shall come to pass. There has never been a time like this in history, sayeth your Father God, never, never, never a time when you see Israel in the position that she is in, nor the things that are going on throughout the other parts of the world. Nor have you seen a time, sayeth your Father God, when foreign money would be worth far more than your money. You have never seen these times before, sayeth your Father. For you have always been the nation that everyone else has leaned upon, looked to, and gleaned from, but that was when you walked with me. It is no longer that way, sayeth your Father God, no longer. For they go their own way and they do their own things and they listen not to the things that I say and they feel that they are so strong and so mighty and so powerful. Oh, so sad, sayeth your Father, for when they look with a haughty look like that, sudden disaster comes to them. Be aware of what my word says, study my word, know my word, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you.

Keep you eyes upon my word and those things which I speak unto you. For many hear my word and they go their own way and listen not to the things which I have given unto them or the warnings that I have given unto them or the things that I have said that shall take place even in the days and months ahead. And they walk around not knowing the seriousness of the time, because they are not serious with me. Be not likened unto one of them, but be like one of those whom I have called for this day and this hour. One who presses in with all of their heart, one who is attentive and their ears are opened to the things which I, Almighty God speak, through not only my word, but also through the Spirit. Listen and harken and hear those things, be attentive, open your ears so that they are sharp, that they are keen, that they are aware to the things that are going on around about you. For if you listen not to the news to find those things which I have said shall come to pass, how do you know for yourself what I am saying is truth or not? For I have given unto you my word that you may confirm it with the things that take place round about you. For I have said of the many things that you shall see, of the fires, of the tornadoes, of all the great disasters all around the world, but yet, how many know exactly what has taken place. Be one, be one who studies to show themselves approved unto me, for they shall be blessed. It is those that shall be rewarded. For they shall know and they shall be aware of the day and the hour that they are living in and there is nothing that shall catch them off guard. For they shall be one step ahead of all those who seek not my word nor see the times that they are living in. Be the wise man who builds his house upon the rock. Be one, be one whose eyes are open to those things around about him. For now is the hour and the time of the mightiest revival man has ever seen and it is taking place right now. For I am moving with my mighty hand and miracles, signs and wonders, yes, they are taking place. For it has just begun and you shall see it mushroom, mushroom and mushroom. It shall become only greater and greater and greater from this time on. Therefore, I say unto you, press ye in even though the devil may rage, even though the devil may roar, he has no teeth, and therefore, you have the victory. Therefore, walk with me like never before, stand upon my word; know the promises that I have given unto you. Know that it is my word when it is spoken forth, it shall not go out and return void, but it shall go and it shall come accomplished that which it is sent forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, fear ye not the times nor the days you are living in, but speak my word like never before with even more boldness, that you may walk in the total and complete victory that is already yours. For you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror, for you serve the God of the impossible. For there is nothing that is impossible for him to do, for everything is possible. Therefore, I say unto you, do not look at circumstances, but keep your eyes upon me and my word. For my word says that everything that I have is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, speak forth my word and my word only. Do not allow the things of the world or the negative things to come out of your mouth, but I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth and speak forth only my word. For therein is great victory as you speak my word. Therefore, I say unto you, stand ye fast, stand ye fast upon the promises that I have given unto you. For surly I am the Almighty God and I do watch over my word to perform it.

For many of you have been liberated, you have been set free, and I say to you, never look back. Never go back to the way you were before. But, I say unto you, continue in the liberty wherewith you have been made free. For you have only tasted a little bit of the liberty that I have for you, and you have said in your heart, this is wonderful, but I tell you children, you have only begun. For the liberty that I have for you shall even exceed from this moment on. So I say, never look back to what you had before, but look ahead and press into the fullness of the liberty that I have given to you. And truly you shall experience a liberty and freedom like you have never known before.

For the saying, whom the Son sets free is free indeed, shall surely be a byword among my people. For they truly shall be free in every area, not just a little, but I say, in every area my people shall truly, truly have that freedom that I have designed for them.

For truly, I again say to you, serving the Lord shall be fun. For you truly shall enjoy yourself, and you shall say, my, what a joy it is to serve the Lord and truly you will be telling the truth.

For the countenance of the world shall get dimmer, darker, more sad. But I tell you my people, the countenance, the countenance of my people shall shine with the joy of the Lord.

7-21-02 am service

For there is a newness of joy in my presence my children as you come into my presence with great joy and thanksgiving, oh, you shall be filled to overflowing for all that you have need of in these days ahead. Oh, I say unto you, there is a newness of joy in my presence, oh yes, there is a newness of joy in my presence, oh, enter in with all you have and be filled to overflowing with me. Oh, for I say unto you, this is a new and living day, oh, it is a new day and it is a new hour, oh, there is a new anointing that comes with the newness of the day and the hour you are living in. Therefore, I say unto you, enter in and receive of me this day. Oh, yes, for I have great and mighty things in store, oh, for you have entered into that new realm, you have entered into that new era and you shall even see a newness of my spirit come upon you. Therefore, I say unto you, come into my presence with singing, come into my presence with singing, enter in with all that you have and be filled to overflowing with my spirit this day.

Allow not your hearts to be heavy this day. I say unto you, enter into those things that I have for you, allow me to wipe away those sorrowful tears and replace them with tears of joy. I say unto you, open your heart this day; allow me to fill you to overflowing with my joy. Walk with me my children, enter into those things I have said unto you and receive all that I have for you.

For rivers of living waters are flowing from the very throne this day. There is nothing that you have need of that can’t be taken care of in my presence. So receive, receive, receive.

What an awesome hour this is, what an awesome hour. For you have moved into a new time zone, into a new anointing, into a place that my church has never been before. For you, it shall be one of those times like the whole world has looked forward to, but has never yet seen. For miracles, signs and wonders shall fill my house. Not so in the false churches, sayeth your Father God, for even though they shake, they have no power, for they are like Samson, they shall call out to me, but I will not hear them, for they are not walking according to my word and my plan. But in my house, in my house, sayeth your Father God, there shall be power, there shall be authority, there shall be ability. I will manifest myself with miracles, signs and wonders. For the blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear, even the dead shall be raised to life again. All manner of sickness and diseases shall flee from the presence of my people and they shall walk, yes, they shall walk as true sons and daughters of Almighty God. They shall walk with my power; my ability, my might, my strength and they shall crush the devil. For truly he is down here now where you can crush him now, sayeth your Father God, and even though he goes forth to do his work, he fears you and he flees from your places. So be not fearful of him, nor the things that he is doing, nor the things that you hear about, nor the things that you see. For every day, for every day, sayeth your Father God, if you are listening, the news, the newspapers are filled with the things that I have told you, for they are coming to pass. Even a blind man can see them, sayeth your Father God; even a deaf man would hear it, for the world is being awakened to the presence of Almighty God. That they may know that there is a God in heaven, yea, he is able to do all that he said he is able to do and he is doing those things, for the time is very short.

For you shall be able to see the false church even more clearly than ever before, for that division has taken place and those things I have said unto you shall come to pass, even as I have spoken them. For those things of the false shall look very close to the real, for there shall be many deceiving spirits that shall go along with it. Therefore, I have said unto you, know my word that you be not deceived, but that you walk in my light. For as you walk with me no darkness can dwell within you, for you are of the light. Those who are of the false, they have a distinct difference, for they may talk the talk but they do not walk the walk. For they do not follow after my word as my word is recorded. For they say many wonderful things, and yet, they go and do something different. For you shall be able to tell the difference between the two, for that division has taken place and you shall know it. For as I have said, in my house shall flow mighty rivers of living water and out of those rivers shall flow miracles, healings, signs and wonders. There shall be no false mixed with that of the true and only the true living water shall flow out of my house and only those things of me shall flow out of there. For they shall talk the talk and they shall walk the walk. They shall live according to my word, they shall walk according to my word and they shall speak forth my word and mighty are those things that I shall do on their behalf because they are living and walking with me. For you shall know them, does not my word say, you know them by the things that they shall do? Does not my word say try the spirit and see if it is of me? This is how you know between the true and the false. For as you seek my face and as you get closer unto me, your spiritman shall be even more aware of those things which are of the true and of the false. And you shall have no questions at all, but you shall know within your heart whether it is of me or not of me. And, therefore, you shall be able to walk in the assurance of knowing that you have already been told by me, Almighty God, of those things that are going to take place and of those things that are going to come. Therefore, you need not to be afraid, for fear is not of me, but it is of the enemy. Therefore, I say unto you, cast all fear out and walk in the abundance, in the assurance of knowing that I, Almighty God, am with you through these days ahead and it is I who shall take you through ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, fear ye not the day or the time that you are living in. But I say unto you, walk with great peace knowing that I, Almighty God, am standing beside you and it is I who shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my joy that I have given unto you, for my joy is your strength and it shall fill you to overflowing and it shall cause you to walk in the abundance of the strength that you have need of in these days ahead. Therefore, I say unto you, let my joy fill your heart and cast out these other things that are holding you back and keeping you from walking in the fullness of the power and authority that I have given unto you. For truly my children, I have given unto you my word and it is my word that shall take you through these days in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, speak forth my word and walk in the victory that is already yours.

7-21-02 pm service

For I tell you this night there is a sweet, sweet presence in this place. And, I say to you, to bathe in my presence, to bathe in my presence and you shall go away feeling greatly refreshed.

Not only is this a great time of revival in my church, it is a time of great restoration, giving back to my children those things which the enemy has stolen from them. It is a time of great restoration where my children shall be restored to the place they should be at. For I say unto you, it is a great time, it is a great time of my Spirit, where I shall fill my house with my true Spirit and the shekinah glory shall be upon my children. And I shall give unto you all that you have need of for these days ahead. That you may walk in the fullness of the victory, that you may walk in the fullness of the blessings, that you may walk in the fullness of all that I, Almighty God, have for you. Allow not the enemy to come in, allow him not to bring dissension, allow him not to cause you to worry, allow him not to cause you to fear, but I say unto you, cast all of your cares upon me, for I careth for you. And I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory; there is not one thing that I cannot do, for I can do all things, for all things are possible for me to do. Therefore, I say unto you, look not on the circumstances, look not unto the lies of the enemy, but I say unto you, look unto me. For I am the author and the finisher of your faith and I shall do what my word declares that I shall do. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the enemy to come in and to discourage you or to bring lies unto you. But I say unto you, be steadfast upon my word, speak forth my word and walk in the victory, walk in the abundance of the grace that I have given unto you. Walk in the abundance of the peace that is already yours. For if you are walking in fear, if you are walking in worry, that is of the enemy, cast it off and allow my joy to fill your heart. For as my joy fills your heart there is nothing that the enemy can do. For when you laugh at him and when you praise me with your whole heart, the enemy quickly flees. Therefore, I say unto you, grid yourself with my word, grid yourself with my word and walk ye in the victory that is already yours. For I say unto you my children, this is a new time, this is a new day of great blessings for you my children. Therefore I say unto you, open yourselves unto me and receive all that I have for you.

For of the truth this is the time of holiness. It is a time to walk very close to me; it is a time to know my voice like no other time in history. For my sheep know my voice and another’s voice they will not follow. Know my voice, walk with me, it is very, very crucial to you that you walk with me, that you know my voice, that you understand my voice, that you understand the things that I say to you, that you need not run here or run there and ask what did the Lord say? For at times you will not have time to run and do that. It will be a matter of life and death, sayeth your Father God, you will need to know what I have said, you will need to respond to the things that I say, you will need to walk according to my word and my promise. For truly there is a great warfare going on upon the face of the earth, and many, many, many terrible things shall come, but they shall not come to my house. They shall not come to my people that walk with me. It shall not come to my people that know my voice, that listen, that do as I say. Not those that say that they know, but those that do as I say, that walk according to my word, that walk according to my promise, that stand on those promises, that are not afraid to make their stands. For the time is coming very rapidly, sayeth your Father God, when the mark that you have read about in my word shall be here in all of its full manifestation. And things shall be cut off unless you have the mark, but they shall not be cut off from my people. For I shall supply for them, I shall provide for them and they shall walk in my blessings, they shall walk in my care, they shall walk in my wisdom, they shall walk in my knowledge, they shall walk in my power. They shall speak my word and it shall come to pass. They shall call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. For I watch over my word to perform my word. I go to and fro throughout all the earth seeking those whom I may show myself strong on their behalf. Therefore, know my word, know my voice, walk very closely to me. For every week, every week as you rise and as you sleep, every week as you listen to the news, every week as you read the newspaper, you shall see the end-time events taking place. Look and you shall see them. Listen to what I have said, check it out, verify it. Know the things that I, your Father God, have told you and walk in the fullness of those things. For truly my word is coming to pass, it is coming to pass, even as I have said unto you that even a blind man could see them or a deaf person hear them coming to pass. Be not blind spiritually, be not deaf spiritually, but hear, hear and know, sayeth your Father.

A man with wisdom will read the directions; a fool will bypass them. Be a wise man, be a wise man.

7-21-02 at the altar after the pm service

For many, many more things shall now take place, for you have already seen many of the things that I have said, and yet, the other things that I have said unto you shall be fulfilled and you shall see them also. But you shall see the water power from the Grand Coulee Dam cut down so far, that the prices for the electrical power, for not only the State of Washington, but for California, shall rise even higher than it is and there shall be more power shortages there. Even during the hot time when they really need air conditioning in California, it will not be there for them, for they will be under restrictions. Many under such a tight restriction, that some will not be able to use the electrical power until after 5:00 PM at night. You shall hear of these things. And their search for new power will increase even more so, but it will not help them. For the places in the areas where the drought is, the wind will not blow like it has been blowing, and so many, many, many of the towers that they have put up will suddenly slow down or come to a total stop. You shall hear more about the drought, more about the forest fires and the great increase in them, and the tornadoes that shall yet take place, with the hurricanes that are just coming in now, sayeth your Father. You shall hear about all these things. And the changes in the weather, even like you have had here were it is super hot, then it cools down, then it is super hot, for that is harder for the people to adjust to, and the devil is not having any mercy upon them. But I will take care of you and I will provide for you. You will also see that economic disaster, if you think the market is going down now, keep your eye on it, for you have seen nothing yet, sayeth your Father. For you have already been rendered to a second rate nation, in a sense, when it comes to salaries, when it comes to income and outgo and even the millionaires shall begin to feel the crunch now. But fear not, for the wealth of the heathen belongs to you and I shall bring it in to you and you shall function perfectly, normally, not abnormal. But you shall go forth and you shall have your jobs and you shall retain your jobs, for I will see to that, sayeth your Father God, for if I move you from one, I will give you a better one. So be not moved by that. I shall provide all of your needs, your physical, your mental, your financial; I shall take care of that for you. For you are going to see many, many, many changes throughout the remainder of this year, great changes. And very quickly, as you begin to move along a little further, you will begin to sense that the first trumpet has sounded a clear, permanent sound. And the second shall be quickly after that, and you will know that you are moving into what they call the first three and a half years. Be not troubled by that, for I have told you exactly when you would go out of here and what year, not in what day or what week. But you are aware of these things. Watch the news closely and you will see the one who becomes the antichrist. You will see him as he begins to give all of his speeches, as he begins to come with answers and solutions and as he proposes and births the peace treaty that Israel shall sign for that time. All of that will come right together as one. You will also notice that Russia is building up her arms and becoming far stronger than she was before. That China is building up their arms and they are stronger than they were before. For all of this is recorded in my word and has not come to pass yet, but it shall come, it shall come to pass. Be not surprised that you are seeing doors closed down in Africa, for I have told you that much of Africa goes with Russia. Be not surprised, read my word, study it and you will see that. But continue to pray, for there is a harvest yet there to come in, and that harvest shall come in, and those in the harvest will not go with Russia, they will not march with her, for they are mine, sayeth your Father. They shall be looted and the enemy shall take what they do have and take it with them, but yet, they shall survive until I come and take them out of here. So be not fearful over those things. Keep your eyes, keep your eyes on the European Common Market, upon the system over there that is growing so fast and so rapidly. Keep your eyes on the United Nations and the things that they are going to do. The bills that they are going to pass, between now and September will amaze you and shock you, for as they put these into practice, many rights will be totally gone. You will not be the free nation that you are now, for you will lose more of your freedom, for they need to watch over you even more carefully. For they do not even want your web-site warning the people of the things that are taking place. But it shall be there, for I have established it and I shall keep it, sayeth your Father God, and man shall not stop it, for I watch over it. Walk in all the fullness of the authority and power and might that I have for you. For there is a harvest field out there, there are those in the church that will yet come out into the safety of the fold. But look to those that are not in churches also, for that harvest is far greater. And you will find that doors are open, where you have never thought doors would be open before and people want to get right, people want to get right, and therefore, they will accept me and come into the Kingdom. Watch for the terrorist’s attacks, for they are coming, they are not going to wait for 9/11, they are coming. So keep your eyes and your hears open, you are safe, you will be protected. But you will be able to go to prayer that other’s lives can be spared also. Know these things that my word declares. Keep your eyes upon the harlot, for her day of destruction is not far off, sayeth your Father God, but keep your eyes upon her, and realize the wickedness that is found therein and the ways that they go.

Know that these things are recorded in my word and they shall take place. For mighty are those things that shall go forth across the nation, as great disasters shall take place, as great natural disasters shall even begin to be seen in an even greater greatness. Therefore, I say unto you, fear ye not, but know that I have given unto you my word, know that I have given unto you my promises that I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. So, therefore, fear not, but enter in with great excitement knowing, that truly, your king is soon coming. Watch Israel as I have said, keep an eye upon her, for she shall take back the land that was stolen from her and she shall not give any of it away. For it is hers and it shall be hers. Therefore, I say, keep an eye upon Israel. Know the things that my word declares that shall take place in these last times, in these last days. For truly it is being fulfilled in even a quicker way, in a quicker way. You shall see sickness sweep across many, many different countries. It shall be in vast amounts. For you shall hear of new sicknesses that have never even been heard of before without a cure. For those things are also recorded in my word. Know what my word has said concerning these days and know that you do not have to live nor do you walk in any of this whatsoever at all. For you are underneath my covering and I have a covenant cut with you, and the enemy has no rights to come into your dwelling places. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to cover yourself with my blood. Continue to walk with me. Continue to speak forth my word and walk in the abundance of the provisions that I have already made for you. For I have made a way where there is no way, and as you walk with me and as you continue to keep your eyes upon the things that I have told you to watch, you shall see them come to pass. You shall see as my word is being fulfilled, as I give unto you warnings, continue to heed the things which I say. For many listen, but then they walk and go their own way and walk in destruction, because they followed not my word. Be not like those, but I say unto you, be those who have their ears opened, they are aware of the things that shall take place and they walk in the victory that is already theirs. For wake up calls are going across all the nations, and many are coming unto me even this hour, because of the things which I have said that shall take place are taking place. Souls are coming into my Kingdom and they are being filled with my Spirit. Miracles are taking place because of those witnessing my word being fulfilled. This shall only increase and increase and increase. As they listen to the words that I speak and as they watch them being fulfilled in their own places and on the news and in the newspaper, they shall come unto me, for they shall have heard it first from me. And they shall know that truly, I am God and I am speaking unto my people. And I am warning them and I am giving unto them the instructions that they have need of that they can walk in these days ahead in victory. Therefore, know that you shall see an increase, a great increase in those coming into my Kingdom because of the things that they shall see and hear on the news around about them. Oh, I say unto you, it is a great hour; it is a great time for you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the days ahead, but I say unto you, walk in the peace that only I can give. For I have already given it unto you and it is yours. Therefore, rest in me. Place your trust in me like never before. For truly I shall take you through ahead in great victory.

7-24-02 Wed pm service

For truly I am your mighty God and there is nothing that is too hard for me to do. For you shall see, oh yes, a great increase of those coming that shall need miracles from me. For they shall be hungry and they shall hear of the things that have taken place. They shall hear how creative miracles have taken place and they shall come from near and they shall come from far just to be underneath the anointing and to receive a touch from me Almighty God. For they know that truly that I am in this place and that great and mighty are those things that I do. For that shall be a small, oh yes, that shall be a small, a small thing in comparison to what I am going to do in these days ahead my children. For it shall be even so phenomenal that you will not even be able to comprehend the things that shall take place. For it is my hour and it is my time and I am moving by my Spirit and mighty are those things that I shall do, not only on behalf of those who come to receive of me, but oh, I shall do mighty things on your behalf my children. For I am moving even now this very moment and I am working in the areas that need to be worked on, and I say unto you, they shall quickly come into being. Therefore, I say unto you, stand fast in the faith, stand fast upon my word and watch as I, Almighty God, do those things which I have said I shall do. For I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promises, and truly, I am this very hour fulfilling those promises unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice within your heart, for truly I am the mighty God and great and mighty are those things that I am doing on behalf of you my children.

For not one of my words, no, not one shall go out and return void, for I, your Father God, shall do those things that I have told you that I would do. For I seek to go before you and make a way where there is no way that you may walk in constant victory, that you may walk even as my son Jesus walked while he was here on this earth. That you may walk in the fullness of his power, the fullness of his authority, the fullness of his ability. For truly you are that, sayeth your Father God, for you received that nature when you received the new birth. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, yes, walk, walk, walk as heirs to the throne. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, be not moved by the things that you see, be not moved by the things that you hear, be not moved by the things that take place in the world. For these things must be, sayeth your Father, for I have told you about these things, I have spoken to you. So be not amazed at what you hear. Be not shocked when you hear of sicknesses that there is no cure for. Be not shocked when you hear about the drought or the famine. Be not shocked when you walk into the grocery store and see the prices that have jumped. Be not shocked when you begin to see the things that I have told you, but realize that I shall take care of you, I shall provide for you, I shall go before you, I shall protect you. I shall surround you with my angels that you may walk and bathe in my love and my protection, that you may lead others into the Kingdom of God. So be not fearful, be not fearful of the things that you hear, for they are not for my body, sayeth your Father God, for it is just the enemy raging, for he knows his time is short. But I shall take you through this time safely and you shall walk in the victory that I have for you.

For this is the day of wisdom and knowledge, but you must come unto me and seek me for it. For the wisdom and the knowledge of the world shall not help you.

Extra, extra read all about it. God is doing mighty things even among the unchurched and the lost. Extra, extra read all about it. Let your hearts get excited, for God is moving in the land.

For the dead are being raised already, have not you read it? The dead are being raised, the lame are walking, the blind are seeing. So I say, rejoice and get excited, for the Lord your God is in your midst. For healing waters are flowing, healing waters are flowing; therefore, all of those who step in truly are healed.

It is not a trickle, sayeth the Lord your God, for it is a mighty rushing stream already, even though you haven’t totally seen it yourself, this stream is flowing children, it is flowing. It is not trickling, it already is flowing and it only shall get greater and greater and greater.

Extra, extra read all about it. Great excitement fills all the earth, great praising, great rejoicing, great dancing in the streets. I say, extra, extra read all about it!

7-28-02 am service

For truly my signs can be clearly seen throughout all the world. For even a blind man would look and listen and see the signs that are recorded in my book, and know that truly this is the last day, they would not listen to those that say not so. For my word declares plainly the time, the hour and the season, not the day, but it does show you a clear picture. Have not I said unto you, keep your eyes upon the fig leaf, do you not know what that means? Have I not spoken to you of all the pestilence, all the famine, all the earthquakes, the droughts, have not I said that unto you? Therefore, know ye the time and the season, for behold I say unto you, there is much work yet to do. And it shall be a speedy work, it shall be done quickly and it shall be done with power, miracles, signs and wonders. It shall not be done by those that deny it, it shall not be done by those who hide it, but it shall be done by those that openly receive the things that I, their Father God, have said, yea, those that walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto them. For they shall be a witness, yes, they shall be a witness with miracles, signs and wonders, that truly, Jesus Christ is alive, that he has risen from the dead, that he is seated at the right hand of the Father, that he walks in the fullness of the things that I have said, that he has given unto you all power authority and ability. That you can walk in that same power, that you can walk in that same might, that you can walk in that same ability, that the world may know, that truly, I am the Lord God, I am the Almighty. Therefore, walk close to me, know the hour, know the time, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Know my word, trust not in man, but know my word. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises and you shall walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for this hour.

For it is time for my people to wake up and realize that it is not an hour to be playing church, but it is an hour to become serious with me. For I am the Almighty God and I am coming soon. Think it not off that it be years and years and years down the road and that you have a long time to live your life the way that you desire it. But I say unto you, live the way that I live, walk as I walk. For as you walk with me, miracles, signs and wonders shall follow you, because that is what my word declares, it shall follow those that believe. And if you believe and you are a believer and you walk with me, then miracles, signs and wonders should follow you. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up like never before and take your rightful position that I have given unto you. Be the joint heirs that I have said that you are, the heir to the throne of Almighty God and walk in the power and the authority and the ability and the might that I have already given unto you. It is time for my church to arise like never before. It is time for them to take up, it is time to take up those things of the world and to put them aside and to walk totally and completely with me. For now is my hour and now is my time and I am calling my church to be the holy church without spot or wrinkle, one that is pure and holy before me. Therefore, I say unto you, lay aside the things of the world and take up, oh, take up, take up those things that easily cause you to be hindered, take them up and toss them aside. And I say unto you, walk with me in the fullness of the things that I have given unto you. For I say unto you, my way is the best way, there is no other way except through me. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before and walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have for you.

7-28-02 pm service

Are you ready to surrender your all? Are you read to truly allow my Holy Spirit to take over your life, to cause you to walk in the fullness of the way that I have already made for you? For now is that time my children to open up your heart unto me like never before. Now is the time to lay down those things, your own desires, and to take up and to take up those things that I have given unto you. For there is not one that I have not called. There is not one that I have not chosen. For I have chosen you for this very hour and this very time, and yes, it is your decision whether or not you fulfill the position that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, I am calling unto you to make a choice, to make a decision even this night to surrender yourself unto me fully and completely. That I may use you in the way I desire, in the fullness, in the power and the authority and the might. For truly my children I have called you for this time and for this hour and mighty is the work that I shall do through you. Therefore, I say unto you, I call unto you to make a decision, even this night, whether or not you are going to surrender your all unto me or whether you are going to go about in your own ways, for the hour is short, the hour and the time is short. Therefore, I say unto you, get about my work and do the things which I have, oh, I have for you to do. For I have called you and I have chosen you, know that it is not a coincidence that you are here, because I, your Father God, have brought you here and I shall use you in a mighty way. Therefore, I say unto you, even this night, open yourselves unto me that I may use you in the way that I desire to use you. For there are tongues that need to be loosed, oh yes, there are spiritmen that need to be loosed even now, right now. And I, Almighty God, desire to set you free in every area. I desire to loose you in the areas that have been held down. Therefore, I say unto you give unto yourself of me and allow me to do the work that I desire to do. For truly my children, I have brought you here for this time and this purpose and I am preparing you for the days ahead. Therefore, I say unto you, open your hearts unto me this night for the things that I desire to do.

For the beaver is a very busy worker. Be ye like the beaver, for there is much work to do.

For truly there shall be no other place in these days that you are living in, to live in that safety, to live in that peace, to live in that love, to live in that joy and in my presence. Learn to live in my presence, learn to walk in my presence, learn to be in my presence. Let not the outside circumstances trouble you, disturb you or cause you lack of sleep, for that is not of me, sayeth your Father God. For if I wake you up, it is that you will pray and intercede for someone else. It is not to disrupt your sleep, for I give my servants perfect rest that they may be refreshed, that they may be ready, that they may be willing to go forth and do the things that I have for them. The world shall be filled with troubles, for you have seen them, and yet, you shall see many, many, many more troubles yet. Therefore, learn to live in my presence, learn to be in my presence, learn to dwell there that I, your Father God, can give unto you the things that you have need of.

For do you not know that it is in my presence that you can receive all that you have need of? For there is not anything that you cannot have. For as you come unto me and ask of me, I give unto you liberally and I hold it not back from you. Therefore, I say unto you, if you have need of peace, if you have need of joy, if you have need of love, if you have need of comfort, I say unto you, come unto me, for in me are these things. For you will not find them anywhere else, but you shall find them in me. Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me, for I have all that you have need of. In these days ahead I shall be the one who shall take you through in great victory. It is I who shall stand beside you; it is I who shall carry you through. Therefore, I say unto you, fear ye not, but know the importance of coming into my presence, know the importance of supping with me, know the importance of getting into me and my word that you can bask in the things that I have for you. That you can receive all that you have need of, that you can walk in victory in these days ahead. There is nothing, there is nothing that I shall withhold from you my children, realize that. I am all that you need, yes, I am all that you need, therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, look unto me, for it is I who am the author and the finisher of your faith. It is I who shall give unto you all these things. Therefore, I say unto you, know me in a greater realm; know me far greater than you do now. For as you come unto me, know that there is nothing that I shall withhold from you. For as you come ready to receive of me, I shall give unto you those things that you have need of. That you can grow, that you can mature into the mighty vessel that I have called you to be. Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me on a daily basis, not as just a weekly thing or something that you do on Sundays, but every single day, every minute, every hour of that day. Know how to come into my presence, know how to sup with me and to receive of those things that I shall give unto you. Even in your quiet times, even in the times that you are alone with me, I shall reveal unto you the things that have been hidden as a mystery. For when you open up my word, I shall give unto you the revelation knowledge that you have need of. That once you have read a scripture and you have just thought of it very lightly, I shall open it unto you and you shall receive power packed nuggets that shall cause you to walk in even a greater victory than you do now. Therefore, I say unto you, have those times with me. Do not think that it is just when you come here to meet with me on Sundays or Wednesdays, but I say unto you, make it a daily thing, that you can sup with me, that you can come unto me in my presence and that I can fill you for each day of the things that you have need of.

7-28-02 At the altar after the pm service

Think it not strange the new things that you shall hear about. For at the moment, sayeth your Father, there is great development in different systems that they can spy upon you and keep control of where you are at and what you are doing. This is one of the major plots of the antichrist to keep everything under his control, that he will know where everything is at and what they are doing. So be not amazed when you hear these things. For I could have told you, but it should not bother you nor should it concern you, for I have said that I will protect you. But keep your eyes on the other signs that are so plain. The storms, the drought, the hurricanes that shall come, tornadoes, next week you shall hear of many of them, tornadoes sweeping across areas that they have never been in before, even as this area has seen, many changes that shall take place. And I have told you that companies would move from the south and now you are hearing it through TV. That is another sign of the things that I am saying, the things that are going on. For I have all this well under control, nothing, nothing shall take you by surprise, for I shall keep you aware of the things that are going on. And be not fooled by the ones that they capture whom they feel will give them all the information they need on the terrorists and the activities of the terrorists. For they have not caught anyone that big yet. But keep your eyes upon my word and upon my promises, let your ears be open to me, let your mind be clear of the troubles and the cares and the pressures of the world, that I can speak to you. There will be times when I will need to speak to you and you will need to move rapidly. And if your mind is somewhere else, I cannot speak to you. Yes, I have given you angels and they shall protect you, but at times I need to speak to you. Listen to what I say and do it. Do not question it, do not weigh it out, but do what I say. Be not like the disciples sitting in a boat watching Peter walk on the water, and yet, they have not moved out of the boat to walk on the water themselves. Oh, I say unto you, listen to what I have to say, for as you listen, then I can use you mightily. I will put words in your mouth when need be. When people ask you questions you will be amazed at what comes out of your mouth. You will not be able to say as so many do, I said that, I prayed for them, I did this, for the, I, will be removed and I, your Father God, shall do it. And you shall surrender to me and it shall be me, not you, and therefore, it shall come out right, it shall be my words, it shall be my wisdom, it shall be my knowledge flowing through you. I need you as a vessel, I need you as an empty vessel, in a sense, that I can move through, filled with my Holy Ghost, yes, but empty and waiting and ready for the Master’s work, for the things that I call you to do. For as you look at the world, you have not seen anything yet. All of the disasters that you have already seen are small in comparison to the ones that are yet coming. For even though there are droughts, there are floods and the fires will continue because of the drought, and soon the winds will come to fan the fires. So don’t look for easy ways out or expect things to change, but put your total trust in me and then you will not be overly concerned over these things. You will only be concerned enough to go to prayer and pray for the people that they are safe, for it is not I, sayeth your Father God, but the enemy that is moving mightily. My word has only told you the things that shall come to pass, and they shall come to pass. And you shall hear of water being polluted like never, never, never before. For only certain areas will have the good water, and therefore, listen to what I say, you are safe here, for I have told you that. So be not concerned, be not moved, but walk according to my word and my promise. Those on well water will be far better off than those on a city water system, because of the things that are taking place. But walk according to my word, just listen to me and you will not need to worry about that either. Do not think that the hot weather is over, it is not over yet, sayeth your Father, for you shall see many days yet in the high eighties and the nineties. Therefore, just walk with me, listen to me. And because of the hot weather and the cold weather coming down out of Canada, you will see some storms here in New York State like you have not seen before, but you will be safe, you will be safe. So fear not those things, for I do protect you, I do watch over you, I do supply for you. Therefore, walk according to my word, get into my word like never before, begin to study it even harder than you have been studying it and you will begin to see things that you have never seen before. For example, if you go back to Noah’s ark, you will notice that not all animals went in there two by two. I told them to take seven sets of all clean animals, read it, it’s there. Yes, they where two by two, but when it came unto the unclean animals, then there were less. But know what my word says, for when you do not know my word, then the antichrist and his system can deceive you. But when you know my word, they cannot do that. Therefore, know my word, study my word, meditate on my word, spend time with me, talking to me, fellowshipping with me and allowing me to talk to you.

Know that the things that I have spoken shall truly come to pass. Also know that you shall see uprising in many different countries that shall take place. For as they form to go to that one world government church, many, many who are Christians will be looked at as if they were a terrorist’s group. And, therefore, I shall have to remove many out of the countries from which they live, so that they can remain in the perfect safety that I have provided for them. Therefore, I shall speak to them and I shall warn them and I shall give them ample time, so that they can be prepared and move to the place that I shall move them to. For you shall see these things, for even right now, there are many uprisings taking place. For there is great deception that is going on when it comes to the one world church. For many have turned from the true gospel and are walking in great error. Therefore, I have said, know my word and what my word says. For when the deceiving spirits get a hold of them, they no longer can see the truth, for they walk with the evil one and they are blinded to what I am doing and what my word says. That is why I have warned and why I have said to know my word. For in these last days there shall be great deceiving spirits, and if you know not my word, you can be easily persuaded to think something different. Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word has said concerning these days ahead, know what my word says concerning you my children. For I have given it unto you as a guide, as a book that shall lead you into all truth. For when they change it, to make it say what they desire it to say, they are taking it out of context and it is no longer my word. Therefore, be careful of those that are in the worldly system who say they are mine and say the things of my word, and yet, have taken it and twisted it. Know what my word says, and know that they shall be the ones who shall be used in this day and this hour to deceive many. Therefore, know what I have said. Know that you shall see great things take place in the world in the coming days. Be not afraid nor be dismayed, but know that I have given unto you my word, know that I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead in victory. So, therefore, fear not, but rest in the assurance that it is I, Almighty God, who shall take you through. Place your trust in me, do not place it in man, for they shall take you on roads that you do not need to go on, nor do you desire to go on. But they shall give unto you great troubles if you follow after them. But if you follow after me, you shall walk in the victory, you shall walk in the peace, you shall walk in the assurance of all that I have said I shall do. For truly my word does not go out and return void, but it does that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, know my children that even though it shall be very shaky in the world and in many places round about you, it shall be very shaky, but fear not, for you are not of the world, but you are of me. Even in the times of old, when my children did not have food, I provided them the food that they had need of, so shall it be in these days. There is nothing that you shall lack, there is nothing that you shall want, for I shall take care of you, even as I took care of the children of Israel, I shall take care of you. Therefore, fear ye not, but walk in my peace that I have given unto you. Walk in the abundance of my blessings, know that there is nothing that I will withhold from you, for I shall give unto you all that you have need of. Therefore, rest in me; listen unto my voice, walk in my word and walk in the abundance of all that I have for you.

7-31-02 Wed pm service

Truly what a day of rejoicing this is, yet I say unto you my people, you have only begun to see me move on your behalf. You can’t even yet imagine what I shall do for those who put their trust in me. For it reaches to your very farthest depths of your imagination and you have not even begun to search that yet. And as you go and as the time goes on, your imagination shall stretch and you will begin to see, you will begin to see the things that I can do. You will begin to be able to imagine the things that I shall do on the behalf of my people. For there are no limits, children, there are no limits. The only limits that have been placed upon me are those that you place upon me. So I say unto you, not only to rejoice, but to stretch the limits of your imagination so that you can even imagine what I will do on behalf of you, if you will trust in me.

For I am giving you things daily that will help you stretch your imaginations. For they have been limited far too long, far too narrow, far too limited. So I say to you, I have given you some things to stretch those imaginations so that you can think more like I do.

For it won’t be long when you can even write a book entitled something like this, the unbelievable things that God does for his people.

So I say unto you, turn your faith loose, harness it in no longer, I say, turn it loose, turn it loose and see what I will do for you.

Think not that the things that you see already are fantastic, for they are, but small in comparison to the things that I, your Father God, shall yet do. For if you knew the numbering of the days, as I know them, as I call them in my word, you would number them. Knowing that truly, the year of jubilee is here now, sayeth your Father God, a time of restoration for my people, a time when I shall move mightily on their behalf until the day of the feast of the trumpets. For if you know my word, you will know the things that I, your Father God, speak unto you, yea, and your heart shall be filled with great joy, great expectation. For you shall know, yes, you shall know and understand and you shall walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For greater things yet shall now come to pass, for you shall walk in a realm that you have never experienced or seen before. And you shall know it in your heart, and even my praises shall be lifted even higher, sayeth your Father God. For I shall give unto you even newer songs yet, sayeth your Father, and I shall help you usher in that time and that hour, that you may have all your clothing on, that you may be ready. For truly the end shall come.

[ Prophetic Word ]